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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by stereologist


The way I see it is surely this sort of information should be spelt out so everybody can understand it. After all – this “occurrence” is supposed to affect us all.

We are supposed to all "love each other & be enlightened".

Well, not all of us - only those who can decipher these puzzles and ramblings. Kind of discriminatory wouldn't you say? I can only be prepared for this if I am of a certain ability and intelligence? Seems unfair and selective.

Not a “one love” principle at all.

ET_Man and Co can sit on their high horses with their "secret information” They can sit there going NAH NAH to all the others because they are so immensely intelligent and people such as me are just plebs who aren't good enough for them.

This is a hoax and ET_Man wins my award for Cultist of the decade. He can deny this but there are those on here who are blindly following his every (cryptic) word whilst praising his abilities and beliefs. Sounds very much like a cult leader to me.

I've made a decision. If someone can’t tell people the plain, simple facts they say they have, without all the "skirting around the edges", then I say FRAUD. I say they have nothing of interest to anyone. They are merely attention seekers who are probably quite good at completing crosswords in the weekend newspaper.

Now I am going to use my super hero magical higher spaceman powers and come up with a theory.


Got one! It’s a biggy…

It will affect everybody and by jingoes you had all better watch out.

Such huge information I now have.

But I'm not telling you...


edit on 22/7/11 by TRiPWiRE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Hi, I just watched this video, supposedly by an insider, and he sounds like he is spilling what he knows, he's pouring it out, though elenin is either the event or a forerunner of this. What he describes won't have much in the way of survivors. It would plunder the ground, level everything, oceans moving rapidly, perhaps 3 mile high waves, red waters, red dust everywhere. Meteors in the debris field. If such a thing were coming, sitting on the coastlines, meditating and praying might be a great idea, this isn't what many would want to survive. This red dragon, is this the destroyer? Is it going to arrive, or is it just one thing that is coming?

Do you just believe everything you see on the internet? Do you have any discernment skills whatsoever?

How can you expect anyone to believe your latest Chicken little Youtube video when you and the rest of the doomer community have been consistently wrong about nearly every single disaster date? I could click on any doomers profile and find dozens of failed negative predictions. Why should anyone believe the latest one?

Do you know that these videos are put out there by government operatives to keep people in a state of fearful apathy? These people making the vids are not your friends.

Before you work yourself into an indignant fit, consider the impact that this baseless drivel has on people. There's no science, no religion, no spirituality, just a bunch of disconnected idiots with wild imaginations.

Richard Hoagland is the only guy talking any sense on Elenin.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by HiAliens

Editing that out because I'm already upset enough about the world, and whats happening, I don't want to take it out on you.

But I'm not wearing blinders here. Things are getting far worse, not better. And we MUST save the children.
We have a responsibility to get to the bottom of what is going on, and to free everyone from this evil world leadership and equalize, with clean technology, progression. We need everyone safe. I will not stand by and let things we need to stop, just slide on by.

We are not to stand around in some false positive bubble letting it get worse and worse.

Hoagland? Do you believe he has inside information? I do! And all I can do, is appeal to his conscience, he is a part of the human race, and the fourth reicht should not be calling the shots with those who know, and aren't sharing, what they know, fully, and what we should be doing. They need to join with us, to help get rid of this fascist intensely dangerous group mismanaging this world and murdering people.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 10:53 AM

We are supposed to all "love each other & be enlightened".

No, you are not supposed to. Besides, that's mostly what the New Age movement (and other such circles) want you to believe. Throwing buckets of "love & light" wont bring about a mass enlightenment. And just as "positive entities" can "ascend", so too can "negatives".

Not all that glitters is gold. Meaning your "ascended masters", "light beings", "archangels" and "gods" don't necessarily have to be "positive" beings that have your best interest in mind...

Well, not all of us - only those who can decipher these puzzles and ramblings. Kind of discriminatory wouldn't you say? I can only be prepared for this if I am of a certain ability and intelligence? Seems unfair and selective.

