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French Students discover SwineFlu agenda, gets killed in London 2008.

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posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by contemplator

When people start talking like this " My sources deep inside the govermment" I don't even know how to respond. They sound like someone who has read way too many spy novels and are trying to live out their private fantasy of actually being involved in all the intrigue and danger. Never mind that they are sowing seeds of fear and bad info as long as it garners attention.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Has anyone seen the new transformers movie yet? as a joke, swine flu is mentioned in it, so my question was , when did they actually finish the film. the earliest I could come up with was early June and the outbreak in Mexico was End of April? I thought I this film was mostly completed well before then.So was this a "In your face from Hollywood?"

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Oh yeah, Who likes pancakes?.... there is aluminum in that also.So much of this is "chicken before the egg" stuff.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Can I ask why this thread still has legitimacy of the writer has been compromised and the murder connection disproven?

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 11:17 PM
Wait a min. There is some pretty strong news and interesting to read but i don't see how only 1 news service could get hold of all this extremely high level info. I mean we are not talking about a small plot here.There is no mention on how any of this info was obtained and no way to check any of it up.

IMO it is incredible..literally!

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 11:26 PM
I'm quite skeptical as to how such an important grasp of information could get to you.

1. This kind of information doesn't just get to people cause of friendship.

2. This amount of force applied would have to be in the 100,000,000's and upwards to get it administrated to 5 billion people, in two days, without anyone knowing or dieing in those two days. I'd also like too meet the mindless soldiers who indulge in such a task without knowing what they are administrating.

3. The top of the 'Pyramid' isn't always the top, for who is hidden, in the chambers. The governments are simply elite cause we portray them as elite, the true elite is completely hidden.

Also the people are very powerful, wake up, destruction of even 2 or 3 billion people would eradicate the foundated society of this planet.

[edit on 28-6-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 12:37 AM
bahahahahahahah swine flu hasnt killed anyone but poor people living in scumy places supposedly the flu symptoms inclued loads of hunger what are they making us do eat the world? lol you people are soooo soo paranoid bahahahahahahahhahahahha

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 01:21 AM
well since i am now immune to MSG and aluminum based chemicals, what are they going to kill me with. I might as well get the vaccine eventually, as i have never had the flu before so it will only make me stronger — should i survive of course.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 04:06 AM
Maybe the swine flu is a retro virus and these people found out and a little accident was arranged for them.A retro virus is a virus within a virus.A harmless virus that has been geneticaly alted to mutate at a spacific time period or a chemical triggered retro virus geneticaly alted to mutate when it comes in contact with a spacific homing target chemical base.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 05:04 AM
I live and grew up in the area of these murders and the two killers are well known locally.

They are both drug addicts and career criminals.

It is well known locally that they killed the two French students.

I have absolutely no doubt on this.

They (the students) were just victims of yet another random drug fuelled crime.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 05:31 AM
post deleted...

[edit on 29/6/09 by elysiumfire]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

Thnk you. It say also they tied them up and tortured them for hours to get theyr PIN codes for their Visa cards, I think 200 stabs is about 198 stabs after they told it.

Bloodletting ? sounds almost like an masonic ritual murder, I do not know how many types they have, but Im not going down that road..

And to those who think swine flu just arrive by it self this spring, should read here.. Link 1976 swine flu shots

1976: President Gerald Ford orders a nationwide vaccination program to prevent a swine-flu epidemic.

Ford was acting on the advice of medical experts, who believed they were dealing with a virus potentially as deadly as the one that caused the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic.

The virus surfaced in February at Fort Dix, New Jersey, where 19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis told his drill instructor that he felt tired and weak, although not sick enough to skip a training hike. Lewis was dead with 24 hours.

The autopsy revealed that Lewis had been killed by "swine flu," an influenza virus originating in pigs. By then several other soldiers had been hospitalized with symptoms. Government doctors became alarmed when they discovered that at least 500 soldiers on the base were infected without becoming ill.

Mass vaccinations started in October, but within weeks reports started coming in of people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease, right after taking the shot. Within two months, 500 people were affected, and more than 30 died. Amid a rising uproar and growing public reluctance to risk the shot, federal officials abruptly canceled the program Dec. 16.

In the end, 40 million Americans were inoculated, and there was no epidemic. A later, more technically advanced examination of the virus revealed that it was nowhere near as deadly as the 1918 influenza virus. The only recorded fatality from swine flu itself was the unfortunate Pvt. Lewis.

So, if I could chose, I'd never take any of these vaccines at all, just to point that out. One man died of the Flu, and 30 died of the vaccine wich is supposed to 'protect' them from swine flu, another test?

Source PrisonPlanet

‘Accidental’ Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible.

Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

The claim holds weight because, according to the very laboratory protocols that are routine for vaccine makers, mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible.

