posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by The Broadcaste
I liked it.
All propaganda is good, and it seems like you might like making propaganda.
At different times I was reminded of the "YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL...YOU ARE NOT A UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE" voice-overs in (movie) Fight Club, and some of them
old T.O.P.Y "Message From Thee Temple" vids, and of those super-excellent Heaven's Gate recruitment videos (partly maybe from the shaved head - but
besides which that fellow had some interesting eye-movement patterns in persuasive speech that you might find relevant).
I do have a couple of critical notes, not at all to cap on you, meaning only to be of slight potential help.
I think some of the editing+dissolves was kinda overly busy, and actually undercut the message of the word content...I would vote for one long static
artsy claustrophobic camera angle single could have graphics behind the speaker's head, but (to my taste etc.) nothing should pass between
the eyes of the speaker and the eyes of the viewer to break the tension and occlude the speaker's hypnotic gaze...
On a much stupider and more quibbly level I did get hung up on a mental sticking-point objection to part of the text, to the effect that if
everything is brought into the light, in a certain way that is a loss of information, and represents an increase in anonymity - if nothing is hidden
nothing is emphasized, if everything is revealed nothing is revealed in particular...I mention this not to "have-me-be-right", but just as marketing
research in an audience member's reaction...probably I'm weird and nobody else would have that reaction, I'm just one data-point, that is just the
part that petted the cat wrong for me...
But like I say, nice work, it is good.