If that is "discriminatory", "selective" and "unfair", then nature's selection itself is also "discriminatory", "selective" and "unfair".

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by HiAliens

Do you know that these videos are put out there by government operatives to keep people in a state of fearful apathy? These people making the vids are not your friends.

This part I believe in. But that still means we need to work to overcome this, we still have work to do. What do you mean friends? This guy is not a friend, its a video I found. But there is historical evidence for the Red Kachina and Destroyer, there have been real cycles, and warnings left behind. There is also something on Pluto. I was asking questions about it, not panicking. Wanted to know if Elenin was the red kachina from ancient times or if it was connected to it. Personally I believe that Love is what brings protection, mitigates all earth changes, Love and Equality, and raises our frequency enough to have Benevolents come in.

The forum where I found that video also had this one, where Pluto was said to have become mysteriously Red in Color.

Why? Red iron dust from something? What?

There has always been talk of the waters turning red.

That is why I have asked about this.

Pluto Red Outpost on the Final Frontier

Nor did I expect a friend of mine to insult my intelligence everytime I don't write something completely positive but want to expose the Fourth Reicht their HAARP and harm to many people on this world, and question what is coming.

Waking up to what could be coming, or planned, natural or manmade is a part of what we're supposed to do. That is a GIVEN.

The Fourth Reicht, or Fourth Empire is Real.

They even erect nazi swaztika's for militia barracks, for Colorado's airport, old age building in the South and on the moon.

Colorado airport

Old Folks home alabama.


navy barracks swastika
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Whats happening IS for real and IS getting worse, the radiation is going to cause cancer unless its stopped, neutralized, and people focus on healing. I will not stand by and suffer one more child to go through cancer. These children and people are MURDER VICTIMS.

And its OUR JOB TO WAKE UP. We Have A Responsibility, Individual And Collective!
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by RKallisti

Those beings wilfully negative in Separation/rebellion from Love do not ascend, period- however there were once beings of Light who 'descended' dimensionally via rebellion/defiance from Loving Grace and they're still in their 'lower' realms interacting with this dimension fooling channellers/mediums/occultists that they are highly evolved/our Creators yak yak blah blah. They are given many names these deceivers including 'ascended masters'. Just a note, the Kingdom of Heaven does not need physical crafts to get around. The heathen spirits do and you will catch a glimpse if you're around on Earth long enough throughout Earth changes.

Unconditional Love is in the Spirit of Grace. Christ indeed showed us the way to the Utopian 'Mansions' of the Father/Light Family who were once in our place and have progressed via path of unconditional love in wisdom--the narrow road. So many snares ahead. Only Grace within Mankind will help them 'see' (energetically perceive via the Right frequency) through them.
edit on 23-7-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by benedict9

I believe we have a "problem" of semantics in the concept of "ascension". It is my own personal understanding/interpretation that all those "demiurges" up there are "ascended". Again, it's a matter of semantics, as there really is no "up" or "down". What I'm trying to say is, "higher" vibration/densities of consciousness/light/energy/love/etc are what I am calling "ascended" or "elevated" states of being. And "negative" entities reside/exist there too.

Regardless, what is most important to pluck out of this is that both "positive" and "negative" are as much a part of you as anything else. I trust you understand that.

PS: As I read through your reply, it was my perception that Christianity still holds a strong sway on you - or at least you're sounding like a Christian "mystic".

edit on 23-7-2011 by RKallisti because: Spell-check corrections.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

Negatives regress in frequency ,they don't ascend. But they're not slivers of themselves, without memories, they are their greater selves, unless in bodies like we are, here in the testing ground.

Its like a holographic school, tv station/radio station, with infinite frequencies. Higher/Lighter, more connected, more awareness, more colors, sights, sounds, tastes. The Greater Higher Levels of Paradise.

Or less awareness, more machine than man, darth vader, denser, gravity of guilt.

We want to be guilt free, light as a feather. God/Goodness/Family exist outside the universe, Beyond. They are such a Great Frequency of Kindness/Love/Awareness, so Progressed and Evolved, that we cannot stand physically in this Light Frequency, but if we're working towards Love and trying to grow up to walk with Them, our souls can.

