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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Hi Stereologist,

You are my respected foe with a fee fi fo fum where there is no foe only respect where there is no only and nobody ever gets lonely.

I want to thank you for your diligent research in taking the time to go over those documents where there is no time.

Everyone here I'm sure would agree with me where there is no here that we need more people like you out there questioning their reality and doing their homework where there's always a home for that matter.

Thoroughly questioning and thinking things out in one's reality is the greatest way to do it where there is no do but you're it.

I did it my way, they did it their way and hip hip hooray we all did it our way where there is infinite ways that exist and yes I did it my way!

I am what I am, they are what they are, we are what we are and it sounds like a star!

Hey and if you're right and were wrong where there is no long I know in the end were only right where there is no end then no harm done and no foul play.

Stop rhyming now and I mean it, anybody wanna peanut!

Best Dreams!

[edit on 19-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:37 AM
I've been suspicous of the volcanic erruption and all the airport closures in the Europe as well. Especially when the companies themselves say the skies are flyable. But North America was unaffected, and we know very well that many that would hurry underground live here. And now this thread: Volcanic ash has reached North America and some eastern airports are closing.

Does this mean earth changes? Or.....what I believe in:
I chose a different website, a blog, and not even going to scan it to see if they support PC or not, but PC's website is not going through right now, server not found message.

Key points of this plan involve: ww3, viral warfare between the east including China and the west, hopefully killing large groups of people, reducing the population and controlling it, then a catastrophe, the one we all feel is coming, and afterwards, they, the western PTB, have the world as their oyster and have chosen the new human race, their slaves. Basic story, its about CONTROL over these events and how they go down, ensuring their control into the future.

Vrill in other words, and their eugenics programs run in deep bases.

Also, I noticed this thread yesterday:
Outbreak of rare disease in the Netherlands

And we all know of the threats Israel's bean making. Apparently that was a part of the anglo saxon project and it had been a concern for them that Israel had not been as aggressive as the script called for up until now.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Hello ET_MAN - I do have a question for you, although not related to the topic of this thread - what happened to your yahoo e-mail account that you used to have?

I used to be able to write to you through my personal e-mail address, and have since noticed that it was shut down. Do you have a new/alternate e-mail contact available at this time, or is it your current preference to answer all inquiries in this thread instead?

Thanks for clearing this up.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

You say they are perfect circles. Well a spiral and a circle are quite different aren't they? The spiral is not perfect is it? It's not even perfectly centered. This leaves you with a single out. When did this ever happen before? It seems to be the first time that a failed missile launch made this display. So what?

Spiral explained

Well check out the link and near the bottom is a photo of a spiral fromaa failed launch in China.

Now why would I bother to read every last word of the presentation when I can see from the start that the presentation summarizes repeatedly that there is evidence of pole shifts. Scientific evidence for pole shifts doesn't exist. That simply means that the myths are myths and not historical accounts.

Asimov pointed out decades ago that these myths often have animals speaking with humans on a regular basis. Where are the speaking animals today? The stories are full of beheaded victims that get their heads reattached and come back to life.

The whole point of the text presentation is to use myths as a claim that these are historical accounts. But when we look at the world as we see it existing today, the actions of these supposed historical accounts do not exist. Rapid or large pole shifts did not happen in the last 200 million years. There is no possibility of a planet orbiting with 320 AU of the sun. This simply tells us that these are myths.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by stereologist

''I haven't seen any evidence supporting the OP ''.

Possibly you overlooked the Aussie PM disclosure quote I provided recently, where it is practically SPELLED OUT that Earth changes will be increasing in intensity with greater casualties for a range of reasons. Feel free to dismiss such a stark statement.

My feelings are you should consider yourself fortunate, the ‘elites’ spokespeople are offering such an obvious 'heads up' to the difficult road ahead. He could have easily provided the ‘sleeping masses’ with some watered down global warming/co2 spiel to get a climate change message across, but didn’t!--For the changes will indeed be intensifying over time (notice some volcanoes getting a little smoky?) and via a range of reasons ---And those ‘range of reasons’ cannot be mentioned because they include classified cosmic AND Earth based forces. That much I do KNOW. And the fact, asteroid data has been quite recently classified by militaries (which NASA is a part of) where it was once shared with external scientists and agencies should be telling you something in itself.

I can tell you that WISE has been launched to examine the ‘traffic’ they already know is on it’s way. Governments and military love to play stupid. Believe me, they know what’s ‘up’. Peace and perception to you stereologist..

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by stereologist

''Now why would I bother to read every last word of the presentation when I can see from the start that the presentation summarizes repeatedly that there is evidence of pole shifts.''

Well, I would have to assume that it's the same reason why you would evidently ''bother'' to actively participate in this thread, considering the fact that you seem to strongly disagree with what is being discussed/presented here, not that there is anything ''wrong'' with that. The way you come across seems as though you are looking for answers, but perhaps ''in the wrong places'' (and I truly mean no disrespect whatsoever when I say this!).

