posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Shakesbeer
Well done Jerry,
I really liked the idea behind the small and informal talks. It would be great to get a chance to meet and discuss your beliefs and Ideas with
those in the field that are leading the way or generating new ideas etc.
It sound pretty laid back, which would be pretty inviting to those people new to these topics.
Large conferances are mostly a one way exchange between the Speaker and the audience, apart from a limited Q&A that may take place. I guess you guys
may get more involved, which sounds great.
I like your Psychic friends(Marigold?) analogy on psychic ability, I am always wary of those that monopolize "special abilities" as being
unatainable by others, or that they infer it is a "gift" of sorts. As you point out in the Video, it is a natural ability, that some are just good
at, while others can work at it or become better at it if the desire and the will and self-belief is there.
BTW- I have the same A Perfect Circle T-Shirt that you were wearing in your second interview. Have you seen them Live, I saw them here in Sydney a few
yers ago, awesome show.
S & F, well done.
P.S. Thanks for the Links too, in the Vid.