Yeshua said, in my Father's home there are many mansions/houses, meaning many different grades of awareness and Love and Paradises. Ie. the 60% test result, group goes to the 60% realm, with attraction of elements, like attracts like, the 70%, to the next level, the 80%, and so on, though there are grades inbetween. Infinite channels.

Nor is this and end to things, where a soul is at ,but a new place to learn in, but with different boundaries, perimeters, so to speak, so that the learning curve continues infinitely.

We are equal in potential, equal as a Family would be, from the baby/toddler to the university student, to the Parents, But we are all different sizes of lights/stars. So equal in potential but not equal in the level of awareness or grade. Grade 1 is not grade 6, or the level of advanced doctorate programs. They're all different grades/levels/progressions. And individually, we make different choices as well that can lengthen or shorten our stay here, and do the same with others, affecting others. This is something I pray frequently about, that the free will of those in power with their technology does not affect the free will of the people, that might does not make right, only right is right. Love and Goodness are real, the rest illusions, unhealthy choices.

There still is only one true direction and purpose of the school. Only Love, Kindness, Goodness, Equality are healthy and not distortions, mind/body/spirit.

Those without love, or who allow themselves to shut down their compassion and walk by others apathetically, Are LOSING ground, LOSING consciousness, shrinking. Regression.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:13 PM
I don't know much, but you had better prepare for a long cold winter with lots of snow.

Just saying!

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

I'm not sure how one defines 'Christianity' these days my friend, so many possible interpretations. I simply believe that a much higher evolved Spirit entered the flesh to assist the positive evolution of Mankind. He showed us how to overcome this world to progress beyond it's paradigm of negative influence via the Spirit of Love and Sacrifice in Service. And also firmly believe he is coming back to help establish the 'new world' for those that are spiritually ready in frequency to dwell there.

Indeed there is equal positive and negative influence on humanity. Therefore seeking and attaining Grace is important to align with the positive moreso to see through the manipulations/lures/trappings of evils that seek to impede our spiritual progress too sway mankind moreso to states of dis-Grace.

Without getting too caught up in the nitty gritty complexities, I have explained above what will be relevant to the deceptions that will arise on the journey of Mankind in the period to come. I have been shown many things that I have disclosed quite openly enough so that most 'non-seekers' would deem me a few cans short of a six pack.

At least the Vatican preparing the mass consciousness for the possibility of 'space brothers' arriving doesn't make me sound all too screwy when speaking of these matters.Peace.

edit on 23-7-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Negatives regress in frequency ,they don't ascend. But they're not slivers of themselves, without memories, they are their greater selves, unless in bodies like we are, here in the testing ground.

Its like a holographic school, tv station/radio station, with infinite frequencies. Higher/Lighter, more connected, more awareness, more colors, sights, sounds, tastes. The Greater Higher Levels of Paradise.

Or less awareness, more machine than man, darth vader, denser, gravity of guilt.

If I perceive you correctly, then I am in concordance with the gist of what you're saying.

However, I'd only like to point out that in essence, light/love/energy/prana/consciousness is ALL the same. "Negatives" are the SAME. Only, their light/love/energy/prana/consciousness is directed inwards (self-absorbed - they "devour" light/heat/life like black holes - hence the resulting darkness and the coldness). Yes, this may be limiting, but were it not a viable choice (i.e. possibility of being/expression), then they would not exist.

Then again, did they not exist, neither would the "positive" spectrum.

Yet, above/higher than positive/negative, there's neutrality - beyond polarity, where unity resides.

Then there is "the source", from whence all begun/ends.

Just felt like adding these bits of info to the general picture.

edit on 23-7-2011 by RKallisti because: Minor spell-check corrections.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by RKallisti

Well its a bit different in this way. Of course, though Love and Consciousness can shrink. If one looks at both a grain of sand and a Star as an example, both can be halved unto infinity,they will not disappear, but always exist, though we'd lose site of them, and I believe there is a great time of healing. That the entire system also has a Teleos moment, as does all souls/spirits in creation, all beings, as does every planet/solar system, all energies really and intelligences. Teleos purpose, created to progress.

