thanks, ats.
hello dear people.
dear ''et man'', and others,
i apologize in advance for not so brief post and some lack of structure in it.
i have spoted this thread about one day ago now, so after reading about whole 20 or 30 pages i started scrolling only to read your posts (ET_MAN), to
check you out more and got to about 50 or 60 eth page like that. and then some more random pages... anyway, dear et_man, because this has intrigued me
very much, to shorten my struggle i decided to write and ask... you seem welcoming.
i have encountered some profound ideas before, forced by life in certain situations to introspect, see my huge weakness compared with those flashes of
insight about what could be, what should be. so part of me seeked the knowledge, i knew before reading any spiritual theories that i will never have
good destiny until i be true to myself on that deep level that i only saw in flashes. but it wasnt yet clear to me that the 'super-best answer' to
all problems is love, benevolence, compassion which make eternity not hell but heaven, and overcome all obstacles (when properly combined with
intelligence and systematic change in way of life, personal discipline etc). luckily, through couple of years i found many good books from
throughout the ages (thanks to our good friend, mr internet, and some others) with profound big pictures, humans-universe-purpose stuff, that helped
me alot. in short, the best of all have that same benevolence, and humility along with a way of saying big truths lovingly. and this is easy to
recognize once you are familliar with only 1 of such.
unfortunately it is also easy to pretend to be such a person..on the internet... we know that anyone with some intelligence who has read some of the
stuff i read, could have quite easily fabricated all this stuff, along with writing style and ''jesus'' approach. But i can hardly imagine a
motive for anyone fabricating stuff you write about, besides it being true, or doing sort of an experiment. you wouldnt be trying to get followers,
or to earn 10 million dollars, i dont see this going there, hah!
i have also noticed that when looked from the outside, the best and most important truth, looks about the same as the probably most succesfull
deliberate manipulation and lie. so to measure truthfulness of such big things is for many people a sticky dillema.. for me it was too. but
as i read your posts, my inclination to believing in your sincerity increased and increased because of your apparent good attitude, intentions, and
intelligence.. (as much as i can infer from these written conversations). you are reasonable, for best i can see now, and consistent with many things
ive come to believe from personal reasons..
anyway, i want to say, i mostly believe you now, if you are sincere, you are a very good and important person, thank you for becoming that, and
striving to help your brothersisters as best you can. i like that very, very much. thats the most awesome thing to do isnt it. using all ones power
for benevolence and good.
if you are not sincere, which i still do not completely reject, but am inclined more to believe you are , then you must be doing sort of an
experiment! and if there are still those negative about your doing this, you can look at it as experiment -and see what can be the outcome of his
actions. i see more possible good then harm.
i have questions but most will be answered if you give me a link or something of the organized information, map of probably safer areas, about this
upcoming event.. so u dont have to write..or maybe someone else can answer, if they know. i bet you got 500+ mails to answer. 94%of stuff i find on
internet is mostly fiction. i found some of the links where there are warnings about what i already believe is true, but i havent found the map, and i
supposed you posted it somewhere within this thread, since in later pages of it, i didnt find people asking for it anymore. 2011earthchanges website
i am 'not allowed access from my country'.. whatever be the real cause of that. so.. any more links apart from these?
unity for truth forum doesnt let me see anything.
anyway, this is what i really now believe will happen -
as the earth stops (or even wobbles a little) the oceans will spill due to simple inertia of mass. all coast lines will be gone because of longer term
rising of sea lvl due to ice melting. change of rotation causes 'middle' and long term reconfiguration of many layers of the earths system. this
intersecting thing will trigger all this and more. during which we should hide preferably in some mountain cave or shelter or hole away from
coastlines, (for about a year or several years, still depending, but starting around 11. of october this year?). At least half of the population will
die in the initial stormings. there will be a change in consciousness. for certain is that conditions that will arise will requre also a destruciton
of many belief systems, whole lives mental and physical built on the finite and wobbly foundation will require serious reprogramming. if there has
never been mental discipline, emotional stability and positivity deliberately worked on in this life, i can imagine how hard it will be. and i fear
people will not all turn to love, but as you said, simple survival, and in this, maybe take this as an opportunity to establish 'my own'
dictatorship or manipulative negative post apocalypse society or whatever under threat of being stronger and having guns, and being able to do what i
please, and say i please domination if i can? There will again be that i fear. we will finnaly experience the 'state of nature' . But for certain
is that some will embrace and be guided by love, and meet all other survivors with nothing but love and pleasure of being in a company of a human and
respect and compassion and all that. I rejoice at the possibility of my destiny to include this.
stuff i am not totally or at all clear on-
After the cataclysm some earthly powers (not benevolent, with maybe some ancient influence from some malevolent aliens) will try to re-establish
themselves? they are so annoying! and you say that this will be the time of aliens openly coming here and have their fingers in the earth and human
business, and there are both benevolent and bad aliens. so this part is important, but noone can predict exactly how it will go aboot?
what is for certain, if anything about this part? i presume it is not disbelievable that there will be clashes between aliens about what to do with
humans and earth? fun stuff? total open clash of light vs darkness? its gonna be a wicked story to tell for survivors...
and i guess that will be the time when jesus's craft under the sphynx will be utilized..hah.. maybe i will reincarnate in some 15 thousand years
again, and listen stories about this again, as i now listened to the stories of atlantians and stuff. who knows!
you and others also speak about some other source of change in consciousness, which i dont quite understand, (do i need to?) as in produced by not
only by that necessary reprograming due to 'no more world'? some intelligences, beings, linked by maybe not yet imaginable ways to us, will be able
to excersice a more profound effect on us as to increase our awareness and ability to love? a spiritual mental and physical change will take place,
and will be survivable, and survivors will be purified, and need further guidance from other more advanced beings, humans or aliens. how close is that
to what is really the case? i see if there was no individual free will effort for change, how can he recieve rise in consciousness from outside? To
what extent can there be interference of such beings ? i can imagine person using free will to change to eventually come to ability to communicate
with actual beings from other 'levels', and then, they help him, but no inner change for him if there isnt his free will doing that.
And how can malevolent beings have great intelligence and awareness? how can such beings even come to be? that sucks.
could you point me the way, perhaps a link, or explain, (if you have nothing better to do) the nature of this change of consciousness apart from the
part that i think i understand, which has to do with need to reprogram, find a purpose which hasnt got anything to do with worldly things, as the
world that will now be swept by cataclysm was a big distraction market in it self.
by the way..
i am in north croatia (southwest of hungary), should i get the hell out of there? perhaps on the 1km mountain above the city? i think i saw you say
hungary (higher ground there) will be safe... what about mediterranean and adriatic... how far from the coast must i go, how high a ground must i
part of me is happy, rejoices, part of me sad, part fears enslavement. but i rejoice because if i survive i will have the chance to develop that true,
hard core caring and compassion which is needed. ofcouse, laziness and passiveness will dissaper like paper in a huge fire. if i die in midst of it,
who knows what will be my opportunities. interesting stuff. as you said, most can be gained by peparing spiritually. i find it perfectly reasonable to
believe living a good life by universes standards produces good destiny independent of whether i survive this. i will dwell on this and discuss the
prospect of this with any of my friends who feel similar, believe this is on the way (whole 3 of those
thanks for good will..