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Has anyone had the Swine flu vaccination yet? Should I give my consent to the vaccination?

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posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

BTW- Many vaccine manufacturers began work very quickly on H1N1- but it's mutated. It has mutated in some tens of ways- so the pharmas have had to back off on the speed of their production, as they will want to include the mutated strains in their shots.

So you've no opportunity to have a vaccine as of yet- and when it's available, remember it will not have been tested in anything but you. Read CDCs Emergency Use Authorization, re: vaccines. Normally, it takes a long time- one or two years to validate a vaccine-we're looking at a few months- do you want that ijected into you?

Now- my mother has very serious asthma- has taken flu shots for years. For her the choice is the lesser of two evils. You may have the same difficulty.

Just remember, the adjuvans in these vaccines can cause multiple sclerosis, lupus, Guillan-Barre-, congestive heart failure.

Balance your desire to live (natural!!!) with the reality of what the vaccine can do to you.

Be well,


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