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US Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III say 911 is build on lies

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate Project.

Stubblebine appeared in the 2006 documentary "One Nation Under Siege"[1] where he states that a Boeing 757 airplane could not have crashed into The Pentagon on September 11, 2001.(wikipedia )

I know his story is not new news here on ATS

but i believe this is a new video thats worth watching.
hope this video has not been posted before.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by accuroman]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Straight from Wikipedia I see, word for word. But you left out the part how he believes human beings can walk through walls.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by accuroman

He doesnt believe it was an airplane that hit the Pentagon, because in the pictures that he "closely examined" he cannot find marks made by the wing. Funny, when I look at the pictures, I have no problem finding the marks....

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by accuroman

He doesnt believe it was an airplane that hit the Pentagon, because in the pictures that he "closely examined" he cannot find marks made by the wing. Funny, when I look at the pictures, I have no problem finding the marks....

and that is your only evidence?

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:41 PM
He makes a good point about wing marks, we all see them for the WTC.

And what about a spot for the engines too.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:50 PM
the lack of any plane parts were found. ok maybe one wing hit the ground before inpact and disconnected, why did they not find that wing then?or even the other one?
here is some of the info i came across that seem relevant
besides i dont know why we are picking on this small point of this general's opinion , when i think the fact that he comes out and saying what he truly believe's is key. I cant see him trowing around disinfo on the subject just to gain money and popularity, especially not at his age.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Major Stubblebine ??? Is he still staring at goats???

Yeah, he is as credible as Box Boy Gage and Super Dee Dooper Nanoo Nanoo Thermite man Jones.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 02:38 AM

well ... what can we say after THIS ?

everyone should take a look

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by accuroman

He doesnt believe it was an airplane that hit the Pentagon, because in the pictures that he "closely examined" he cannot find marks made by the wing. Funny, when I look at the pictures, I have no problem finding the marks....

So I checked out that photo. I saw the outline of what is someone claims to be the starboard wing of a plane going fast enough to tear through the pentagon wall... but apparently not fast enough to shatter a window 2 feet from the end of the wing tip. Nor the window above that one.

Maybe that lend credence to the theory that the wings folded...but not in my mind.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by CameronFox

do you think 9/11 was a inside job?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Got anything intelligent or mature to add to this thread, CameronFox, or are those words outside of your capabilities?

The problem with you is that every architect, engineer, physicist, scientist, firefighter, pilot, lawyer, military and government official are all credible, reliable and have impressive resumes. All up until they speak out about 9/11. Then it's a total 180. They instantly become uncredible, unreliable, and their impressive resumes don't mean jack. All because people like you, CameronFox, don't want to entertain the idea of a conspiracy and can't come to terms with the probability that your own government orchestrated 9/11 for a certain agenda.

Do you think making childish nicknames for people who are alot smarter than you, is going to make you look credible? Do you think people that come here to research 9/11 and read these threads are going to not want to jump on the "truther" side because you made up some childish nicknames for professional people who you can't debunk?

Yeah, that's right. You make up childish nicknames instead of trying to debunk them with real evidence.

Back on topic, this was a great interview with Gen. Stubblebine and he just confirms what so many professionals have already confirmed. That 9/11 was an inside job.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
reply to post by CameronFox

Got anything intelligent or mature to add to this thread, CameronFox, or are those words outside of your capabilities?

I have nothing additional to say about a man who believes he can walk through walls.

But, hey Bonez, you are gullible enough to pay for a man's vacations! I wouldn't expect anything different from you.

The problem with you is that every architect, engineer, physicist, scientist, firefighter, pilot, lawyer, military and government official are all credible, reliable and have impressive resumes. All up until they speak out about 9/11. Then it's a total 180. They instantly become uncredible, unreliable, and their impressive resumes don't mean jack. All because people like you, CameronFox, don't want to entertain the idea of a conspiracy and can't come to terms with the probability that your own government orchestrated 9/11 for a certain agenda.

If you are on Gage's list, you have not looked at the evidence. All you do is sip the snake oil from the charlatan. (how's it taste Bonez?)

I was a truther several years ago. That is how I got here. Looking for evidence. Still haven't found anything the point to a massive conspiracy like the one you are accusing the government of orchestrating.

Do you think making childish nicknames for people who are alot smarter than you, is going to make you look credible? Do you think people that come here to research 9/11 and read these threads are going to not want to jump on the "truther" side because you made up some childish nicknames for professional people who you can't debunk?

