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The New Gestapo of North America Has Risen from the Dead

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:17 PM
Mexico, Canada the Untied Kingdom and the United States. All hail the new Germany. Sorry, but Hitler won't be resurrected from the dead, nor will Elvis for that matter. The German War strategy against it's own citizens however, is being brought back from the dead.

The war against our own populace with an emerging POLICE STATE is beginning to unfold and as history always repeats itself, the POLICE STATE is not for your protection, but is for protection from YOU.

Think this is crazy? Well, let's take a real close look.

The Gestapo had the authority to investigate treason, espionage and sabotage cases, and cases of criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany. The basic Gestapo law passed by the government in 1936 gave the Gestapo carte blanche to operate without judicial oversight. The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws.

Which brings us to today, right now. Let's look at some moves the US government has made over the last few years. A few years back, the revelation of the NSA comes into the eyes of the public when a National Security Agency Whistleblower, Mr. Russell Tice, Warns the nation that Domestic Spying Program Is Sign the U.S. is Decaying Into a “Police State”.

Tice has volunteered to testify before Congress about illegal black ops programs at the NSA. Tice said, “The freedom of the American people cannot be protected when our constitutional liberties are ignored and our nation has decayed into a police state."


Around that same time, the actions were beginning in Canada, an adopted version of the US government movement.

Today, the same type of propaganda is being legislated in Canada without true consent of the community. Under the guise of saving a life, using a public stool pigeon and his son as the manipulation for the purpose, this story came out today.

In Great Britain, the CCTV Street Cameras are no longer just watching citizens, they are shouting messages at citizens. Anyone remember the movie "V for Vendetta"? Remember how Natalie Portman who played Evie is walking down the street and a voice from the CCTV circuits blasts out, "A yellow coded alert is now in effect. This is for your protection". Well, here is proof that fantasy is fiction. THE POLICE STATE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM

The new GESTAPO is using our new technologies against their own citizenry. They are still using the same campaign as always, "your loss of privacy and freedom is for YOUR protection".

And for those who are not Historians, let's take a look at the events that followed the creation of the GESTAPO and the POLICE STATE of Germany under Hitler's rule and command. The keyword is HOLOCAUST and you can read about it.

This time, the game has changed somewhat. The NEW GESTAPO is being prepared to use our advancements in technology against the new jews, the new jews being us, the citizens of these countries.

The new POLICE STATES are being formed before our very eyes and the results as we all know in history will again repeat. Are you ready for the new holocaust?




posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:38 PM
The facts are in front of you. The reality that an old age concept in mass control is underway, tight now, this very minute. The emergence of laws that allow POLICE to bypass court permission and invade all levels of our privacy and freedom is the exact same program they used in Germany.

History always repeats itself. The time for action is NOW. Not tomorrow.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

I agree that the time for action is now. The problem is the sheep are doing what they always do in these situations. They are impossible to awake and refuse to see what is happening before their eyes. History is repeating on all levels, sheep history is repeating as well.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:12 AM
I agree whole heartedly with your sheep analogy. Unfortunately, some of us sheep are going to have to come together and fight the sheep who are thinking they are superior sheep cause they work for the wolves.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:41 AM
As i said in a previous post, i have a few people which i trust to back each other up in case something happens. Yes, i understand all empires fall. I will fight for the constitution and the stars and stripes, but not for the people that run this country.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by JalZhaunlUss
As i said in a previous post, i have a few people which i trust to back each other up in case something happens. Yes, i understand all empires fall. I will fight for the constitution and the stars and stripes, but not for the people that run this country.

That's the Spirit!

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 01:14 AM
I often tell people "I don't have people problems, I have sheeple problems" This saying applies here. It's terrible watching the event know what will happen and knowing that you have little power to stop it.

Those that don't understand history are doomed to repeat it.. One of the most honest sayings I can think of.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
I often tell people "I don't have people problems, I have sheeple problems" This saying applies here. It's terrible watching the event know what will happen and knowing that you have little power to stop it.

Those that don't understand history are doomed to repeat it.. One of the most honest sayings I can think of.

“There are few enough people with sufficient independence to see the weaknesses and follies of their contemporaries and remain themselves untouched by them.”
-Albert Einstein

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:37 AM
You can't have a "normal life" and be opposed to the authorities.

