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World exclusive: NASA Finds Missing Moon Landing Tapes : Update

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posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Jury is out on that one


Not Likely based on new evidence


Well that's tax payers property.
Couldn't somebody sue under the freedom of information act to get the data?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well that's tax payers property.
Couldn't somebody sue under the freedom of information act to get the data?

We have been fighting that battle in the STS75 thread and all we want is a few feet of film. Oberg says they have thousands of feet and we need to specify the exact time and date of the piece we want...

But with out being able to view the film we don't know the time and date

So lets just say dealing with NASA is 'difficult' Cost me 110.00 to order a high res print of the NASA triangle UFO/space debris image

But we can hope. Lets see if Zelong has any luck

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 01:18 AM
I actually attend Curtin University in Perth where the tapes were supposedly uncovered according to one version of this story.

I will try and make some enquiries with their Facilities dept when I am next there on Thursday.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 01:59 AM
What the hack.....They found it They don't found it

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by zorgon

zorgon have you any questions to ask? as I will ring him after tea time(is 5:55pm AUS now) say 1.5hours from now I'll ring.I see your off line at moment I'll still be ringing as I'm getting some good footage of him as well

We have been fighting that battle in the STS75 thread and all we want is a few feet of film. Oberg says they have thousands of feet and we need to specify the exact time and date of the piece we want...

I'm looking at a Time Line Doc as I type it's dated OCT 6 1972,
But post this first for you to see.

EDIT:Ok the above I was looking at is
Apollo 17 Time Line
07 December 1972
Final manned landing on the Moon

Here's the Apollo 11 EVA TV time line,I do realize this is a TV format it's a start.I'm looking for the real one
Hand written.

Apollo 11 EVA TV timeline
Event GET US EDT Australian EST (July 20) (July 21)
TV camera test 108:14 GET 9:45pm 11:45am
TV camera off 108:19 GET 9:50pm 11:50am
Cabin depress started 108:54 GET 10:25pm 12:25pm
Hatch open 109:07 GET 10:38pm 12:38pm
Armstrong, “I’m on the porch” 109:19 GET 10:50pm 12:50pm
TV on 109:21:54 GET 10:54pm 12:54pm
First Step 109:24:48 GET 10:56pm 12:56pm
Buzz on surface 109:43 GET 11:14pm 1:14pm
Plaque reading 109:52 GET 11:23pm 1:23pm
Flag raised 110:08 GET 11:39pm 1:39pm
Pres. Nixon’s phone call 110:16 GET 11:47pm 1:47pm
(July 21)
Armstrong climbs ladder 111:37 GET 1:08am 3:08pm
PLSS dumping 114:11 GET 3:42am 5:42pm
TV off 114:26 GET 3:57am 5:57pm


[edit on 29/6/09 by Zelong]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 03:10 AM
The 13,000 "missing" Apollo tapes were lost in Goddard.

How did they end up in Australia?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 03:53 AM
They can send a man to the moon but they can't keep proper storage of a videotape? Something is very wrong with this picture.

See, the good 'ol U.S.A. isn't just stupid nowadays, we were always retarded. At least back then we were retarded with a purpose.

[edit on 6/29/2009 by pjslug]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 04:50 AM
Probably taken 40 years to edit out all the moonbases and anomalies on the lunar surface. don't get ya hopes up for sunbathing nudey alien babes.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 05:10 AM
Bugger Stand down lady's is All BS.
Just got of the phone with Honeysuckle Creek.
Had a Great yan,we are getting together at the end of the week All Good I'll get info from here on
so Mr zorgon and others Any questions to ask? Post them below please.


posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by MattMulder

Or how about this :
Remember Edgar Mitchell, 6th man on the moon, he was on Cnn,Fox News and Kerrang wich was his first appearance saying ; Oh yea, this is real, we are going to see more and more and it is opening bigtime..

?? Really, isnt it Years Of astronomy this year ? Look to the sky is the Subliminal Message here.. Now ...

The Moon 'conspiracy' is well know and some even know more like 'there was ufo's up there. Uhm , Yea, I heard Mitchell say this on Cnn', so it is true, omg. Then Obama comes with the sad news: We are being visited and they need our help, they need 4 billion people to join them on an 'space Odessy' and spread life on other planets that are ready for harbouring life.

So, who wouldnt throw them self at such an journey? But wait, that means only 2 billion left on EArth, the NWO will not stand for this..Or..?

The friend say : No this is BS I dont believe it, then his friend say : Yes it is true , I heard the 6th man on Moon talk about this...

HEHE; im stretching ofcourse, but for you who think the Holloman AFB ET Landing/Meeting/Exchange was real (of the 3rd kind), they have now returned after their journey...Or...?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Zelong

Wow, such great information provided, thanks to all who contributed here, I have learned alot, though it is starting to look like the article is not on the up and up....

I checked and it is still up on the UK Express site, but at Bad Astronomy blog, this article was posted as well and an update stated this:

[Update 2: According to Bob Jacobs, NASA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, the Sunday Express article I link to below "is a fiction". Sounds to me like I got duped, and I apologize to everyone for forwarding this story. Hopefully more info will come out soon, and I’ll update as I hear it.]

