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Has my frined gone crazy!?!???

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posted on May, 6 2004 @ 03:55 PM
Ok i very shure he's crazy or lying though. I know hes not on drugs.

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I would have to agree that he needs to have some adult assistance with this. Whether or not you / s/ anyone thinks he is or is not crazy, on drugs, suicidal etc etc etc does not matter. Making him know that you are there for him and getting him help will be the only thing. have you talked with him about this? try having a deep discussion and ask why he changed, what does he think now... do not do it sarcasticly or a WHATS YOUR PROBLEM approach. Just be curious and do not castize him for thinking the way he does. This way he may open up to you. Then you can decide if something parnormal or not is going on.

I found a medical condition for his eyes. I have listed it below in case it fits. Also, it could have do with chemical burns to the eye. This is often caused by careless use of hair spray and other spray-on products, such as cleaning products. Gasoline or turpentine can also cause burns or irritation. The eyes become red, watery, sensitive to light and in severe cases appears whitish.

The medical condition is Vernal conjunctivitis :
Vernal conjunctivitis is thought to be caused by allergic reactions. Often, it occurs in people with a strong family history of allergies. It is most common during the spring and summer.

The condition is characterized by itchy, watery eyes. Affected people may experience burning and discomfort when they are in bright light (photophobia). The underside of the eyelids may become roughened and covered with bumps and a whitish mucus, giving them a cobblestone appearance. Tissue around the cornea where the white of the eye and the cornea meet (limbus) may become roughened and inflamed. If this tissue extends onto the cornea, it may cause scarring and decreased vision.

Treatment: Avoid rubbing the eyes, as this further irritates them. Cold compresses (a clean cloth soaked in cold water and then placed over the eyes) may be soothing. Topical corticosteroids may be prescribed to reduce the inflammation. Cromolyn sodium or antihistamine drops may also be prescribed.

Not sure if this is it or not, but by the description, whitish, problem with sunlight, could cause the dialation of the pupil as well. So, they may get you in a right direction at least medically speaking.

Good luck.. i hope your friend gets better..

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 08:47 PM
Ahh he's ok now. He actually smiled! He's depressed or was about something all the time. He's ok now i guess...

posted on May, 7 2004 @ 09:03 PM
His name's not Eminem is it? heh just kidding...

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 11:21 AM
Probably a big ole cry for attention.

Maybe some weird reaction with antidepressants and other meds caused pupils.

I would play along, and see how far I can get him to take it (Hunting deamons?

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 02:05 PM
I am not educated on demons, so I will not address this issue. I hope he finds peace soon.

But I would agree on possible mental disorder. Although, I am bi-polar and have an unusual "clarity" to certain visitors during my manic episodes. HOWEVER, I disagree that the "clarity" is a dilusion.

My interpetation is that the chemical embalance allows access to otherwise locked parts of the brain that enable abilities to see the unseens. Therefor, allowing the "unbalanced person" certain clarification.

I have experienced paranoid dilusions or unhealthy dillusions. There is no comparison.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
Ok today at school my friend strats acting really weird! It looked like he had no pupils in his eyes and he said he saw demons everywhere! He's been depresed for like a month now I dont know why but do you people think he's crazy? I sure do...

Yes, I'm afraid he's totally gone off the deep end. There's no hope left!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:34 PM
"he's not seeing demons anymore" is what he tells me. He lied about the whole thing
. Just to make himself look "cool" in his own little way...

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:48 PM
as a self proclaimed psychotrist, which i did a few seconds ago
, these are the materials that u should buy:
1) gun
2) bullets
3) shovel(optional if u have a dog)
4) chainsaw
5) dog (optional if u have a shovel)

first, put a bullet to his head. a quick death should put him out of his misery.

then, cut his body up into little bite size pieces.

Finally, either bury him or feed him to ur dogs.

My lawyers made me write this:
i am not responsible if anyone follows through with any of these actions.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 08:33 PM
that is bad! He got you to feel bad about him and look for help, just for attention!? You should tell him there are other ways to get attention, like being funny or something. Although there is one thing. How were his eyes like that if he was faking it?

