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Israel Kidnaps Cynthia McKinney

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posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I hope they don't use torture.

Write your congress men and women,

Free Cynthia

Free Cynthia.

What is the world coming to ?

This is exactly why McKinney is doing what she is doing.

She refused to abide by a legal act of sovereignty on the part of a sovereign state that is simply exercising it's Internationally recognized right to self defense.

Yeah, she is a hero, alright.

The only torture involved in this case is when we are subjected to her anti-semitic screeds.

Free Cynthia?

Free us, from her lunacy.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Towards the end of this article, there's this quote:

"Any organization or country that wishes to transfer humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip can legally do so via the established crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip with prior coordination," IDF said.

So, McKinney could have taken any relief supplies she wanted to an established crossing.

Why didn't she? Was it because running a blockade would get her more press?

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Currently, this same terror state has kidnapped the Nobel Laureate and former US representative, Cynthia McKinney.

! Nobel Laureate? Check your fire, masonwatcher. McKinney isn't a Nobel Laureate. She probably couldn't even spell the words.

Mairead Maguire is the Nobel Laureate on board.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Anyone who stands up to racism, genocide, and war crimes should be given a medal.

Anyone who does the above while providing aid and comfort to God's forgotten children should get two medals.

Shame on Israel.
How quickly you have forgotten what it means to be victims of the Nazis. Instead you have become the Nazis. When you pray to your vengeful god do you pray for annihilation of the Palestinians, or do you pray for peace? You guys and gals be sure to play up that "God's chosen people" thing for all it is worth. My Dad loves my older brother a whole lot, but I bet that if he killed me that Dad would be cutting him out of the will.

It is much easier to smite your enemies than it is to LOVE them.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Any chance they could keep her for life?

We would all be better off.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
reply to post by jibeho

First of all the coastal waters of Gaza is Palestinian territory and Israel has no legal rights under international law to police it.

Secondly how can we take your comments seriously when you link in a government site from the zionist state?

Currently, this same terror state has kidnapped the Nobel Laureate and former US representative, Cynthia McKinney.

These source attacks are rather lame. But of course any source other than the ones I use must be credible. What a joke.

[1] The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (1995) states that "[Israel has] the responsibility for defense against external threats, including for defense against external threats from the sea and from the air". Regarding foreign vessels, the agreement continues that they may "not approach closer than 12 nautical miles from the coast".

Here is my Zionist source. A fact is a fact regardless of source.

Kidnapping is different from taking one into custody for violating the coastal waters of Gaza after being warned many times to fend off. No one was kidnapped. People get arrested all the time, they are not kidnapped.

If she was kidnapped, why isn't the State Department rushing ASAP to her rescue? I think they will just let her stew for a little while. She knew what she was getting herself into. If she didn't, then she is far dumber than I thought.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by jibeho]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll
This is not about McKinney's character, which you are at no liberty to judge.

Actually it IS about her character and I AM at liberty to judge it.

Deal with it

Your first day posting ...supposedly ... and you sure say this a lot.
What was your name here before switching to this one??

I didn't see it -- and it wouldn't matter one bit.

You 'didn't see it'?? Then you aren't reading the information posted. You are just using this thread as a soap box. And yes ... the information DOES matter. This thread is about McKinney therefore all her anti-jewish rants DO MATTER because it cuts right to the heart of why she is in that part of the world to begin with.

And it's not for alturistic reasons.

Take your valium and calm down.

I've never taken valium so I don't have any to take.
Your insinuation is wrong.

deal with it.

Again with the 'deal with it'.

Now I'm very sure that you were here under a different name before. Lemme' guess .. I pounded you into the ground and you are still miffed.

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ElloAll
This is not about McKinney's character, which you are at no liberty to judge.

Actually it IS about her character and I AM at liberty to judge it.

Deal with it

Your first day posting ...supposedly ... and you sure say this a lot.
What was your name here before switching to this one??

