posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Do you think Iran should be left alone to deal with the election fallout?
Yes 57% 3478
No 43% 2650
Total Votes: 6128
This is not a scientific poll
This is a poll found on CNN today, mind you it's just people who have visited the website, and counts only six thousand votes.
But why, do the American people, if not the majority but a good part, in this example 43% feel the need to intervene in Iran?
Six months ago people were saying Iran was a terrorist nation, bent on destroying the US and democracy, yet now, people are up in arms.
I can understand that most people are reffering to the government in these instances, and now the people want justice. But it is NOT our place to go
about doing so, just like Iraq.
This seems like it's leading into the same scenario we were in 5 years ago in April. It is the Iranian people who must decide their fate, and they
have to help themselves. Relying on International aid in these times won't do them any good.
This is a matter of the people, not nations. We should allow them to make their own decisions and carry out whatever will they want. They are being
opressed, yes, killed, yes and charged with crimes they should not.
But there are more Iranians then there are security forces, or government officials. If they want a new government, they will take it.
So I ask my fellow ATS members, what are your thoughts? What would you answer in regards to the poll above? Do you think that any other nation should
intervene and help, or let them make the choice that is rightfully theirs?