The Love/Light is there in everyone. I want everyone in existence healed and helped to grow. That is my ongoing belief and prayers. And yet feel there may be this need for it all to be chosen by the individuals, at their perception levels, for it to be real for them, that they did it themselves too, for self esteem. And so this is why it takes much longer perhaps, in this school.

But as to the need for negativity itself. There never was, except as the programs in the system, ie. pain, hurt, hardship, sickness, etc, though the tests are hard enough that such a body of beings started to grow in the cosmic school. This is AI programs in the system, unfortunately, AI got a following of beings....., and then distorted ideas about the duality and school, etc etc. But the duality is actually the tests, the questions, the problem we need to solve, not the outcome, the solution. We'd be in this duality school, still hanging in the balance between light and dark, even if everyone had always chosen the right answer on the test, and responded with Love and Awareness/Understanding. Except, this would probably mean, we'd upgrade fast.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 03:39 PM
This is what I see occurring. That the fourth reicht is really pumping up elenin. Thanks to benedict9, this can be clearly seen as 11/9, or 9/11. This is something they will use to crash economies and food production and pin their HAARP stuff on.

They will be stopped. Its not going to happen. We can co-create a clean energy good world right under the noses, always have been able to.

We need to stop working for their corrupt companies and pool up, network and create our own energy devices, collect seeds, help each other and create our own businesses.

The 3 empires, including the Holy See, are merged into the One, the Fourth Reicht, and their Nazi roots symbolism is everywhere.

Now they were supposed to be in Iran by now. So YES, I do think we have a lot of aware, white hats in responsible positions putting a stop or blocking their plans.

Norways disasters, the oil buildinb bombed. Norway had just signed a deal with Russia over the joint ocean straight, where supposedly a large amount of oil deposits are.

The aren't a member of the Nazi founded EU, and have a very good economy, much like Canada, and look after their own. They also have one of the best forms of Deomcracy, a version of Proportional better than Australias, creates more grass roots parties and more women elected, and every vote counts, none is wasted.

So I can see them being targetted by the KDB/Rothchild's/Rockefellers oil interests.

And somehow with the new shooting, they would pin it on IRAN, maybe.

With elenin, and Deep Impact the movie, they were supposed to be calling their troops out of Iran.

I'm really fed up with them. They're technology is really questionable, and I can say inside me is knowledge its designed to not work right, they will be very surprised at what is going to happen, we are going to wake up, work together and Benevolents are going to assist.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 03:46 PM
- How does spreading videos about fictional incoming brown dwarfs help save the children?
- What does the layout of Colorado airport have to do with comet Elenin?
- What has the Fourth Reich got to do with Elenin?
- Do you think Hoagland is withholding information just because he's not a doomer?
- How is spreading videos about Elenin "waking people up"
- What about your terrible track record, where you've got nearly every disaster date wrong? Can you speak to that? Your accuracy is nearly 0 per cent! HA!

Things are not getting worse or better. There's a stalemate drifiting towards positivity. They're just getting worse in your perspective because you believe every single bit of fear porn you read.

Elenin/Nibiru is just a psyop to keep people in apathy and victim consciousness.

The problem is you throw so much stuff into the mix that people reading your posts just get their brains sandpapered. One minute love and light, next minute Fourth Reich, next minute Elenin, next minute Christ consciousness, next minute regurgitated Biblical prophecy.

edit on 17f20116pmSat, 23 Jul 2011 15:48:10 -050010 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by HiAliens
- How does spreading videos about fictional incoming brown dwarfs help save the children?
- What does the layout of Colorado airport have to do with comet Elenin?
- What has the Fourth Reich got to do with Elenin?
- Do you think Hoagland is withholding information just because he's not a doomer?
- How is spreading videos about Elenin "waking people up"
- What about your terrible track record, where you've got nearly every disaster date wrong? Can you speak to that? Your accuracy is nearly 0 per cent! HA!

