I've been following this story since it first broke. It's evolution is of passing interest, so I'll offer it up.
The story first appeared in a press release from these guys -
Competitive Enterprise Institute
They're one of those "think tanks" the warmists are always telling you not to listen to. In fact warmists like to link to sites like Sourcewatch
and Desmog blog to bash these guys, so I'll admit right off there is critique. There is also critique of the warmist bash sites just mentioned, for
what's that's worth.
The global warming skeptic sites picked up the story first, but at that early time they were hesitant to accept it fully as credible. CEI made
allegations, but facts were not really verified at that point.
I first read about it here...
If you scroll down their list of articles you can watch the story develop from June 24. They began to call the story "Carbongate".
In the comments section of that blog a journalist got interested in the story. This guy...
Thomas Fuller
He's this liberal bent journalist who although not completely sold on global warming skepticism believes both sides of the question should have a
If you read his following of the story you'll see he was at first skeptic of the CEI's telling of it. Watt'supwiththat connected him with an EPA
behind-the-scenes whistle blower. After talking with him, and investigating other details of the case he became sold on its veracity.
In the meantime, and in the background Pelosi, Obama, and Waxman were applying pressure to rush the Cap and Trade bill through the senate. The story
had not yet hit the mainstream media, even though Fuller had already done the investigative legwork, and verified it as factual. What happened was the
"Michael Jackson Dies" story broke, and it pushed everything else out of the spotlight.
The MSM is waking up from it's Michael Jackson hangover now, and it's dredging up the stuff it missed.
You can watch the mainstream media slowly wake up if you scoll down the left column of this one.
[edit on 29-6-2009 by Ntity]