posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:13 AM
I buy from A&F. I like some of their clothing.
*gasp* I know.
I can tell you A&F has a loooong history of these sorts of things. They have had numerous lawsuits against them ( )
A&F has very strict rules on who they hire based on what they look like. They have such strict rules on how an employee has to look (they are called
"models" not customer service - all the way down to the type of makeup women can wear and how hair is worn.
They also have been the subject of extreme criticism for their catalogs which are nothing more than pictures of models wearing nothing or next to
nothing and many in sexual poses.
It is a private company, so really they are allowed to do whatever they want within the law. Their employment rules may suck - but I guess it
better than having the government tell business how they can run. Oh wait - that is becoming more and more. *shrug*
[edit on 6/29/2009 by greeneyedleo]