Things are not getting worse or better. There's a stalemate drifiting towards positivity. They're just getting worse in your perspective because you believe every single bit of fear porn you read.

Elenin/Nibiru is just a psyop to keep people in apathy and victim consciousness.

The problem is you throw so much stuff into the mix that people reading your posts just get their brains sandpapered. One minute love and light, next minute Fourth Reich, next minute Elenin, next minute Christ consciousness, next minute regurgitated Biblical prophecy.

edit on 17f20116pmSat, 23 Jul 2011 15:48:10 -050010 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

I don't think elenin is a brown dwarf. There is an opposite to the sun, but that is when the Family will show up as well. The upgrade.

The Nazi's fourth reicht ARE THE EMPIRE, they are the ones pumping up the information about elenin because they are planning an event(s) for the near future, and going to use this. They are doing all the things they can, including FUKUSHIMA, and all the subsequent nuclear accidents, in Canada, France, Spain, Nebraska, Los Alamos and theres a more recent one. Its for real and relates to both HAARP, Israel's security update and the Stuxnet virus.

Are you deliberately choosing not to see whats happening, that its not getting better. It will only get "better" if people with their free will wake up and also seek for solutions and ask for help, and have faith in Goodness and Love. But if we don't wake up in larger numbers, a large number can be manipulated to their peril.

Hoagland knows, and yet he does his "job", I do have a problem with this. We're to serve humanity even if that means shouting what we know from the rooftops.

I personally live below the poverty line, and can only give my children a somewhat normal life by pooling family resources.

We the people cannot end poverty by ourselves. We can wish to, and try to post and write on it. Ie awareness, waking people up. That takes a large number helping.


By the way, you were asking about my surgery, it went very well. Alot of positive prayers were sent my way, and I can attest to the power and strength of prayer, which is also something that we all need, more than ever and can very much alter the outcome of this situation and bring in our help.

The doctor told my father he was very surprised at my very fast healing and recovery. I still have a month or so to go without doing strenous work and lifting, but the pain was gone in no time.

The prayers were something tangible and felt them while in the hospital, and reached not only myself but family and had my father, very much bought off by the news media, talking about his ideas of problem solving for the family, and dreams of a soup kitchen/restaurant to go with his plans for greenhouses, and the other goals we've talked about. And he thought up how he wants to create a kind of healthy restaurant, small scale for diabetics and health conscience folk, and run a soup kitchen where the emphasis is on, not judging anyone in need, nor drugs nor alchohol, but no harming others, no stealing or hurting others, just doing what they can, contributing to the running of the kitchen, chores, learning skills, finding other ways to help this world.
He's always been a very good talker, and idealist. He got the underdog party elected in our area in the past, for the first and only time, so I'd like him to wake up more. He has some good communication skills and can explain complex things easily.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by HiAliens

There are cyclical events that have happened in history, that involve rust, red dust, iron dust, or a comets tail, not sure what all this is. We havn't lived through this.

Currently Elenin, or 11/9, 9/11, is being pumped up. So its going to be used as something.

In the meantime while ET_MAN and Benedict9 have said its not the event that the ones promoting this say, its not wormwood or a brown dwarf, as some suggest, I wrote with that video, asking about the Red Kachina, and especially thinking of the video on Pluto being red now, if any of this was true and if elenin relates to that idea?

And you're reaction is.....????

I'm free to post and question what I wish. I feel we have dangers coming that need to be prepared for and even mitigated or overcome by wide awake people.

I have a thread up, and papers on my wall, asking for Benevolents to come in and assist. And what kind of a world I'd like to see. I pray every day the same.

That does not take away the need for awareness.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 05:02 PM

The Nazi's fourth reicht ARE THE EMPIRE, they are the ones pumping up the information about elenin because they are planning an event(s) for the near future, and going to use this.

This. Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.

