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Originally posted by polarwarrior
Ok let me just say first etman that if we were having this discussion a year ago I would have completly agreed with everything you say.
But experiences of other realms, contemplation and mediation has lead me to another level where the seperate view is still true but there is a unity underling the whole of creation.
Firstly yes I agree all those terrible acts you keep listing such as murder are horrible and of course I wouldnt reccomend you kill your family
I want to talk about the depth of our disagreement where you think infinity is manyness and I think its unity.
Because the "all is one" pholisphy is the basis for other claims which you have a problem with so lets get to basics.
One cannot define or comprehend infinity for every time they think they know what it is they realize much more is still to go, its a never ending mystery that cant ever be completely explored, each time you think you know about you realize there is still more to it. Any concept about infinity you try to put into words or pictures is absolutly meaningless, its but a fraction of infinity.Would you agree that almost infinity(finity) is the opposite to infinity? and that in infinity nothing doesnt exist, but simply all that could be is? One cannot count things in infinity, take the number line for example you think you can count 1, 2, 3, ... but in infinity it actually goes 1.000001, 1.000002 all the way to 1.9999999 and 2 so there are infinity numbers between one and two. Now if you were to take any two of those infinite numbers inbetween and compare it to the one next to it you would realize it is exactly the same, there cannot be any discrete measurable difference or else there would be a number not covered and there would only be a finite amount of numbers. Essentially one could take any two numbers that are side by side in the squence and swap them over and the sequence would still be correct, what is there to distinguish these numbers from each other when they are exactly the same? The paradox is that you could keep comparing numbers next to each other one after the other along the sequence and each time they will be exactly the same as the last, and yet all combinations of numbers are still covered. The next step in comprehension comes in realizing that any two consecutive numbers in the sequence are one and the same thing, it is not possible to distinguish one from the next, for if it were there would only be a finite amount of numbers. So what does one call this infnity sequence of all possibilities, its one thing, its one infinite sequence.
Think of your exploration of infinity like that of a tree for an example, starting at one leaf first you see there are many cells but they are all in one leaf. Then you go but hang on there are many leaves, but they are all on one branch, then you realize it cant be one because there are many branches...and so on untill you realize its all one tree. But then you see another tree and claim its not all one after all, but in the scope of the entire forest, it is one forest. This can go on infinetly each time you think you have manyness it is just a subset part of a bigger "one". And it is my understanding that you may be on the cusp of seeing the next big "one" such as having exhausted the tree your looking out into the forest and will swear it is manyness untill you look down from the skies and see one big chunk of greenery. I see infinity as being all one thing, sure it has many parts but they are all parts of the one. The only number to describe a whole is the number 1. You may say ahh but there are many wholes, still there is one collection of wholes. It keeps coming back to one.
There is only one word to describe infinity and that is unity, it is one infinite.
There is no such thing as two infinite or three infnite is there?
because these are just the same as one infinite.
So seeing as you cant put any other prefix before infninity apart from one, that is why it is called the one infinite creation.
-"We don't see the world as it is.
We see the world as WE ARE"
"You are not one of many. You are really MANY of ONE"
Sorry for the gross oversimplication, but negatives graduate to the next plane for existance for negatives, and yes it is a bloody awfull place, hell could be one way to describe it.
Cant you see they are deceptive...really deceptive
becuase the negative path ends around sixth and then entities can only pursure the positive path.
Entities incarnate as animals before they move on or "graduate" to incarnating as humans.
We have to choose one or the other then pursue it to a minimum degree to graduate.
We will then graduate to angels or light beings whatever you want to call them, and the evil humans on earth will graduate into being demons or whatever.
Nup, there is only one way that you know of to pass the test.
Unity_99 “Only one side brings us home. “
Polarwarrior.” No, thats what they would love you to think.
Its not necsesary for you to realize their is more ways home than the path you know of. So long as you have found a path then thats fine with me but you cant go and say there isnt another way home, the path of negativity.
If you meditate on the concept it can be seen,
no amount of words will ever be able to tell another.
There is nothing you can say about infinity that is not true for at least some part of it.
Like im sure much of it is wonerfull but there would also have to exist a non wonderfull part as all possibilities are covered.
using finite examples like rolls of film defeats the purpose because the portion of infinity thats being described is effectively rounded off to 0% in comparison to how much is not being described.
Unity_99 “At no point does the Infinite Family Of Light ever join together as One Being.”
Polarwarrior “Id agree with this because technically we never seperated in the first place, we just explored the illusion of seperation.”
