posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen
Saturday night about 23:30, three years ago I went out on the patio looking east, at what I estimate to be at about 3000, feet, although this is
subjective, i saw about fifty lights quite small turning around in a helix motion, like a DNA strand, red, white, green, then the object would
suddenly gain altitude, or lose altitude or move side to side, no noise.
I contacted Stanstead approach, they informed that they had closed down, but passed me on to Gatwick, Gatwick was also closed but their radar and
tower were operating.
I described the object and approx height, I also informed them that it was about three miles south of the Lamborne VOR [ a navigational aid that
marks airways and can give distance] They didn't take me seriously at first, but after a brief chat checked the picture and all was clear, no
aircraft no object.
This was 23:30 so noise abatement was in force, so although i did not expect an aircraft, I thought something may show up.
One week later I explained the incident to a friend who lives about five miles away, south east of my position, he said he's daughter was having a
slumber party that evening and called him up to look a some spinning lights, he didn't bother though but from their description, they had the same
sighting, may be a coincidence, over to you.