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Ancient Stone Balls

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posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by nocty
hey man i apologise if i offended you.just try'in to lighten your mood. i'm no admirer of someones avatar ok. i'll move on. so you can be
alone w/ your little hissy fit. i'm gonna flag you too.btw this is very good.

O Tesla Tesla,did you invent all of this just so some lonely cowboy can throw hay at the wind?
don't know if your into comedy,but this is great!!!

[edit on 28-6-2009 by randyvs]

[edit on 28-6-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 05:51 AM
the only guy who lightened my mood was the first guy to reply ,it wasn't much but it did the not here very often,i do come and read but rarely do i write anything other then a silly comment or two ,this is my homeland im talking about,my ancestors and an ancient civilization of which you too may be a descendant... + for future reference an advice,don't step on a bosnians case...their blood is 5 times hotter then italian and sometimes chairs and tables do fly.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 05:52 AM

O Tesla Tesla,did you invent all of this just so some lonely cowboy can throw hay at the wind?
don't know if your into comedy,but this is great!!!

[edit on 28-6-2009 by randyvs]

my favorite american comedian is Bill Hicks

go figure.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 07:58 AM
Sorry I am kind of busy right now, but I just had to reply to your post, although I couldn't read all the replies. So forgive me if I mention something that has been mentioned before.

The stone balls you are referring to, remind me of moqui marbles. Moqui marbles are round stones formed by a natural proces, and they are known for their use by shamans.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 08:59 AM
ive seen this stuff on bosnian stone balls before. just want to say i do believe there are pyramids in bosnia; but with the stone spheres, only one of them looks to me like it cud be a sphere - the others look a bit bent out of shape to me - a bit like spherical tops and rock bottoms. does anyone have any better photos /more photos of these spheres?

the costa rican spheres there is no doubt they're perfectly spherical.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by DrDragonfly

ok if there was one or two but they found a lot,and are still finding them,strange they were there all along but no one really payed attention to them untill a couple of years ago

here is a monument somewhere near the 3 pyramids in visoko,Bosnia

Visoko by the way means "High" literately ,or to make more sense in a translation high ground

a stone ball on top of a pyramid... there are 3 moons around pluto,furthest planet(now dwarf) from the earth and closest to the sun...da vincis anagram f a human being is a man standing in a circle with his arms and legs spread ...2 arms in a v format + center (the head) is 3... also the bottom ...thus we know the saying "as above so below in heavens so on earth... the 3 pyramids in Bosnia are one huge holographic triangle when u connect them...i dont know if u seen the video i posted but most of them look perfectly round to me. Allthough the costa rican look much more bigger

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:52 AM
Very entertaining,indeed.The dream is not bad either.Your English is excellent,und Dein Deutsch ist nicht viel schlechter,nehm ich jetzt mal an!

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:03 AM
hehe danke danke ,ich vermisse mein kleines heilbronn zu viel leider. Ist doch verueckt hier

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
reply to post by nocty

"I cannot even begin to comprehend what you are disseminating. Your original posting, at face value, is wrought with grammar and organization issues."

Exactly as many posts here on ats. And the guy isnt native speaker...

" I would like to know what you are trying to share, but I do not have the time, nor the patience, to sift through such a mass of ill-mannered prose." Sorry.

So why bother to read and reply?
It seems that now, when its not PC to make jokes, denigrate etc black peoples, mexicans and Jews etc it is still acceptable to make such a things to Slav peoples.
Watching western war propaganda from Yugoslavian countries, the way Russians, Ukrainians etc are pictured in MSM, even paternalistic style towards Slav States being now members of NATO we can see that Slav are quite often pictured as subhumans, scapegoats- "Jews" of today...

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by ZenOnKwalsky

its ok my friend,she didn't mean it like that ,coz she spoke out before she read it... hot out there in california i the ground is shaking so u never know what will hit you

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by nocty
What were they for? i didnt know where to turn or who to ask...
[edit on 28-6-2009 by nocty]

The below pictures are from a place down the road from where I live. As to Who made them , No one.
Many of these formations found around the world are created by mother nature. In this formations case about 60 million years ago. They are calcite concretions formed on the sea floor.

They form in the same process as pearls do but a bit longer (4 million yrs on average). The ones in these photos are about 3 metres diameter and weigh 3 to 5 tonnes.