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 08:59 PM
He's probably lying about lying. Probably SAW demons once before, and now ? they're living in him! Their new home! Too late for medical attention! There's nothing anyone can do now. Keep your eyes to the sky. You never know when they'll be back. . . for youuuuu...

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:00 PM
The whole pupil thing makes me wonder, I don't doubt he was lying to you to get attention, but if his pupils were smaller than normal and he was acting hyper, could be he got into some ephadrine(sp) which can be gotten at any gas station, or took a few to many sudafeds too.
Don't be surprised if your buddy experiments with drugs and doesn't tell you. Obviously by your posts you know the dangers and are dead set against it, so he probibly wouldnt tell you if he did, this is just as a side thought.
I'm glad he is ok now. If he has been drawing upside down crosses and such, he is getting into the rebellion phase and that would be at the time people would start to experiment with drugs.
Get him a good book on ESP and try to persuade him channel the rebellion into something that will give him better dirrection. ESP is cool, and doesnt cause religious conflicts or conflicts of ideas and gives a person a sence of "control" over themselves. Very valuable stuff not only when going thru that phase, but later on in life too.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 09:56 AM
I am 13 and some kids at my school are probably drug users. I'm not sure though, like someone may have marker stains under their nose. It is sad someone would do that to themself. Maybe he accidentally took drugs, like accidentally misread sudafed directions and did see demons. He could have had an extremely realistic nightmare and thought it was real and it had long effects on him. He may have been lying about lying, just so he wasn't embarrased.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:54 AM
I have a condition called Ades (sp) Pupil and it makes my eyes dilate and look very strange. It is usualy caused by a blow to the head. I was in a car crash. They usually appear normal unless I take cold medicine or don't sleep. This child may be being abused at home. Most children will come up with elaborate scenarios to get attention when they are being abused. Children , especialy teens love attention, but this type of behaviour is almost like a cry out for help. Mention this to your friend and ask him if everything is ok at home. If you have a counseler at school , perhaps you should persuade your friend to talk with him/her. But for your own safety, don't get too wrapped up in it or he may look to you if he decides to go off the deep end and become violent. All you can do is offer help, when it is pushed sometimes the best intentions can get one hurt. Be careful but be a friend.


posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 03:14 AM
Same thing happened to me 20 yars ago with a good buddy who thought he was the devil and god at the same time , he also heard instructions thru music that led him to minor violent"defence"of a neighbor woman. I did take the time to tell his mother what happened , and was accused of giving him drugs , I was so pi$$ed off at the accusation that I dropped it . It took a couple of years for his folks to get him some help . Hestayed in a hospital for over 10 years and is now heavily medicated !

Tell his folks right away ! Most paents want to beleive things like this couldn't happen to their child , but life is strange ... Have them read some of the responces you received here to show your support . You are a good friend ! Peace , good luck .

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
HE IS NOT DOING DRUGS!!!! Trust me I know! He's not doing drugs! He would never do drugs! He was offered to buy drugs but he never did! He does not do drugs!

the thing about the pupils is called "pinpoint pupils" and with the things he sees it sounds very much like he's taking heroin.

mb your freind got a little secret?

or mb he got contakts and wants attention VERY VERY much

many that call them selfes satanists just want attention from others....

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
"he's not seeing demons anymore" is what he tells me. He lied about the whole thing
. Just to make himself look "cool" in his own little way...

you said he's your freind....... i would hate him so much....... i dont hope your freinds anymore....

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 09:53 PM
I'd say it's either schizophrenia/bipolar setting in, he's secretly doing drugs; or since he's into the "dark" stuff - then I'd say possession is an option. I've been through it, and it's not fun.

At any rate I would say to tell his parents and try to get him help now. If you feel there is the chance he may be abused at home, then tell a school counsellor.

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 09:57 PM
He doeant do drugs and this happend like a month ago though...

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 09:57 PM
He doeant do drugs and this happend like a month ago though...

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