Its not like I wish to experience oneness, it more like im not in denial about it.
But also to do with them not being able to face the fact that they are all things, there are things they cannot handle and want to seperate themselves from as much as possible so must deny that all is one for them to retain their own purtity and seperate from those evil acts or whatever.
I suppose it could be very hard to admit that the way some people are behaving that they could possibly be a part of you.
Were one being experiencing many different facets of ourselfes, like cells in the body of god or something...we are all one.
An illuminati motto is "divide on conquor"
I think many have been successfully divided.
The ultimate spiritual realization has always been that all is One.
The realization that all is One is the essence of enlightenment, and the actual experience of that realization is the recognition at the level of consciousness that there literally is no other. If there is no other then there is only you.
Eventually the two will come back together when duality is left behind.
A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein
This delusion of seperation is what makes it so hard for people to grasp that "all is one"
The many in one, so the many is small parts or components of the larger one, all(the many) is part of the one, all is one. The many are all in one, all is in one. All is one. If something doesn not seem to be in the one, your scope of the one is not big enough. The one includes all things. The one is infinite. The universe could be thought of as a giant living being or something, with many individual cells in it, these cells share a connection with each other,
Ok I used to think quite some time ago that the ngeatives needed to wake up to equality and love and light etc. and that I could perhaps help save a few of them but I have since wised up,
they know full well how to get out of this game.
They have so much hidden ancient texts, et communications, artifacts etc. its not even funny.
There is not "right" or "wrong" path they are just opposites to each other.
A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein
This delusion of seperation is what makes it so hard for people to grasp that "all is one"
The delusion of believing you-1 are others in this world is your-1 own dream-1 world delusion-1 and Einstein's quote above was wrong where there is a right and wrong.
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
brainwash verb /ˈbreɪn.wɒʃ//-wɑːʃ/ v [T] to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them
I wouldn't know, but do think all should apply a "compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty" part more to this world and our lives that we live in the now.
Originally posted by polarwarrior
reply to post by ET_MAN
Do you always copy and past all your posts into other threads?
If we had been having this conversation a year ago when I was still half asleep I would have agreed with you, but now im awake, I remember.
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
brainwash verb /ˈbreɪn.wɒʃ//-wɑːʃ/ v [T] to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them
... the Creator(s) are not the Universe, for it is a Hologram that is erected from pixels by the Stars themselves which shine in Light from zero time, from the Beyond, and that all energy is from the Beyond It has already been discovered that the Vacuum of space is a very large Infinity, one they could not even begin to tidy up by rounding off numbers. They called that an "ugly" Infinity, an awkward one. There is more energy in one square cm of vacuum than in the entire cosmos observed going back in time to the mythical "and a moment that can not be pinpointed in no time" Big Bang.
The Creator(s) are streaming in this, the energy, for this dream/illusion/school from the Beyond.
And the quantum physics itself if following logically through some of the great questions that arise from the information they are discovering about the nature of reality and consciousness itself, follows into logical conclusions that can be reached about what is on the other side.
That the concept of the Many In One, united but individual and unique rays of the Infinite Light/Energy/Consciousness, is also a quantum physics reality based on the nature of Infinity, and that in Infinity which is boundless, and always leads to Beyonds, beyond Beyonds, without limit, and wherein all the clips in ones Infinite Life, creates the unusual reality of many You's, in no time. That even if you could imagine you were once bonded together that the moment you journeyed into the grass roots level, 3D earth like worlds, as unique person, experiencing the perception of Self, in Infinity, that moment is Infinite, and automatically, boundlessly, gives that unique Self eternal infinite expression in all directions without end. That this is also quantum physics, and exploration of Infinity. That to bring it all together, would be to create boundaries, borders, containment and Limit.
So in "no time" this :"moment" that can not be found as a "moment" when the Creator wishes to become the Many In One, this was an incredible gift of infinite eternal life to Infinite Children. And while some may see it that way, in reality that is also a misdeamer for the nature of Infinity itself implies that the Consciousness was always Aware of Being Many In One, therefore all are equal without predecessors, and therefore only Brothers & Sisters, the relationship of Parent/Child is one that we take with us in perception only based on experiences and journeys in the DVD players/Universes.
These concepts are actually quantum physics.
Do not get me wrong science is a great tool fo uncovering truth, yet i find it to to co relate with the left brain too much.
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
brainwash verb /ˈbreɪn.wɒʃ//-wɑːʃ/ v [T] to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them