Totalitarian state is a certain sign of deterioration of humankind, since it is a suicidal system.

"Picking out" those "unfit", which is normally propagated as evolutionary process, or "eugenics", makes it clear for everyone that the bad ones are winning in this reality called "politics".

As for bees replacing humans, I'm afraid, just like Elvis, the bees have left the building. The bees are almost gone, exterminated or left to another dimension.

In history, the oppression was always fought against with weapons, but the winners also create states and in the end, as is now, they turn into their opposite. Society doesn't offer a possibility of freedom. Instead of freedom, in society there are only "rights".

And one thing is for sure: you are not the one who will decide what your rights are.

In society, everything can be justified (just like in those articles) in favor of the authorities. Laws don't precede arbitrariness of the authorities. It is the other way around. People who don't understand this will have their mouth shut up for good.

But remember, one does not argue with authorities. One can only fight or bend over.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:38 AM
The thing that scares me the most if you bring this up to a group of people you are called a fear monger or unpatriotic,and if you try to bring up instances they lend you a deaf ear,I honestly feel there is no use trying to educate the populace,not that it will change my beliefs but I am one in a world of billions scary IMO

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:57 AM
The real difference in quality is knowledge.

The "problem" is, knowledge, unlike delusions, lies and denial, does not "affect". Telling truth to people scares them, because knowledge disaffects. And they are used to being "affected".

Most people are conditioned and their lives are routines, following protocols. They don't rely on knowledge (and I don't mean simply technical knowledge necessary for doing a certain job). Their decision making is dependent. Introducing original solutions into their lives is a dangerous thing because it destroys protocols - hence, such people who offer different insight are deemed dangerous and classified as terrorists.

Knowledgeable people can hardly survive in society because they break out from the established "order".

The global police state is taking over. There is no doubt in my mind that it will not last too long before everything breaks apart under a horrible stress. But, before that happens, many are going to curse their mothers for giving them life.

As things are, when people in such society are affected by oppression, it is always "individuals" who disappear, and the law abiding mass "feels"pretty safe. That's how it appears to those who are not directly affected.

But it is a stressful condition, and denying it leads to a serious psychological and physiological disorder.

It has all been described in literature. Theory is available to anyone - but who really pays attention? Only few. The destiny of those may as well be as of Joseph K from Kafka's "Process" (or "Trial").

Joseph K was killed "like a dog".

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
You can't have a "normal life" and be opposed to the authorities.

Totalitarian state is a certain sign of deterioration of humankind, since it is a suicidal system.

"Picking out" those "unfit", which is normally propagated as evolutionary process, or "eugenics", makes it clear for everyone that the bad ones are winning in this reality called "politics".

As for bees replacing humans, I'm afraid, just like Elvis, the bees have left the building. The bees are almost gone, exterminated or left to another dimension.

In history, the oppression was always fought against with weapons, but the winners also create states and in the end, as is now, they turn into their opposite. Society doesn't offer a possibility of freedom. Instead of freedom, in society there are only "rights".

And one thing is for sure: you are not the one who will decide what your rights are.

In society, everything can be justified (just like in those articles) in favor of the authorities. Laws don't precede arbitrariness of the authorities. It is the other way around. People who don't understand this will have their mouth shut up for good.

But remember, one does not argue with authorities. One can only fight or bend over.

I choose to whote heartedly fight. Like Sir Winston Churchill said, "Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves".

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:47 AM

I choose to whote heartedly fight. Like Sir Winston Churchill said, "Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves".

It is true, the agenda of the fascists is "survival at all costs" (like slavery), but for those who truly oppose them "death" most certainly is an option, while slavery isn't.

In a situation like this, only, the question of life and death really arises. Before that, death is only a thing of reflection, an un-possibility for most people, who are lulled into an illusion of "normal life", which usually means "irresponsible" or "careless" life. And, of course, science will find a cure for mortality

This is how children are being raised up: with lies which are supposed to "protect" them. But what it comes to is a situation where no protection is actually possible. The protection we receive from the system is an imposed one, and leaves us without a choice. So any talk about freedom is pointless.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:32 AM
I look at the activities of the NSA somewhat differently. I start with the proposition that we are in a war with a secret underground network of terror cells bent upon our destruction, the destruction of freedom, and the imposition (as incredible as it might have sounded to someone 50 years ago) of a medieval moral code. In war time, a lot of civil liberties must be curtailed. Hell, during WWII a national speed limit of 35mph was imposed, among other things.