I didn't see it -- and it wouldn't matter one bit.

You 'didn't see it'?? Then you aren't reading the information posted. You are just using this thread as a soap box. And yes ... the information DOES matter. This thread is about McKinney therefore all her anti-jewish rants DO MATTER because it cuts right to the heart of why she is in that part of the world to begin with.

And it's not for alturistic reasons.

Take your valium and calm down.

I've never taken valium so I don't have any to take.
Your insinuation is wrong.

deal with it.

Again with the 'deal with it'.

Now I'm very sure that you were here under a different name before. Lemme' guess .. I pounded you into the ground and you are still miffed.

And it's not for alturistic reasons.

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

And it's not for alturistic reasons.

Correction, the word is spelled altruistic. And no, it doesn't have to be altruistic... it was humanitarian. You want her be superman too? Please.

You 'didn't see it'?? Then you aren't reading the information posted.

I read everything in this thread. You're the only person taking about Cynthia's personal life. Deal with your issues and stop trying to judge other people. Deal with it.

Your first day posting ...supposedly ... and you sure say this a lot.

What, does my style of conversation makes you angry? Deal with it.

Actually it IS about her character and I AM at liberty to judge it.

Really? This thread is about Israel kidnapping Cynthia. And no, you're not at liberty to do anything. Deal with it.

Now I'm very sure that you were here under a different name before. Lemme' guess .. I pounded you into the ground and you are still miffed.

Eeeer. Not as I recall. Don't let your superhero complex deceive you.

And once again, you're off-topic. You accused me of this in another thread and I had the audacity to answer you, so when will you stop harassing me and changing the topic? If you have something to say -- say it. I'm sure we're adults here, at least I'm sure one of us are.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by ElloAll]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll
I read everything in this thread.

You said you didn't see it ... but now you say that you read everything.
Which is it? You read the proof of her anti-Jewish rants or you didnt'?

You're the only person taking about Cynthia's personal life.

Her anti-jewish rants aren't 'her personal life'. They are very much
in the open and she's shouting them from the rooftops. Her anti-jewish
rants are very much a part of any conversation that discusses her
motivation. And no .. i'm not the only one talking about them.

Deal with your issues and stop trying to judge other people.

I don't have any issues to deal with .. and I damn sure will judge
McKinney based upon her anti-Jewish rants. Deal with it.

What, does my style of conversation makes you angry?

Who says I'm angry? I'm not.
get over yourself.

This thread is about Israel kidnapping Cynthia.

She wasn't kidnapped.

And no, you're not at liberty to do anything.

I sure in all hell AM at liberty to judge her actions.

Deal with it. Deal with it. Deal with it.

Yep ... definately at least a second incarnation.

edited to add comments to these edited in comments -

Originally posted by ElloAll
And once again, you're off-topic. ... so when will you stop harassing me and changing the topic?

Passive/aggressive much?
The resopnses that you are saying are 'off topic' are all answers to YOUR off topic remarks. Boy .. I really nailed you in your last incarnation .. didn't I?

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ElloAll
I read everything in this thread.

You said you didn't see it ... but now you say that you read everything.
Which is it? You read the proof of her anti-Jewish rants or you didnt'?

You're the only person taking about Cynthia's personal life.

Her anti-jewish rants aren't 'her personal life'. They are very much
in the open and she's shouting them from the rooftops. Her anti-jewish
rants are very much a part of any conversation that discusses her
motivation. And no .. i'm not the only one talking about them.

Deal with your issues and stop trying to judge other people.

I don't have any issues to deal with .. and I damn sure will judge
McKinney based upon her anti-Jewish rants. Deal with it.

What, does my style of conversation makes you angry?

Who says I'm angry? I'm not.
get over yourself.

This thread is about Israel kidnapping Cynthia.

She wasn't kidnapped.

And no, you're not at liberty to do anything.

I sure in all hell AM at liberty to judge her actions.

Deal with it. Deal with it. Deal with it.

