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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I have been through most of these pages,but if I have missed the answer to my question, please bear with me. I live in east central Iowa and I am wondering if this is a safe place when October 11, 2011 arrives? There is a nuclear power plant about thirty miles away and this is giving me some concern. Thank you in advance.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by peewee1263]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:10 PM
Your perception is your own, your journey of insight is your own. Eventually though, the ‘blinders’ of the ego mind will be removed and you will come to understand the purpose of these endeavours of which many around the world are now part of. When you are ready to receive, you will. Maybe not right now. But that is okay.

There is no need for argument or debate.Why choose to argue trivial points when you can use that energy to seek. Debate is tiring IMO. Just seek always. There is nothing to prove or disprove to anybody. The primary message is very simple. Take it or leave it. Significant Earth Change is coming affecting all. It is advised to seek truth, recognise the signs and prepare. Within, you know exactly what we are here for now and what you should do.

To those more attuned, the signs of ‘Earth changes’ and this ‘end cycle’ period are becoming increasingly obvious, without need to consult any text or other external media to corroborate such changes. Soon, many will recognise the ‘build up’ of changes (I personally can feel the transformation in the core of my being. I can feel it in the air, I can see it in the sun and sky, the animals and humans are responding to the changes also). Mother Earth is ‘telling me’ to get ready.

No accidents—many messengers are out in force providing this message NOW, for good reason. This is no Y2K. I recognised that for the delibrate garbage campaign it was from the outset without a hint of concern. This intrinsic urging to disclose truth is totally different, as I realised my role in all this from a young age, and I’m convinced that was also the case for ET_MAN. These disclosures are the real deal. And it’s in your best interest to realise this, not ours.

The mind seeks evidence. However your heart and eternal spirit is the true key to many of life’s ‘mysteries’ and answers seeked. I tend to laugh at many studied claims of evidence and proof for this and that, for they are essentially moot. The materials referenced here (including on my own reference site poleshift2011) are only provided to ‘plant seeds’ of awakening to help people tune into their ‘higher’self (where truth already resides) for ‘recall’. Man often amuses me with his self assured world view--his self-righteous pride in ‘studied’ intellectualism and obediently followed ‘doctrines’within the various fields of an often ‘illusionary education system’. In essence, he ‘knows’ nothing, other than that which he is graced to know. Truth requires no proof, which is testament to it’s divinity. Some here have chosen to share their ‘gifts’ of insight that those ‘ready’ have had the ability to discern/resonate correctly. I can only suggest you meditate and pray for your own if you genuinely seek truth. Choose love for all life and the rest will follow. ETERNAL LOVE and UNITY is the ‘highest truth’ from my ‘perspective’. Do not get consumed and trapped in the mind. Just understand that love will break all illusionary chains and opens all doors--eventually. I wish you the best on your path.

A quote from current Aussie PM Kevid Rudd on coming Earth changes (relevant to the warnings within this thread).
"Natural disasters will be with us, in greater intensity over a longer period of time, regrettably with greater loss of life, into the future, for a range of reasons." (reported 25-10-09
Is he PM psychic?? Why make such a statement—just to scare people?? Why greater loss of life?? Why greater intensity?? Has he possibly been informed of something most of us haven’t??? A range of reasons?? Why so vague?? It’s a very assured statement for a serving PM to make --- for the simple fact he KNOWS what is coming, just as I KNOW and ET_MAN and other folk here KNOW. This is all for your benefit, not ours people. Wake up brothers and sisters!!! The sooner the better for your own preparation! This is just one minor piece of ‘evidence’ among multitudes out there provided. Not that I personally needed it, I have already been shown what those ‘range of reasons’will be. Peace, perception and grace to all.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by benedict9]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Actually Rwanda is not resource laden as you suggest. Rwanda is not close to the Middle East. Your entire account of Rwanda is fictitious.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by peewee1263

I wouldn't worry about anything happening from the skies. This entire thread is based on false claims of a large celestial object in our solar system.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:16 PM
hahaha they will hide in there dens and in there caves from protection of THE WRATH OF GOD!!!! im stoked

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by stereologist

No, but its resource laden. Pardon me, I did mix up rwanda with sudan, where there was also violence. But its Rwanda where the 100,000 machetes from CHina were sent in, and that had a middle class.

And I paid attention while it was happening, and tried to get people around to demand our government do something but they all treated me like I was crazy to want to do anything.

This is current, I researched this years ago. We had some indication of what was happening in Canadian news which is a little better than the US, but only somewhat.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Do some research. You have not researched anything about astronomy and you certainly have not researched Rwanda. Let's take a look at the wiki article.
Rwanda - Wikipedia

Rwanda is a country of few natural resources, and the economy is based mostly on semi-subsistence agriculture by local farmers using simple tools.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by stereologist

You really dont know me. I lived through the nightmare of the media reports on Rwanda, and the Kurdish people leaving the Gulf Wars, and the GENOCIDE. I was trying to get people ready to run on the governments here blocking aid and removing them. I informed our PM that he was a criminal and that the only reason these corrupt governments were still in is because most people weren't aware but if he any of his goons show up I will perform a citizens arrest.

Been there, lived through those year, had nightmares for ages, and always "knew" what was going on. So you're talking to the wrong person, and what you just wrote is very revealing.

I'll be ignoring your posts from now on. Even if your posting as an ordinary skeptic, there are responsiblities that people have in life. We in the "free" world, have even more responsibility than those "not as free", for our governements, rape, murder, and send jacklys into other coutnries, with economic warfare and world banks and steal the worlds resources for themselves, not even really for us, but for themselves and their little elite group.