Anyone know the cred of the BA blog? As far as the UK Express... if this is fiction, shouldn't they remove the article? I know I will be putting them on my bogus news list because I try to bring news here that's credible, and know we have plenty of members who are deeply interested in this topic, I know I have learned very much from you all in this thread..

Is this one done? If the original linked story is confirmed as a fake, I will have this thread moved to a more appropriate forum..

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by die_another_day
Even more surprised that they did not back up all those 13000 tapes on DVDs or video cassettes.

And when did you expect them to do that?

CDs are on the shops since 1982, DVDs since 1996.

So, if the tapes were lost in the 60s, how could they back them up to an unexisting medium?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:03 AM
[Update 2: According to Bob Jacobs, NASA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, the Sunday Express article I link to below "is a fiction". Sounds to me like I got duped, and I apologize to everyone for forwarding this story. Hopefully more info will come out soon, and I’ll update as I hear it.]

[Update: folks at CollectSpace are saying this article is a hoax. I have no evidence either way, which is why I wrote this post using the "allegedly" format. Hopefully more evidence one way or another will come out soon.]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by zorgon

this got to page four and no one rattled my chain

That's because you're being too informative, and gentle.

AND we have a few others who could stand a good rattlin'!

But....t'ain't hardly worth it, no more....they'll crawl away eventually.

I'm wondering how long it's gonna take, with only one operating machine, to read all of them? So much for the "convenient" anniversary theory. Maybe for the big five-O?

According to that honeysuckle site they had to replace the tape every 15 minutes when writing them. If we assume that reading isnt significantly faster or slower than writing and there are 13000 tapes.... 140 days. (Though i have no idea if it is a good idea to let a 60ies tape machine run for 140 days straight)

Anyway: I was actually thinking some folks on here learned a bit regarding the moon bombing doom nonsense. I mean the new threads about it do pop up less frequently. Guess we'll know in 2 months if it starts all anew.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:40 AM
Interestingly here's an article posted today with some references to the missing tapes as well as discussion of some restoration of other tapes which have been recovered.

The lost NASA tapes: Restoring lunar images after 40 years in the vault

Liquid nitrogen, vegetable steamers, Macintosh workstations and old, refrigerator-size tape drives. These are just some of the tools a new breed of Space Age archeologists is using to sift through the digital debris from the early days of NASA, mining the information in ways unimaginable when it was first gathered four decades ago.

At stake is data that could show Earth's risk of an asteroid strike, shed light on global warming and -- perhaps -- even satisfy those who think the moon landings were a hoax.

The most visible of the archeologists is arguably Dennis Wingo, head of Skycorp Inc., a small aerospace engineering firm in Huntsville, Ala. He's the driving force behind the Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project, operating out of a decommissioned McDonald's (since dubbed McMoon's) at NASA's Ames Research Centre in Mountain View, Calif. The project's goal is to recover and enhance as many of the original lunar landing images as possible.

Here you can see the before and after of the 1966 earthrise image from the first lunar orbiter.


Just checked again and the OP source article is still up...

[edit on 6/29/2009 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
reply to post by Zelong

Wow, such great information provided, thanks to all who contributed here, I have learned alot, though it is starting to look like the article is not on the up and up....

I checked and it is still up on the UK Express site, but at Bad Astronomy blog, this article was posted as well and an update stated this:

[Update 2: According to Bob Jacobs, NASA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, the Sunday Express article I link to below "is a fiction". Sounds to me like I got duped, and I apologize to everyone for forwarding this story. Hopefully more info will come out soon, and I’ll update as I hear it.]

As far as the UK Express... if this is fiction,

Is this one done?

Let it Roll please.
Yes their OFF "As far as the UK Express... if this is fiction,"

No no,please not yet,this is an area to post good info at the moment.Like I said earlier" This is a project I'm working on"
To get it out.


posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by laura petrie

But how in the world could someone misplace something as important as these tapes!

Where I work we have a file room that is thousands of sqft and has millions of pages of files in it. I was looking in one cabinet when I found a file from a totally different project stuffed inside the one I was looking into. Someone years ago just stuffed it into a cabinet instead of putting it away correctly.

I'm not surprised by this one bit, someone probally opened a film cannister and read the label on the inside and realized the outside label didn't match what was inside. I wonder if they are digitizing all the old fill in the storage facility and that's how they found it?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:16 PM
Wow! What a coincidence with that celebration coming up and everything, not to mention the new 10 year going to the moon project.

Yippy Yay I'm going to drink some Tang! There is one thing that puzzles me though...

If they want to go to the moon again why do they need a new 10 year project to do it, they already have the data and equipment from the last one right?

Just pull that old 286 out of the closet, put new tin foil on the LEM, and light the fuse.

If anyone ever needed more proof that the moon landing was pure BS then this is it, otherwise they wouldn't need a new 10 year project to figure out how to do it again.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:40 PM
how convenient that they just find this.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
If they want to go to the moon again why do they need a new 10 year project to do it, they already have the data and equipment from the last one right?

No apparently not...

NASA Forgot How To Go To The Moon!!!

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