“The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses,” reports the Canadian Press.

Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 - otherwise known as the human form of avian flu, one of the most deadly biological weapons on earth with a 60% kill rate - were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Slovenia.

[edit on 29-6-2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 06:31 AM
OMG, I have not read so much crap in all my time I have been a member of ATS. The two students in question were killed by two drugged up crazed killers. No assasins invovled. I find it disgusting that some idiot would use these twoo innocent mens murders to further thier own agenda.


[edit on 29-6-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:05 AM
cool post, OP, but you should ask the students' parents what they think about all of this.
a piece of viable proof of any sort would be appreciated.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:18 AM
A joint French-U.S. Intelligence anti-terrorist task force in Paris, headed by former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former head of French intelligence Jean Crout�, for years has monitored the activity of the Israeli mercenaries. The patriotic American-French team has allegedly """prevented""" various scripted terrorist attacks, i.e. false flags, on both the United States and Europe, with the planning of the attacks actually originating inside the compromised intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel and Germany, according to task force sources.

'tis as if the above quoted writer intended the meaning of the word 'perpetrated' and wrote 'prevented', giving the impression of stating the complete opposite of that which is considered want to be a bit more careful guys, that's quite a bad mistake, very few people are responding to correct it, and spelling mistakes, let alone totally wrongly used words, reduce my desire to have much to do with this whole site.....the OP should take it upon himself or herself to read over what s/he is about to post.....I've seen students in a university explode with laughter at spelling mistakes on websites, it does matter......still, basically, these are very interesting statements and the kind of thing one feels is more likely to be true than the establishment media would have us believe.....

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by distantthoughs
bahahahahahahah swine flu hasnt killed anyone but poor people living in scumy places supposedly the flu symptoms inclued loads of hunger what are they making us do eat the world? lol you people are soooo soo paranoid bahahahahahahahhahahahha

A elderly man died in the Uk a few days ago. I believe it's the 2nd death in the UK.

Let's hope you don't get it eh? That would be a crying shame, what with your mature and loving attitude.

Edit: Now a nine year old child has died. I hope you choke on your words.

[edit on 29-6-2009 by mr-lizard]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I can't believe how many people star and flagged this post.

All I see from reading this is 2 very smart students were murdered by drug addicts, and some clown flipped up the story to reflect his agenda against Jewish people. An extra 2 minutes of searching will show connections between the KKK revival and this newspaper. This whole site claims to deny ignorance, maybe we should make it a rule to deny lethargy as well.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by total newbie
reply to post by ChemBreather

This one didn't take a Sherlock Holmes to figure out. But now what to do about it?

Personally I am not afraid of this flu, I am more afraid of the vaccines. All that mercury. Will the shots have squalene in them too?

People who take those vaccines may go into a sudden shock and just conk out on the spot.

OK, seriously?

This is an honest statement and not a joke?

If so do you know how ignorant that sounds?

Think about it for a second, if people "go into a sudden shock and just conk out on the spot" don't you think the rest of the people in line would PASS?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by distantthoughs
bahahahahahahah swine flu hasnt killed anyone but poor people living in scumy places supposedly the flu symptoms inclued loads of hunger what are they making us do eat the world? lol you people are soooo soo paranoid bahahahahahahahhahahahha

A elderly man died in the Uk a few days ago. I believe it's the 2nd death in the UK.

Let's hope you don't get it eh? That would be a crying shame, what with your mature and loving attitude.

Edit: Now a nine year old child has died. I hope you choke on your words.

[edit on 29-6-2009 by mr-lizard]

Not defending the previous idiot of course but did you know that in the same amount of time that the "2nd" death from swine flu happened there were about 5,000 OTHER flu deaths in the world and other epidemics or pandemics killing bucket loads of people every day?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 02:21 PM
Yes, sad that they died. Lets stop the world..
Whats worse is if they were killed for some thing they discoverd and had the research data on the laptop, which could be why it was stolen...
Maybe it was not the PIN code for the credit cards they wanted rather than the Passwords for Laptop, who knows. I cant see why they would be in their flat for three hours bleeding them dry if they were in a hurry getting an Fix.

This video proves pretty much the Swine flu is an horrible plague that is been set in motion and I do not think Tptb would hessitate to take care of the 'problem' ..

If this reporter is having an 'accident' before a case could be ready for court, you would only brush it of an another sad accident, there would be no 'pretty lucky for WHO an UN' that she had one and it could be no one 'helping' out in the 'accident' proccess ? Atleast how I look at your responce to this..

In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.

I can see this Journalist scenario in two ways, she dont have enough hard eveidence and the case dont go to trial.
If she have an 'accident', she has very good evidense and we know that have happend to this kind of people before. ( Check my Hitlist of BioChemists Deaths)..

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