posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:52 PM
Lol, yes I thought the puppies were a nice touch to show that even satanists have a heart.
I just get forcefed this christian crap by the shovelload on a daily basis and I feel its my time to speak out on why im not just going to believe
exactly what im told by most everyone. Yes, every religion has flaws... every person is human. Even in the satanic bible, it says that it doesnt
represent worshipping the devil as much as it does celebrate humanism. Be yourself and do what you know in your heart is right. I'll have to post a
video about the part in the book called psychic vampires. Yes, it sounds stupid but the general idea is amazing... I can relate it to a lot of people
I know. Well, if u want, subscribe to my VLog as I plan on putting out a few of these on different religions, more into on satanism, current events,
little known facts, etc.
Thanks for the responses everyone!! Stars for you!