Yea watch this if you like but do so with extreme prejudice and skepticism...
It's essentially a compilation of world conspiracy, NWO, anti-christ theory, and that sort of stuff but fashioned more for a Westernized audience.
Many assertions and statements in it come directly off the web that you or I have probably seen whilst searching for random # at odd hours of the day
(usually on youtube). I recommend watching it like a fiction movie or referrence for more legitimate research.. and by that I mean use it as something
to point you in a direction of your own interests, if you're curious about something, look it up.
Zeitgeist still made a devastating toll on the internet community that has to be rectified but some people just accepted it for face-value without
comparing it to criticisms, reviews, or other contradictory evidence and what do we have? Christianity stealing off of other religions? Such bull#.
The Federal Reserve, Idk, not my field of expertise, and the ending conclusion.. the Venus project? Really? A one world resource based economy? #ing
socialism in a white dress, sugar coated on top. Venus = Morning star... guess where I'm going with this. Plus the ending being all like, oh
connectedness and social conscious order... with the sun in between the cupped shaped hands, anyone who knows jack about Illuminati symbolism and NWO
plans would see right through this and easily tell its just propaganda to further Satanism and try to debunk Christianity with blatant lies, why must
they lie straight to your face? Maybe because the assertions they're making aren't even backed with enough evidence to truly disprove it. All they
did was try making Christanity = Sun god worship, which is pretty much what they do already but say we're the ones #ing it up. They are painting
their own religion as Christian to make stupid Christians or anyone for that matter think Christianity is bs and what? follow their religion of
aesthetics, superficiality, and unholiness?
Just like with Waking Life, it's just an attempt to make fictional assertions in a fictional movie look truly legitimate.
Back to Arrivals and their uncredible information... Freemasons, look it up, don't take their word for it, same goes for the energy channelling,
revolutions in history, zionism & world jewry, ect. EVERYTHING. Don't take it to heart, I kinda get the feeling this is propaganda in itself, that
its like a counter-psyop from our Americanized/Zionized propaganda in which our media tells us to not give a #, be a patriotic American, and religions
are bull# be atheist, as opposed to this message in which it is to stick to your faith and join the fight against the rising evil.
All I have to say is that there are powers both good and evil battling it out and we are in no place to interfere. We are but pawns on a cosmic chess
game and just follow your own pursuits of happiness and if you come to faith in any particular religion I hope you find enlightenment and peace in it.
I, personally, follow the positive aspects of Christianity, sure theres bad # here and there but I tend to ignore it and perfer to follow a lifestyle
that promotes tolerance and peace among all people no matter the small differences. Thats really what Satan is out to do, promote ignorance, violence,
and chaos. Satan embodies heirarchy, you see it in pyramids, freemasonry, and other symbolism, its even in this movie, but let me tell you, no matter
what it looks like, GOD will always be at the top of the pyramid scheme or even above it, transcending it because He's infinitely greater than Satan.
Christianity no matter what way people put it, conveys a message that God loves you and Satan is out to destroy you. We barely understand our current
universe (dark matter, nuclear fusion, particle physics), its arrogant and hubris to make assertions about things that transcend it. There is a large
amount of moral subversion in America due to zionism, in my opinion, but do your own research, I have many anti-zionism beliefs, but ask around for
sources of information from people to learn more, if the sources don't exist, make your own inference or just avoid the subject. In all, much of our
media today is out to distract us from the big picture, we are truly being exploited by an elite, wealthy ruling class. You may choose to fight it or
join it, in my opinion, just live a normal life, even if you join the workforce working for the elitists, the meek shall inherit the earth, just live
good honest lives. Perpetuate good and good shall be perpetuated, we have seen how evil only begets more evil, we are but children who have issues
learning our lessons, the oldest among us are not the wisest. I strongly recommend reading the Bible and I hope you see God shine brilliantly before
you, even in our dark world that points all the wrong directions.