A few things -

1) I wrote what I wrote not to challenge/debate with you, I wrote it to give my opinion/2 cents on the Norway spiral, since you mentioned it. You DO realize that you are posting/participating in a forum that is devoted to topics/subjects that I would assume are all completely ''false'' in your eyes, for the most part? Am I correct in assuming this, or are you here because you feel you need to tell/convince people that ET_MAN is the ''bad guy'' in this case?

2) When I say ''perfect circles'' I mean that in my own definition/perception. You must understand that it's hard to get the ''meaning'' across in words, when it'd be much easier to do it ''in person'', if you get what I mean. Anyways, to elaborate, yes you are right, the spiral was not multiple ''perfect circles'', but when looking at pictures/videos of it, you can see that the circles within the circles are almost too perfectly round in circumference, and do not resemble smoke/missle contrail from a failed missile launch, nor does the black dot that suddenly forms and then grows bigger and bigger until the entire spiral dissapears.

3) The website you linked has a multitude of comments at the bottom in which a very large majority are still questioning what they have been told. In your eyes, I can only assume that these people know ''nothing'', and should accept what they are told as the ''truth'', correct?

Bottom line, Stereologist, if you are so seemingly determined that all of this is pure fiction, then the fact that you are still here and actively posting against it on a consistent basis says ''otherwise'' to me.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by stereologist

With regard to your signature, where is YOUR automatic built-in crap detector? I can't see it.


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:41 PM
I found some pictures a while ago, don't remember where, but I double checked the sources at the bottom. I'm not quite sure if they line up, so would love someone to check over them for accuracy.




The first one is based

The second one is based on

And here are some other links concerning earthquake frequencies as well:

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Unity_99]

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by mclinking

Oh really. Well then take the time to point it out by naming specifics. That would be appreciated.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by benedict9

I certainly must have overlooked that disclosure. Can you point me to your post?

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
I've been suspicous of the volcanic erruption and all the airport closures in the Europe as well. Especially when the companies themselves say the skies are flyable. But North America was unaffected, and we know very well that many that would hurry underground live here. And now this thread: Volcanic ash has reached North America and some eastern airports are closing.

Does this mean earth changes? Or.....what I believe in:
I chose a different website, a blog, and not even going to scan it to see if they support PC or not, but PC's website is not going through right now, server not found message.

Key points of this plan involve: ww3, viral warfare between the east including China and the west, hopefully killing large groups of people, reducing the population and controlling it, then a catastrophe, the one we all feel is coming, and afterwards, they, the western PTB, have the world as their oyster and have chosen the new human race, their slaves. Basic story, its about CONTROL over these events and how they go down, ensuring their control into the future.

Vrill in other words, and their eugenics programs run in deep bases.

Also, I noticed this thread yesterday:
Outbreak of rare disease in the Netherlands

And we all know of the threats Israel's bean making. Apparently that was a part of the anglo saxon project and it had been a concern for them that Israel had not been as aggressive as the script called for up until now.
[edit on 19-4-2010 by Unity_99]

I am speaking on behalf of me here as I have been approached via by mail from a political party for the general elections and wondered why my name appeared as the main voter for them as this is the only party I've been approached by and my parents are a little annoyed as to why my name appeared on the flyer/information sheet.

Then again I have always supported that party ever since I started voting so who knows.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by DClairvoyant]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

1. I do not assume or claim that a person on the other side of a discussion is a "bad guy". People that purposely lie like Moore are bad guys. ET_Man has only posted information which he may not be aware is not true. To be beguiled by false statements is not being bad.

2. The video records an event that is in the same place, time, and location for a missile launch that failed. It's great that people got such good videos of a good show.

3. The comments at the bottom of the article are comments. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Your bottom line logic needs some polishing up. I haven't said it's all pure fiction. I have stated that most of this is not true. Right? The myths are myths. On the other hand the myths are not historical accounts. Can we test these questions? Yes. You look at what happens when these supposed events take place and see if any evidence was left behind. Nope. Not there. All it means is that the myths are not meant to be taken literally.

Be wary of extrapolating from short lived sequences. Be wary of connecting the dots between things that are completely unrelated. A rocket failure and a geometrical design on rock are not related.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:15 PM
Please take a look at the picture that I have linked below.

Here is a clear picture of a missile launch failure, over an ocean. It's really the only picture I can find online that shows what a failed missile launch would look like. As the picture clearly shows, the missile contrail/smoke is going in a spiral-like pattern similar to the Norway spiral, yes, I'm sure we can all agree on that much.