Smarter than me? Yeah, I will give it to Box Boy, he is smart enough to fool you into giving him part of your paycheck every month. Heck, maybe I will invent a religion like Ron L. Hubbard!

Yeah, that's right. You make up childish nicknames instead of trying to debunk them with real evidence.

It's all been debunked for 7 1/2 years. The reason why no matter how much of your money goes to line Gage's pockets, you will not see another investigation.

[edit on 1-7-2009 by CameronFox]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
If you are on Gage's list, you have not looked at the evidence. All you do is sip the snake oil from the charlatan. (how's it taste Bonez?)

Aww, too bad. I already looked at the evidence long before Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth was even conceived. Try again?

Originally posted by CameronFox
I was a truther several years ago. That is how I got here. Looking for evidence. Still haven't found anything the point to a massive conspiracy like the one you are accusing the government of orchestrating.

Then you were never a truther. Truthers know there was a conspiracy and continue to teach others about the conspiracy. If you haven't found anything to point to a conpiracy, you were never a truther.

Originally posted by CameronFox
It's all been debunked for 7 1/2 years.

So you're just here to peddle your childish nicknames for professionals and to disrupt the discussion. Got it. I'm starting to see your intentions now.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Heck, maybe I will invent a religion like Ron L. Hubbard!

That is L. Ron Hubbard, FYI

It's all been debunked for 7 1/2 years.

Really, I haven’t seen anything proven, that supports the OS fairytale.
Everyone knows the OS is a lie you are the only one that has not figured it out yet.

The reason why no matter how much of your money goes to line Gage's pockets, you will not see another investigation.

What does this have to do with the topic?

I have nothing additional to say about a man who believes he can walk through walls.

Then why did you bother posting in this tread if you have nothing to contribute to the topic. I know you wanted to ridicule someone who does not support the OS fairytale.

But, hey Bonez, you are gullible enough to pay for a man's vacations! I wouldn't expect anything different from you.

Who care what Bonez dose with his money, why dose this concern you CameronFox?

If you are on Gage's list, you have not looked at the evidence. All you do is sip the snake oil from the charlatan. (how's it taste Bonez?)

If you are on the OS list YOU have not look at the evidence. I will leave out the snide remarks of snake oil and other comment.

I was a truther several years ago.

That is not true, had you seen the evidences that proves the government lied to the American people and cover-up the crime. However, you chose to ignore the facts for what ever reason.

Looking for evidence. Still haven't found anything the point to a massive conspiracy like the one you are accusing the government of orchestrating.

This is BS and you know it. You are playing a game, nothing more. That is why no one really takes you seriously.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by impressme

That is L. Ron Hubbard, FYI

Yes, you are correct. Are you planning on getting hooked up to their E-Meter anytime soon? Planning on high-fiving Zenu?

Really, I haven’t seen anything proven, that supports the OS fairytale.
Everyone knows the OS is a lie you are the only one that has not figured it out yet.

You're obviously misinformed.
I am the only non truther left? WOW I feel.. so... lonely.

What does this have to do with the topic?

The discussion was about the people Bonez follows. Each month he deposits some of his paycheck into Richard Gage's pay check.

Then why did you bother posting in this tread if you have nothing to contribute to the topic. I know you wanted to ridicule someone who does not support the OS fairytale.

I was showing those that were interested that Mr. Stubblebine is a few fries short of a happy meal. Kind of a prerequisite when you want to be a leader in the truth movement.

Who care what Bonez dose with his money, why dose this concern you CameronFox?

Why do YOU care what I type in a thread? Bonez is capable of attempting to stand up for himself.

That is not true, had you seen the evidences that proves the government lied to the American people and cover-up the crime. However, you chose to ignore the facts for what ever reason.

um... ok hoss, you got me.

Let me ask you:

How many first responders have you spoken to?
How many structural engineers?
How many scientists?
Victim family members?
FEMA representatives?

This is BS and you know it. You are playing a game, nothing more. That is why no one really takes you seriously.

Pot meet kettle.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I was showing those that were interested that Mr. Stubblebine is a few fries short of a happy meal.

I doubt they would allow someone who is "a few fries short of a happymeal" to become a Major General in the United States Army. Gen. Stubblebine has an impressive resume and was looked up to as a major source of intelligence, among other things, when he was active duty.

Just because you don't want to believe in the conspiracy or the evidence, doesn't make Gen. Stubblebine's resume or qualifications any less impressive.

Originally posted by CameronFox
Why do YOU care what I type in a thread?