Yep ... definately at least a second incarnation.

edited to add comments to these edited in comments -

Originally posted by ElloAll
And once again, you're off-topic. ... so when will you stop harassing me and changing the topic?

Passive/aggressive much?
The resopnses that you are saying are 'off topic' are all answers to YOUR off topic remarks. Boy .. I really nailed you in your last incarnation .. didn't I?

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

Which is it? You read the proof of her anti-Jewish rants or you didnt'?

I'd have to believe in this so-called anti-Jewish rants.

Her anti-jewish rants aren't 'her personal life'.

Genuine criticism of Israel is not anti-Jewish. In fact, did you ever learn that not all citizens in Israel were Jewish? And, If you call criticism of Israel anti-Jewish (which is laughable, because I just pointed it why that would make no sense), then, guess what? So be it. By that accord billions of people worldwide are anti-Jewish. Deal with it.

I don't have any issues to deal with .. and I damn sure will judge
McKinney based upon her anti-Jewish rants.

You can't judge anyone. And, If McKinney's genuine criticism is anti-Jewish (which is laughable, and I pointed out why), then you're responding to billions of people worldwide. Why do you choose to insult her and bring her personal life into the equation? Jealousy? Because it sure as hell is not on the lines of 'Israel kidnapping Cynthia'. Deal . With . It.

Who says I'm angry? I'm not.

Your own actions implies that. Only a vehement individual would savagely attack someone's personal life. They're called haters. Deal with it.

She wasn't kidnapped.

She was kidnapped from International Waters. Deal with it.

I sure in all hell AM at liberty to judge her actions.

Once again, you probably don't know what words you're using. To be at liberty is to be at obligation, who is obligating you to attack her personal life? The Israeli government? A Jewish group?

Yep ... definitely at least a second incarnation.

I truly wish I knew what the hell you were talking about. Anyway. Deal with it. And, if you don't like how I write... then you know what to do. I don't criticise your writing style and harass you about your membership. But I don't suppose for a minute that you treat others how you wish to be treated.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Actually it IS about her character and I AM at liberty to judge it.

Actually you are libelling and vilifying Cynthia McKinney and I suspect because she is against the crimes of Israel. Similarly, the Israeli lobby have done the same through financing a sustained a routine slander campaign against her at her former constituency.

While you are welcome to judge and reflect upon anyone, you are only getting away with the slanderous zionist meme because McKinney is a public figure.

She is currently being held hostage in Israel along with many foreigners in Israel deemed non-persons in that racist state.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher

Actually you are libelling and vilifying Cynthia McKinney and I suspect because she is against the crimes of Israel.

I'm not sure how you feel qualified to speak on FlyerFan's reasons for feeling as she does about McKinney. Can you state your qualifications in this matter?

After all, there is plenty in the public record, even if you exclude her anti-Israeli rants, to build a case that McKinney is an attention seeking media whore.

All you have to do is look.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by Night Watchman]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by ElloAll
You can't judge anyone.

By the fruits you shall know them.
Her fruits are rotten apples with worms.
I most definately CAN judge.

Why do you choose to insult her and bring her personal life into the equation?

As previously said - her anti-jewish rants are NOT her 'personal life'. She is a public figure - by her own wishes. And therefore, what she rants in public is not her 'personal life'.


To be at liberty is to be at obligation, who is obligating you to attack her personal life? The Israeli government? A Jewish group?

Well that narrows it down. LUDDE?

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Actually you are libelling and vilifying Cynthia McKinney .

Exposing her very public anti-jewish rants as her probable motivation for her media whoring (again) isn't 'libeling and vilifying' ... it's telling the truth.

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ElloAll
You can't judge anyone.

By the fruits you shall know them.
Her fruits are rotten apples with worms.
I most definately CAN judge.

Why do you choose to insult her and bring her personal life into the equation?

As previously said - her anti-jewish rants are NOT her 'personal life'. She is a public figure - by her own wishes. And therefore, what she rants in public is not her 'personal life'.


