Information some are posting has twisted ET_MAN's words around and damaged the truth of the information provided in this thread.
Unity is among those I'm referring to who has twisted words around turning them into something else.
I cannot support most of what's been shared by recent posters because what they have shared is distortions of truth.
What's been shared from the beginning of this thread to present by the op holds truth if people can find it and majority have not clearly seen or
found the true meanings of what's been shared. They who find the truth contained herein find much deeper meanings than mankind's definition of words
and it's given to those through the spirit of truth to discern. Everything in it's course and time will come to pass and be fulfilled. Much shall
befall mankind in the years ahead and I prophecy to you with knowledge of the future knowing that the times are near. Cities shall be left desolate in
a day of great war that comes and shall sweep across many lands as a whirlwind. In one day and night shall the world mourn it's loss.
They who lived according to righteousness have nothing to fear for the powers of evil cannot overcome but the unrighteous and wicked who are drenched
in error to blame shall be overtaken in fear when they see what awaits in such a day that is coming. For their iniquities hath stained them of their
own wrongdoings and there's no justifying reasons or excusing their evil actions which shall bring consequences upon them unless they repent before
such a day. The payment of justice for injustices and evil shall fall upon many lands and waters, the sowers shall reap and many shall partake of it.
Woe unto those who take advantage of others for their own selfish gain and think not for the less fortunate and those in need. The pride of this
generation shall crumble in such a day and woe unto those who turn not from their ways and repent for they shall be overtaken.
Evil shall be swept from the lands and in that day the waters shall sweep across the earth. Come out of her saith a voice in the sky and ye shall know
if thou seeth and lives who comes in the sky. For out of the mouth comes great fire and it shall devour unrighteousness but he that seeth not shall
know not and he that readeth and understand not shall be left without notice. For out of the mouth of four corners was it declared and who understood
the language to listen. The ice melts at thy presence, righteousness is thy name and truth upon thy shoulders. Thou art just and true in all thy ways
and who can stand and see their shame before thee and not be shaken at thy presence. I looked at the world of men as it melted with a great heat
purified as gold and silver. The world of elements divided and the waters were set loose from under the rift to land.
The eyes were opened and I looked for the great day of destruction had come upon the wicked for they turned not from their evil ways and repented not
of their iniquities. For in one day shall they be left with the desolate remains of bones. Woe unto those who remain at that day in their iniquities
for in such a day as you least expect destruction shall come. Such a day is coming for the wicked, they will receive of their own doings according to
their works. It shall be a day of justice and great rejoicing for the righteous but a day of terror and great horror for those that remained in
iniquity and wickedness. Mourning and sorrow shall befall many for their loss of loved ones. Evil shall be taken and cast out.
Now I say this to you and they who read with intention of you avoiding the great tribulation that is about to befall upon mankind. It shall come for
all unrighteousness, pray daily with a thankful heart continually grateful for all that you have asking forgiveness of your mistakes with a humble
heart. Unless ye all humble yourselves as little children willing to listen with great patience and empty your cups of what you think you know ye
shall remain full of pride and uncleanliness. The world is conditioned and has manipulated mankind to think and act the way they think and act, don't
be fooled and arise from thy grave for many walk among the living yet remain dead and blind in spirit. It has become a standard and if ye walk not
like the others ye shall be cast off and trodden under the feet of men. Woe unto the wicked and selfish of the crooked world, for their hearts are
full of pride and greed and all manner of evil ways. They seek wealth and pleasure at the expense of others and shall reap as they have sown at the
day of the coming reaper. For they have put money above all other things and the widow and poor are left to starve and mourn. The day shall come
horribly upon them and the rocks tear open from the rifts below.
I looked and there was death all around me on the sea shore and in the sea, the lands shook as the veil was unmasked and more violently at the authors
presence. For in that day the world shall tremble and every spirit remaining shall mourn what they witness. Every stone shall be moved and those who
remain shall see their nakedness and shame. The world is not what thou knowest it to be, pray for continual forgiveness upon thy doings, give not evil
power over thee that thou not be consumed in the day that shall come upon thee. Embrace and accept not the world and works of darkness, for thou hast
loved the works of evil and the kingdom of money more than righteousness. Repent and forsake thy evil ways while the day still remains.
A great weeping and mourning shall fall upon the world and the past shall show itself as a witness and mark in the book called life. Hearken to the
words of warning that come out of love for you, that ye may abide by them and withstand the presence of evil when the storms come. Use thy freewill
for the purpose of doing good that you be not a partaker of evil. Be not of the world, for the world is not as thou knowest it to be and is full of
iniquity and abominations more than ye know. It is a thumb print of evil for they who secretly rule it in darkness and shadow. The cunningness of the
beast system to condition a child to love sin. Deceptive manipulations designed to entrap the souls according to their own works, to embrace darkness
over light, to love evil over good calling good evil and evil good. Woe unto thee for thou shalt taste of thine own cup if thou repent not and turn
from thine evil ways.