Please compare this picture with the Norway spiral photo's and video's, and see how much of a difference we are dealing with here. The smoke in the picture I linked is in a circular/spiral pattern, but as it starts to rise into the atmosphere, the smoke loses it's spiral-like ''form'' and starts to spread out, naturally. I am aware that although this picture may not be the best example due to the fact that the picture shows the missile going out of control just above the ocean, I am certain that it still displays the large difference between the two.

It is simply not scientifically possible for missile contrail smoke to stay perfectly in a solid-like circular form in such a perfectly looking spiral pattern, giving enough time for hundreds of people to see it and take clear pictures of it, as well as capture it on video. Not to mention the small black mass that suddenly appears out of nowhere, starts to grow larger and larger, eventually covering the entire spiral, and then it disappears - just like that. Failed missile launch? Really??

The fact of the matter is, contrail smoke from a failed missile launch doesn't mysteriously just ''stay still'' in such a form that would make such a ''perfect'' looking spiral as it did in Norway, especially given that it stayed in place for several minutes. Unless you are implying that smoke CAN actually do this for an extended period of time outside, even with NO wind factors in place? Because the last time I checked, smoke cannot do this.

I feel that I have given more than my 2 cents on this particular topic, so I will end it here and also apologize for straying ''off topic'' to the thread.

I will end this post with a quote from a user comment off of the same website that you posted for myself to look at:

"To me however, it's common sense that if a rocket was failing, and misfiring and going into a spin, it would inevitably lose height and slowly drop as it was losing it's fuel. This however, stayed in the exact same position. Proof of this is by the exact symmetry of the spiral pattern - there is no way something mechanical could produce such perfection and stay in the same position. Then just dissipate and 'disappear'.


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

What I believe happened in the Norway spiral, is HAARP was used to give a signal, prearranged signal only they would understand they assumed but of course with all the spirals in the carvigns its been figured out.

Also you saw resignations, early retirements, and many police chiefs as well, 70, and now there is a volcanic disaster that is closing down flights. I connect all these dots to mean something.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

Hi Truthbringsfreedom777,

Thanks for your great posts and bringing the spiral information to the thread.
I also wanted to thank Benedict9 as usual for putting in his infinite lights worth.

Thought I would add a few video's of the spiral:

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

I included a photo of a failed Chinese launch. That's another photo.

The jinxed Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile failed at the third stage after being test-fired from a submarine in the White Sea, Russia's military said.

The difference between your photo and the Russian launch is that the failed Russian launch was in the upper atmosphere. The path of the Russian launch was considerably longer. The spiral stayed in place as much as a contrail does. The spiral was only roughly symmetrical. The reason for this pattern appearing in failed launches has been demonstrated by your very post. You've helped provide more data that this was in fact a failed launch.

BTW, the launched rocket has failed 9 times in 13 launches. Not a good record.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Looks like the evidence is clear now . After coming across this video clip.!

Turns out I am not in one of your safe zones either Et_man. Might as well go and say my goodbyes now. I'm gonna be one of those billions being wiped out.

Thanks for the info buddy.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by truthbringsfreedom777

What I believe happened in the Norway spiral, is HAARP was used to give a signal, prearranged signal only they would understand they assumed but of course with all the spirals in the carvigns its been figured out.

Also you saw resignations, early retirements, and many police chiefs as well, 70, and now there is a volcanic disaster that is closing down flights. I connect all these dots to mean something.

I don't know if il get in trouble saying this but on Tuesday last week which was the 13th April 2010 at 2:40am exactly looking towards the East of the North star I witnessed first hand a large brighter than the sun flash of light that happened quicker in my intrepretation of a millisecond and was the size roughly of a 10 pence coin being held infront of my face about 60cms from my eyes and then watched it being chased by other ufo's and this white orb object had surfaced the Earth's atmosphere 3 times then wizzed off at high speeds.

Then appeared 1000's of miles in space heading towards Orions belt which was interesting as I watched this object fly very quickly around another planet/star then more ufo's chased after it and I watched lots of these white dots chasing down this massive white orb and then it disappeared and then I witnessed another explosion like a small blue dot that similar to atmospheric testing in space that I used to view on camp many years ago. I spoke to my friend who got excited and said he witnesses the space wars but doesn't know who's attacking who?

I forgot to mention that the next day I woke up which was the Tuesday at 11am I had itchy eyes and went to the bathroom mirror and both my eyes were blood shot red and very sore after witnessing that white blast. It happened so quickly I wonder if a nuclear warhead had been fired at the ufo because this craft was moving bldy fast.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by DClairvoyant]

[edit on 19-4-2010 by DClairvoyant]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

Thanks for posting that cool effect.

I hope people learn to look up and enjoy. Saw my second circumzenith arc the other day and they are supposed to be common.

Some great photos on this site
Atmospheric Optics

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

No problem ET_MAN. I asked you a question about your e-mail contact information earlier today, would you be able to let me know if I can reach you at any e-mail address, as your yahoo one no longer works?

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