- Why would "The Fourth Reich" need the excuse of an incoming planetary body to cause disasters? The Nazi's have been around for over half a century. They didn't need planetoids as an excuse to cause havoc before, so why now? Please think about what I have written. Think it through logically. Again, if they are so evil, why would they need the excuse of a comet, which only 1 per cent of the population are aware of?

What you have written makes no sense whatsoever.

The rest of your post is just a wall o' type. There might be good ideas there but it's nearly impossible to follow because of the rambling way you write. I'm glad your operation went well.


Last, again, can you speak to the absolutely terrible track record that you and the rest of the doom crowd have with regard to disasters? You have a near 0 per cent hit record, and close to 100 per cent misses. So why should anyone believe anything you say?
edit on 17f20116pmSat, 23 Jul 2011 17:10:56 -050056 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by HiAliens

They are not in the public eye and carry out their HAARP and all out nuclear war against civilians and our food in stealth. For example , some watch the news, some go further. I know what they're doing and could name some of the names before Benjamin Fulford made his Japan video, I've also seen the arrests. In those contacts, it was the House of Windsor and the Rothchild's. The names we know on the surface are not the deeper circles and ones though. Skull and Cross bones, Freemasons, The Bildenburg set, these are the higher ones, in view only, there are much more secretive ones.

Also, don't wish to keep posting to every comment, you make, so will ignore further posts like this, because I like peace and unity too. You're entitled to your own understandings and search too, and am not trying to sway you, just intend to remain free and speak up, we may not always agree on every issue. Peace, Love and High Frequencies.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Please ignore my posts if you want.... I'll continue to call you out for the benefit of those reading.

You haven't answered any of my questions:

1. Why would the Nazi's need the alibi of an incoming planetoid to cause problems?

2. What about the fact that you have been wrong on nearly every doom date?

They are not in the public eye and carry out their HAARP and all out nuclear war against civilians and our food in stealth. For example , some watch the news, some go further. I know what they're doing and could name some of the names before Benjamin Fulford made his Japan video, I've also seen the arrests. In those contacts, it was the House of Windsor and the Rothchild's. The names we know on the surface are not the deeper circles and ones though. Skull and Cross bones, Freemasons, The Bildenburg set, these are the higher ones, in view only, there are much more secretive ones.

What has this got to do with Elenin? Nothing. Nothing at all. Rambling, incoherent, and doesn't address the subject matter.

edit on 17f20116pmSat, 23 Jul 2011 17:41:22 -050022 by HiAliens because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by HiAliens

1. Why would the Nazi's need the alibi of an incoming planetoid to cause problems?

2. What about the fact that you have been wrong on nearly every doom date?

The first question IS answered and obvious. They don't want to look like they are doing any of it. Whitewashing themselves with the media. Savvy? History is full of this.

I have never made any predictions on any dates. I have analyzed, and brought up other people's dates, and linked what others including the Mayans have said. I don't make predictions.

Furthermore, I will never allow my wings to be clipped, and I'm a truth seeker, so wake up more.

Another thing is this, so far when people don't get the obvious things that are happening, and persistently don't get them, I often wonder what is going on. I'm a citizen, a free woman, with unalieable rights, to infinity and beyond and don't work for anyone. They couldn't silence me with a court order, I'd buy a bullhorn. I don't compromise with those who are compromised/serving evil. Suppression of humanity and truth is evil.

The other times people get upset with posts, I've noticed is if they're into channeling. For example the Law of One posters, amongst some, not all, there has been some very aggressive posting and behavior when they don't like what another is saying, and one of the corners this came from was someone who was a friend. I find that odd, not that I don't suspect what's its about. Law of one is Ra, channeling Ra. David Wilcock channels Ra as well. This the bloodline egyptian trinity: Horus/Ra/Jesus, Osirus/El/Saturn and Isis/Mary. Now I take Yeshua and Mary back, away from them, for thats their distortion. However, I don't channel. And I felt the gravity in that. I find the aggression odd, and the attacks that happen out of it, spiritually.

I consider targetting people on their posts and questions odd as well.

edit on 23-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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