I declare that a great war and final battle is the opening of the great tribulation prophesied of and is not far distant. Repent of thy evil ways and
turn from thy greed and love of money while the day still has light to see with power left to act. Let go of thy pride for a great storm cometh upon
thee in a day ye know not and if ye repent not it shall sweep thee off thy feet as a whirlwind and overtake thee. Be ye prepared this day and walk in
the light of righteousness with a grateful heart recognising that all that thou hast been given in life was given unto thee and thou of thyself ownest
nothing but who thou hast chosen to be and the sins carried with thee. Thy own doings shall bring consequence upon thee, thou canst choose according
to thy desires. In time all things prophesied of that were given according to the spirit of truth shall be made manifest more and more and come to
pass. Be thou patient and forbearing in all thy doings for the world hates those who choose good over evil and supports and respects the system of
evil. Worship not the many idols and envy not the popularity.
This thread has been like a test and not many have truly understood the true meanings of things. I am going to speak more truth which many of you
won't like but there is truth to the saying that the truth is never easy and can hurt. Ye are not a Son of God nor a Daughter of God from the day you
were born when you became subject unto the evil of this world with an imperfect sinful body. Ye have fallen as all on earth are fallen, ye must repent
and make thy path righteousness, for ye cannot enter into the Heavens as thou art now. Look in the mirror of truth and see thyself for who thou really
are, if thou dost see the truth of thyself thou seeth evil all around thee on the inner and outer cup in thy hand, it's takes part in thee daily. Be
thou clean and come out of the world that the world may come out of thee. Be not attached to the beast system that it be not attached to thee for it
takes no place in righteousness and thy spirit must be cleansed.
Mankind is a natural enemy to God in desire of body and action, ye must be as little children and pray continually and daily asking forgiveness for
the powers of darkness have more power than you can imagine over your body and mind. It is you that embraces what's being programmed into you and ye
have it within your power to reject the suggested programs. Be lowly in heart that ye may be humble in all things, find determination to overcome all
evil and be thou clean and righteous. The wicked shall be on one hand and the righteous on the other. Come unto Heaven through the spirit of truth and
in truth the way to Heaven is by abiding and living by the teachings of Christ which are pure goodness and righteousness. Loving thy neighbour and
helping those in need, doing good that evil not take part in thee.
Ye have been given many chances and opportunities to potentially be adopted as sons and daughters of God. The mark of the beast on thy forehead must
be removed through continual repentance, for right now ye are of the world of the beast and are marked as a child of the beasts kingdom unless
cleansed of unrighteousness. If ye remain prideful and unwilling to listen to that which is truth then your pride shall be your downfall. Your cup
must be emptied or it shall spill and great shall be the overflow in that day. The cup of iniquity of Babylon's cup soon shall overflow. The world
remains part of thee and ye are attached and dependant upon it. The world will consume thee as it shall be consumed. Deny not the truth of the
situation and open your eyes to see it. Babylon the world of corruption and evil holds a cup in her hand that is soon to overflow. Take no part in it,
be not of it and come out of her, the mother of iniquity and abomination shall reap as it has sown.
Repent while you still can and make your path righteousness. For the time is coming that there shall be darkness found upon the face of the lands and
the sun shall withhold it's light that ye receive it not. Evil shall empower to suffocate. What's being shared is more serious than you are aware of
and I advise you to pray about it. Most importantly continually ask for guidance and forgiveness of all they doings as mankind does many things that
mankind knows not bringing consequence upon them. I say these things with concern for all being led astray. I hope and pray that thou art found on the
right hand to be assisted in the coming time that the power of evil hath no power over thee. Search thy inner spirit that ye be no more deceived for
this world is a trap and out to condition into embracing and accepting evil. Pray daily and once awakened fall not back under the spell of evil meant
to deceive and condition.
There is only one teacher that being the spirit of truth, which is like the Sun which shines upon the worlds, one can be given the gift of the spirit
so one may know the truth, for the spirit remaineth with the righteous but withdraws from the unrighteous. How can you pick of the olive trees fruits
to have oil for your lamps if you can not recognise the olive tree, How can you be Illuminated in the truth if you can not recognise the light upon
the lampstand. If a child had fallen into a pit of venomous serpents would not you make all the efforts you could before that child gets bitten in
saving that child and would not then you reach out your arm or offer a rope so that child could climb out. Refuse not the help offered by the hands of
These things are said in name of the Father and the Son even Jesus Christ and HolySpirit which is One and the same Spirit of Truth 111. Amen.
edit on 27-1-2012 by AdonaiChristBless11 because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-1-2012 by AdonaiChristBless11 because: (no
reason given)