To be at liberty is to be at obligation, who is obligating you to attack her personal life? The Israeli government? A Jewish group?

Well that narrows it down. LUDDE?

Originally posted by masonwatcher
Actually you are libelling and vilifying Cynthia McKinney .

Exposing her very public anti-jewish rants as her probable motivation for her media whoring (again) isn't 'libeling and vilifying' ... it's telling the truth.

[edit on 7/2/2009 by FlyersFan]

Her fruits are rotten apples with worms.

Could you say what you're really trying to say? Please?
I laugh at self-righteousness.

As previously said - her anti-jewish rants are NOT her 'personal life'

And as previously stated, there is no such thing as anti-Jewish rants. Are you stuttering to say anti-Semitic, or do you concede that nobody buys that excuse at all?

Well that narrows it down. LUDDE?

One minute you're talking about being liberated, I asked you to what? You say Ludde? Pass me that joint. You can't even derail a thread good. So, you're at liberty to "Ludde"? That's a weird answer I must say

Exposing her very public anti-jewish rants

First, such a thing as anti-Jewish would have to exist. Please communicate to that of which is in the sole confinements of your mind, and help us connect the dot to what the hell you're talking about. This is a classic example of someone saying stuff and the rest of the human race going "huh"? You keep saying one thing and don't know what you're trying to say. Cynthia never attacked Judaism, so what in the world are you talking about of which you call anti-Jewish? Is English your first language?

Look, as much as you make up facts - Cynthia critised Israel, not Jews.
It's like calling someone anti-Christian because they critisize the Federal Reserve.
And FYI, Cynthia can criticise who the hell she wants. You don't like it? Guess what? Deal with it. Down in America its done one way -- the freedom express. Get with it or go home, Israel, or whatever.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by ElloAll]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 10:04 PM
I am disgusted, I feel like I want to throw out. Maybe I am too sensitive, it's my birthday, it's very late where I live, maybe I am too drunk and I shouldn't post. I don't like to get drunk anymore , I'd be so happy it would allow me to forget but no, I get too lucid, I cannot convince myself people are good in essence. People are just so selfish, unable to see beyond their self interest or understand their best interest is not always only five minutes away. How can you rejoice someone's suffering, deprived of liberty ? Ms McKinney is doing what she thinks is right, she is like anyone of us and she is not doing it in the comfort of her living room. I just can't stop crying typing this. How can the crowd support such actions for the benefit of a few ? Does it benefit the israelis ? No. The israelis will live better ? No. It's just a shame. A shame for the human race. We are so easily manipulated. We are so stupid. We are like a stupid ant colony manipulated from "above", that's so F****** obvious ! Like if belief made any difference.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:49 PM
Cant we all stop arguing and just everyone be happy that retard isn't in the U.S. for the time being?

Cmon folks, its no big loss.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by ElloAll

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by A Conscience
That is why Cynthia McKinney is doing what she is doing.

No. THIS is why McKinney is doing what she is doing -


more information

She's an angry, loud mouthed, anti-jewish, FORMER politician, who craves
the spotlight and who wants to make a comeback.

Defying the real terrorist state of Israel in its relentless quest of brutal ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

Who is "we"? Most intelligent members on ATS regardless of their party affiliation, understand the "guise" under which McKinney offers her humanitarian Aid. Even the democrats don't support her. She is a lose cannon!

The last I looked humanitarian meant: "a person actively engaged in promoting human welfare" which translates into ALL HUMANS!

Nowhere in that definition do I see the words applies to everyone except "whites and Jews" yet, this is EXACTLY what she is saying, with the evidence
"Flyers Fan" provided! You would have to be insane to openly support "The Black Panthers"one of the most racist, violent and dangerous groups on the planet.
Israel is a nuclear country.
If they wanted to 'ethnically cleanse' an area they could easily do so.

She's an angry, loud mouthed, anti-jewish, FORMER politician, who craves
the spotlight and who wants to make a comeback.