And they definitely having nothing to do with 2012....



posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by greenfruit

thanks for the pics ,they look really awesome,very much like the ones in my dream. But u say "most of them" which means not every single one is made by nature .Because how would u explain this one in costa rica on which the Pegasus galaxy was found carved.

and the fact that the old indigenous people of Bosnia used an old keltic burial tradition where they would put a stone ball in the grave ...not every person,only the ones that deserved it. And latter they would find no bones in there ... They do emit positive energy and the only connection between them and 2012 is dependent on how much man itself is attuned to nature and god which is the same thing in my opinion.So i both agree and disagree with u on that one if u get my point.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by nocty
reply to post by greenfruit

Sorry, but I'm struggling to work out how that second image you linked to is the Pegasus Constellation. This screen shot is taken from Stellarium (Open Source).

Your second linked drawing is including other constellations. IMO it looks like any 4 legged animal prehistoric peoples draw, painted and carved.


posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
reply to post by nocty

I cannot even begin to comprehend what you are disseminating. Your original posting, at face value, is wrought with grammar and organization issues. I would like to know what you are trying to share, but I do not have the time, nor the patience, to sift through such a mass of ill-mannered prose. Sorry.

You dont have to be so rude the poster. If you READ their post you would see that they were not born in the US or an English speaking country so obviously English is not their first language. Their grammar problems didnt bother me since their English was better than some of the posters from an English speaking country
on here. Errors like grammar and spelling drive me nuts on forums but I dont attack the people. I can always read it, may take a while but if I want to know about it I will suffer through it. Nobody is perfect.

OP those are veru interesting. I was watching a show on either Nat'l Geo or DISC or History and they had something on stones like this. I am not sure where they were but they looked very out of place and like the pics the first poster posted of the ones in I believe Costa Rica. I love all the unexplained things of our world like this. Makes you really wonder and rethink things I believe.

[edit on 7/6/2009 by mblahnikluver]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by nocty

All I know is, you have some massive ancient stone balls to post what you posted so if nothing else. My hats off to you for that.

Very interesting read.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:19 AM

If you READ their post you would see that they were not born in the US or an English speaking country so obviously English is not their first language

Hey its just me
i likez the english langauge very much ,it has meny sexy words
that u can play around with...

one gains a whole other insight into the whole migratory world population map when he attains another language..very strange and dangerous this thing called language.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by nocty
reply to post by DrDragonfly

ok if there was one or two but they found a lot,and are still finding them,strange they were there all along but no one really payed attention to them untill a couple of years ago

here is a monument somewhere near the 3 pyramids in visoko,Bosnia

Visoko by the way means "High" literately ,or to make more sense in a translation high ground

a stone ball on top of a pyramid... there are 3 moons around pluto,furthest planet(now dwarf) from the earth and closest to the sun...da vincis anagram f a human being is a man standing in a circle with his arms and legs spread ...2 arms in a v format + center (the head) is 3... also the bottom ...thus we know the saying "as above so below in heavens so on earth... the 3 pyramids in Bosnia are one huge holographic triangle when u connect them...i dont know if u seen the video i posted but most of them look perfectly round to me. Allthough the costa rican look much more bigger

cool picture. thanks for that post. hadnt seen that youtube video before; that was more convincing; i think they shud excavate all of them.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by greenfruit

Your second linked drawing is including other constellations. IMO it looks like any 4 legged animal prehistoric peoples draw, painted and carved.

well they would have carved it rather looking like an animal then a constellation i think. But I dont know man ... im just saying not all of them are nature-made ,u know what kind of mystical stuff happened in central america,im not saying u know just that u can imagane a glimpse of that at least .Who's to say similar things didnt occur in South Europe?

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by greenfruit

see i told u its about electricity

and with many of them the ancient people did incredible things,can u imagine begin able to redirect lightning back where it came from rather to the ground and then up. or just a simple prayer within a stone roof,today's churches and monasteries aren't built with stone which is not even 10 % effective on the human aura then what it was before when it was out of stone...just some of the forgotten things that are resurfacing as u can see

[edit on 8-7-2009 by nocty]

[edit on 8-7-2009 by nocty]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:01 PM
Ancient Stone Balls? I got something other than that if you know what I mean. And it resembles stone... Afterall, a rock dick is kind of awkward.

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