We don't necessarily care, but the forum rules do. You're being allowed to type meaningless posts that don't contribute to the topic while causing disruption in the thread. All of which is counter to the forum rules.

Now, please contribute something mature and intelligent to the thread or go entertain yourself elsewhere. I don't think there's a single person here that cares about your childish nicknames for professional people.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
...We don't necessarily care, but the forum rules do. You're being allowed to type meaningless posts that don't contribute to the topic while causing disruption in the thread. All of which is counter to the forum rules.

Amen. Every thread this guy posts in, he acts like a child, yet no warnings. It's pretty lame.


[edit on 1/7/2009 by P1DrummerBoy]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 09:26 PM
I have to say that when I saw who it was, I thought "uh-oh" simply because of his military background. I was preparing for something slippery and devious...

But what a straight guy. Just says it like it is.

I'm really not going to go to the trouble of hunting down the pics and linking them, but the really early pics (before the collapse of the facade) show a hole less than 20' wide. Of course no airliner could vanish through a hole that small leaving no marks or wrechage on the lawns outside of the building having been put through a tight 270-degree turn by a pilot who couldn't find the toilet if you gave him a map and a flashlight.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by accuroman

He doesnt believe it was an airplane that hit the Pentagon, because in the pictures that he "closely examined" he cannot find marks made by the wing. Funny, when I look at the pictures, I have no problem finding the marks....

That's easily disproven. First of all, it doesn't even LOOK like the imprint of a wing. But the big kicker is the fact that CIT's witnesses to the bank angle of the plane alone (tilted the opposite direction, right wing tip down down instead of up in your photo) counter this delusion conclusively. And that's even if the plane DID hit (which it couldn't have). Add to that the fact if you take that spot on the wall and then try to match the supposed engine hole in the fence right under the right wing, guess what? those don't match either.

You are busted from several angles. Wing imprint theory. Yeah right. No, WRONG. Swampfox, when are you ever going to quit spreading lies, derailing threads, and making an ass out of yourself? :shk: Another "Oops," I suppose? Come on man, get with it. At least put up some reasonable evidence with your "so sure of yourself" statements.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

How many first responders have you spoken to?
How many structural engineers?
How many scientists?
Victim family members?
FEMA representatives?

Probably as many as you have. Again, you are only interested in hearsay information that you are claming are facts. I on the other hand am only interested in science, which supports the facts.

I guess you want to know if I went across the country to NYC, went knocking on structural engineers companies, and asked if the WTC just fell down all by their selves due to office firers. Yeah CameronFox, they busted out laughing rolling on the floor pointing at me one engineer nearly wet himself laughing so hard then ask me if I believed in such a ridiculous fairytale. It was told to me that firer alone could not and will not bring a skyscraper down in the manner the WTC came down “impossible”.

I guess you want to know if I flew all around the United States looking for victim family members, and go knocking on their doors and ask them questions about their “opinions” of 911, and was eagerly scribbling on a pad so I can run tell you what they said, just so you can dismiss them and hand wave their statement as if they are meaningless. Furthermore, what are they going to tell me anyway? Most of them accepted “hush money” and agree to never talk, or sue about anything regarding 911.

As far as the FEMA representatives when I ask them why they were in NYC the day before 911, they made it clear that they were order to not to discuss this issue with me or anyone else. So I know you haven’t talk to any FEMA representatives, because they are not reluctant to relinquish any information period.

As far as talking to any scientist, most refuse to discuss this matter, and the reason I have been given is because most scientist rely on government grants for most of their funding to run their labatories. It is obviously clear that any scientists whom wishes to speak out against the very people they need money to run their projects would only be committing career suicide. Obviously, Professor Jones did not need the government money to prove there was military grade thermate and thermate in the WTC dust. It was clear that these compounds that were found in the dust had no business being there in the first place. Now other labatories are finding the same results as Jones has found.

Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III, is a well respected General.
For him to make such a claim tells me one thing, he sure didn’t take any part of this false flag operation and Even people that high up in our government didn’t know what was really going on, just a handful knew. And that is all that was needed to pull this false flag operation off and the help of the black Ops, which we know, are trained in everything from demolitions, to top gun piloting any aircraft, to assignation squads. Furthmore, we all know Cheney had his own assignation squads and I would not be surprised if he had most of the people that were involved in pulling off 911 killed.
CameronFox, we are entitle to our beliefs regardless what you think of us.
Don’t forget you are on a conspiracy site not a court room. However if you want to convince people that the OS is true then why don’t you write a book. But, I don’t think you will get rich, because most people don’t believe in the OS fairytale.

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