I could pick out and point out all kinds of things I want to be wrong with every human being if I knew them and hated them. I could do that with you if I chose to. Nobody's buying it. Deal with it. I've never seen humanitarian aid been so refuted and rejected in the world, oh wait -- just turn on the television and watch Israel's ethnic cleansing, then come on ATS and read inhuman comments suggested genocide of the Gazans. Nobody's buying it. Deal with it.

About her being "anti-Jewish", First, you don't have proof of that, and what happened to the anti-Semtic card, oh you read ? And, The majority of Americans are anti-Jewish, so what's your point? There's a thing called freedom, freedom of mind, belief, and speech -- its the American way. Deal with it.

Israel is a nuclear country.
If they wanted to 'ethnically cleanse' an area they could easily do so.

There's overwhelming evidence of their ethnic cleansing. Your belief that Israel does not ethnically cleanse is a minority belief, meaning only a few people share those sentiments (usually, only the Jews). So You can preach all day but it doesn't make a difference. Go back in your corner. We know what's going on. Deal with it.

About nukes, so does Iran, North Korea, and every other nation with their own interests -- sooo, what's your point?

Who is "we"? Most intelligent members on ATS regardless of their party affiliation, understand the "guise" under which McKinney offers her humanitarian Aid. Even the democrats don't support her. She is a lose cannon!

The last I looked humanitarian meant: "a person actively engaged in promoting human welfare" which translates into ALL HUMANS!

Nowhere in that definition do I see the words "applies to everyone except whites and Jews" yet, this is EXACTLY what she is saying, with the evidence
"Flyers Fan" provided! You would have to be insane to openly support "The Black Panthers"one of the most racist, violent and dangerous groups on the planet.

Flyers Fan offered links providing facts ! Where are yours? Until you can provide facts to support what you post, your statements remain opinions.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by ElloAll
And as previously stated, there is no such thing as anti-Jewish rants. Are you stuttering to say anti-Semitic,

1 - More passive/aggressive personal insults? Obviously you are incapable of posting here according to the rules.

2 - There definately ARE anti-Jewish rants.

3 - I don't stutter.

4 - I purposely avoided the term anti-semitic because, as many people here will tell you, arabs in that part of the world are many times also considered 'semitic' and McKinney has a love affair with the Muslim Arabs so therefore I purposely avoided that term.

First, such a thing as anti-Jewish would have to exist.

It does.

help us

There is no 'us'. It's just you.

Is English your first language?

More insults? Stick to the topic, junior.

Look, as much as you make up facts - Cynthia critised Israel, not Jews.

Look, as much as you like to ignore facts - McKinney hates Jews AND Israel and therefore her media whore adventure is NOT out of the goodness of her heart but is just an extension of her own bigotry.


Little Green Footballs

McKinney's 'Jews control Washington' speech -

Those (anti-Jewish, holocaust deniers) she was holding hands with at the rally -

Those close to her and what they think of the JEWS.
McKinney never denounced what was said -

The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes." -- Louis Farrakhan (1984) who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002

"Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under his holy and righteous name." -- Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, 1984

"Jews — that's J-E-W-S." -- Democratic state representative Bill McKinney on why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

McKinney's Facist Friends

I wrote recently about Cynthia McKinney's association with Matthias Chang, a Malaysian attorney who promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in his books and in international anti-Israel conferences he organizes for former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Mahathir. McKinney has been featured as a speaker at several of these conferences, and has promoted Chang's most recent book, ....

McKinney approvingly quotes David Pidcock and refers to him as her "London friend". In March 2009, both McKinney and Pidcock participated in a London anti-Israel forum which was sponsored by Prime Minister Mahathir's foundation. Pidcock was the head of an apparently defunct organization called the British Islamic Party; their literature refers to him ominously as "The Leader". .....

Pidcock also authored a bizarre pamphlet called "Islamic Prophecies" which claims that the Israelis intend to conquer and occupy most of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia as part of an ancient plot in which Freemasons and the Young Turks are somehow involved. ...