Once we have defeated Al Quaeda (and that might not be in my lifetime), then if NSA continues to have the same powers, I will be concerned. But right now, I think we need a devil to defeat a worse devil.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Berens

We must take your freedom to protect it. We must go to war so that we can have peace. We must torture because they torture.

This is such obvious doublethink I'm not sure how you don't see it. Why do you want to live in this kind of world? All we are doing is creating the world we say we are fighting.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Berens
I look at the activities of the NSA somewhat differently. I start with the proposition that we are in a war with a secret underground network of terror cells bent upon our destruction, the destruction of freedom, and the imposition (as incredible as it might have sounded to someone 50 years ago) of a medieval moral code. In war time, a lot of civil liberties must be curtailed. Hell, during WWII a national speed limit of 35mph was imposed, among other things.

Once we have defeated Al Quaeda (and that might not be in my lifetime), then if NSA continues to have the same powers, I will be concerned. But right now, I think we need a devil to defeat a worse devil.

You display the exact ignorance that this forum wishes to dispel, and you are the exact type of person that has enabled this police state and sacrifice of freedom to unfold.

To say that anyone, OTHER, than our own government is destroying our freedom is absolutely ludicrous. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there were no terrorists involved in 911. That's a fact that you must understand, and once you do, you will understand that every single terrorist lie has been built upon that original monstrous myth.

If our country was invaded, we would take up arms and do anything we could do to destroy our invaders. We would be the insurgents, and we would be the terrorists. This is what we have created through two illegal wars, and thus, in those countries our citizens and soldiers are not safe. At home though, we are safe from all external threats, but domestically, we face an increasing police state and a homicidal government run by people that could care less about you or I.

Too consider that you would sacrifice your liberty, just so that you can have perceived, temporary, safety, then it may be that you never deserved your freedom to begin with. Educate yourself, before more people begin to pity you.

Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

[edit on 1-7-2009 by king9072]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

Awesome quote. Missed that one when we created the video, that would have bee great to throw in the video as well.

Well, I guess there is always the possibility for the recut.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:27 AM
The "inability" of alphabet agencies to deal with "real" terrorists "forces" them to qualify everyone as terrorist, and then, through the process of "averaging" they will be "mostly successful" in suppressing terrorists.

It is all a farce, though a very deadly one.

The real job of the security officials is to "feel" threatened.

And feelings are conditioned behavior.

This conditioning needs to be deconstructed, which is only possible on personal level and not on social level.

There is no other solution. "Other" solutions result in cyclical movement and repeating of history.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:44 AM
What totalitarian state tries to accomplish is the following equation:

"potential terrorist" = terrorist

where "potential terrorist" is everyone

and "terrorist" is to be destroyed justifiably by any means.

This way totalitarian state can be 100% successful in destroying terrorism.
This is also a state of "real terror".

How absurd, but true!

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 03:33 PM
I certainly hope people will take a few minutes to repost this article on other forums. After all, this is just a brief review of what to expect across the globe.

With a fully functioning POLICE STATE in virtually every country on Earth, the "controllers" of government's can fulfill their wishes to depopulize our communities.

The key is the POLICE and MILITARY. If the people truly believe they are enforcing laws to protect civilians, and they are rewarded handsomely as good employee's they will continue to prosecute their own.

Educating the masses is only one step. Creating the purpose for people too unite is another step. Overall, the most important step is yet to happen. The unexpected has yet to occur.

The reality for the people who take part in the Bilderberg Group conventions that their administrative efforts are not entirely their own plans. They will inevitably feel the wrath of the efforts by those who are engaged in instructing them as well.

Everyone, has a supervisor in the organization. They still don't realize who the Supervisor of their mission is, and when they do, they will realize they are scheduled for part of the slaughter as well.

This will be the true day of reckoning.

Just really sad however, that masses of humanity will be killed soon, in a natural and gradual way of course, as to not alert the masses. The Death Mission is well underway and the Main Supervisors instructing the Primary Delegates of the Bilderberg function are not of this race.

The human operatives in "supposed power" are in for a real shock as well.

Enough said.

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