In interviews she continually turns to this David Pidcock ... Quotes from McKinney -

When I was in London recently for the Malaysia conference, I met a gentleman who completed the answer for me. Economist Michael Hudson and lawyer and author Ellen Brown had confirmed my worst fears, but Mr. David Pidcock really brought them all home for me. ... Finally, David Pidcock, my London friend, reminds us ....

Lots of great links here showing McKinneys TRUE MOTIVATION for her latest media whore adventure. (and yes, this is on topic. This goes to the whole reason she was in those waters to begin with.)

McKinney makes mulitiple appearances on anti-Jewish hate radio show

This follows McKinney's pattern of allowing her interviewers make extremist, bigoted comments for her. She then offers her tacit agreement, saying nothing to correct the record. Instead, she launches into an attack on Israel and finds a Jewish ally for her attack. As the comments to this blog have proven, this is good enough for her supporters to defend her from charges of anti-Semitism, and to argue that she does not claim that Israel was behind 9/11. As should be clear by the above exchange, she gives precisely those views her support with her response to Smith's outrageous charges. If she disagreed with him, she would have said so.

This really made me laugh

She compared herself to Rosa Parks and declared herself a civil rights martyr. She also claimed that her campaign had been infiltrated by a "Zionist" spy whom she refused to name.

Anti Jewish Hate Site
McKinney gave interviews to. Left side of the page. Part way down.
There are two links - part one and part two.

April 30, 2009 - McKinney - 'More than 99#% of congress works for Pro Zionist Israeli interests

McKinney is interviewed on anti-Jewish radio - the Information Underground - Archives here

Previous broadcasts of the show have titles such as "Jewish Domination and the World as we know it", "Crimes of the Zionists", "the Zionist Criminal Network", "Jewish takeover of Christianity", "Eugenocide", "The International Jews Bankers" (sic), "Jewish Worldwide Propaganda System", "Jews Behind Every Rock", and "Jews Israel and 9/11".

Who donates to her campaigns??
Weekly Standard

Appearing in print just months after the September 11 attacks, McKinney's charges couldn't be excused. Nor could her list of campaign donors, which included both terrorist sympathizers like Abdurahman Alamoudi, the former executive director of the American Muslim Council, and apparent actual terrorists like former college professor Sami Al-Arian. Nor could her October 12, 2001, letter to Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal, in which she rebuked New York mayor Rudy Giuliani for returning the prince's post-9/11 "gift" of $10 million and urged bin Talal to donate the funds to "charities outside the mayor's control," especially those that dealt with "poor blacks who sleep on the street in the shadows of our nation's Capitol." Giuliani had returned the Saudi's money because it came with the implicit condition that America "address some of the issues that led to such a criminal [9/11] attack," among them "its policies in the Middle East," where "our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis while the world turns the other cheek." To Giuliani, such a statement made excuses for terrorism. This wasn't a problem for McKinney

So we have her motives for being in that area - anti-israel, anti-Jew, and media whoring. Now we have the final nail in the coffin of her alleged 'kidnapping' -

Free gaza site If McKinney had really been 'kidnapped' then she wouldn't have been able to make the oooooooooooh so dramatic
statement to the press that she did.

[edit on 7/3/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 07:21 AM
As many have stated she is only there because she hates Jews. She could care less about those in Gaza. I suspect there is a political motivation here as well. Now she can come back, run for office and show everyone how the Jews tortured her.

I hope they make her "disappear."

For those that think she is a human, I disagree. I think she is a dog foaming at the mouth and needs to be put down with the rest of the hate America crowd. One can only dream...

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Excellent post!! It paints a very vivid image of who McKinney really is. Of course you realize that your sources must be biased against her.

I love the comparison to Rosa Parks. I'm sure that she will lump herself into the same category with Mother Theresa as well.

I think McKinney suffers from a tinge of narcissism.

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