While waking people up to this world is a good thing, when genocides occur, with obvious conspiracy by the elites of our countries, and the world banks, we are the ones who need to be aware. By remaining silent, and bought off by official stories, sports, media, entertainment, and trinkest, while billions live in abject poverty, we are the ones co-creating this nightmare, we're responsible too if we don't see it, its OBVIOUS right in our face.

All their official stories have a hundred holes in them. Do people think?

I've thought all my life even as a child. I saw napalm used as a preschooler on the news and was outside trying to think about how to save the world, furious and very upset.

Do people think? What matters to you?

Also this is going out to "those working for them" in general, and in fact I'm thinking of making a thread about this. Every day you have a choice to do the right thing, stand on honor, for the human race. Don't ever allow them to cause you fear, or your family, but do the right thing. Walk away.

Look within and phone home through your heart. Ask your Higher Self, who am I? why am I here? help me to remove all blocks to awareness, and to remember who I am and to help?

Shine Love, Light & Awareness (and also renounce the coding. For example, I like awareness, it has a lovely meaning. But renounce " a war ness". Nothing is done by accident.

Era-Sinfoni Deo 2008

Until we can walk on free land
Until we can choose who to love
Until we can dance on honour
We'll hold our hands together

Until we can walk on free land
Until we can tell the children
That Earth is a safe place again
We’ll stand and hold together

Until we can choose who to love
Until the colour of your skin
Is not a fool twist of fate
We’ll hold our hands together

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 02:33 PM
hi OP,hope you can answer this for me and anyone else who have asked themselves this question-what does it mean to be human?

this is something i often think about and would be interested to hear your response,enjoying the thread


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I've spent a bit of time in Africa. I know that Rwanda and Burundi are neighboring countries with few natural resources and now you are having a hissy fit because I said the truth? Now you're playing the poor loser by hiding behind genocide. Well, genocide or not, the country does not have many natural resources. For lands sake, the Wiki reported only $93 million in mining. That's a drop in the bucket. And then the rest of your post is that you watch the news. That's good. But please take the time to look up things. Learn something, you'll like it.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hi ET_man,

As I said in my last response I have a very different view of the universe than you. I do not agree with a lot of what you stated in your last response to me.

I see that you have stated quite a few times you are not trying to change people just inform them. From your responses you seem very determind to get your beliefs across. I haven't come across too many people here who use so much underlining of words and so many block capitals.

I am also surprised that you are allowed put up the same video clips reapeatadly.


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
I am also AWARE of the volcano near Africa which is due to go off.[edit on 17-4-2010 by DClairvoyant]

is it in the Canaries Islands? if it erupts, it will be lethal, it will trigger massive tsunami on the E coast! I hope not

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by FeatheredSerpent

His whole thread got into these issues. Its even more important than any catastrophe that could be heading our way, for this is the very issue at hand. I've made a thread, that brings up some of what we can learn when we look within and from many nudges. This one is to all the elite/ptb/black ops working so hard at depopulation and fascism.

What does it mean to be a human here in this matrix?

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Hi JohnySeagull,

reply to post by JohnySeagull

As I said in my last response I have a very different view of the universe than you. I do not agree with a lot of what you stated in your last response to me.

A mere response to describe the "INFINITE" Universe is nothing but empty words and space, it would be like telling someone about earth and using only 1 word like “Dirt” to describe it and much much less than that but how can anyone ever begin to explain/describe that much much less as the human body/finite/mind cannot comprehend/understand the "INFINITE" in full where there's no such things as full or begin.

If someone made an attempt to describe the "INFINITE" Universe in a more than fundamental/basic/concept way it could never be done nor could the English language or any language contain a sufficient amount of words/definitions to ever begin to touch on what the "INFINITE" is where there is no beginning and only an "IS."

If someone composed a million/billion/trillion books in the English language it wouldn't even begin to touch on the "INFINITE" where there's no such things as begin. What most think they know about the "INFINITE" Universe is merely empty space and empty words and that includes myself for the "TIME" being as I occupy the mortal finite/vehicle/body even though I've had extraordinary experiences including an NDE and viewed things outside of Earth it means nothing to the “INFINITE” Universe and I'm still like an Astronaut who has gone to the moon and seen things from a different angle/view/perspective (in small comparison where there is no small) yet once returned to the finite/body/mind there is a great loss of comprehension/understanding of the "INFINITE" where there's no such thing as great.

Experiences rubbed off an understanding that no language on Earth could ever contain in words/definitions therefore if asked about the "INFINITE" it's necessary to use metaphors/visualizations and perhaps even many words crammed together that could only slightly begin to touch on the basic fundamental/concepts/structure of the Universe where there is no begin.

The fundamental/concepts basic-understanding of the "INFINITE" come from the "INFINITE" that has always been. If the "INFINITE" understanding is picked up on it came from within to better understand/see (even remember for some) coming to one's own realization/understanding within themselves. The fundamental basic concepts/understanding or the rough draft outlining to what “INFINITY” really means/represents/is can be enough for anyone to know realizing how very little they really know.

I see that you have stated quite a few times you are not trying to change people just inform them. From your responses you seem very determind to get your beliefs across.

If someone ask questions I simply do my best to answer them to the best of my ability/understanding. Would it have been better to avoid your questions? As a reminder if you look back, you made a double post in a hurry to get an answer and mentioned you have little patience.

So you can see where I'm coming from - you asked the questions so how am I trying to change anyone? It is not within my power to change anyone, as you may know that change comes from within a person and only they can make those changes for themselves whatever those changes may be.

I haven't come across too many people here who use so much underlining of words and so many block capitals.

I have my own style of writing and do it my way.

I am also surprised that you are allowed put up the same video clips reapeatadly.

Not only videos but repeat answers to questions that have been asked throughout the entire thread. If someone makes an accusation about me that is inaccurate I will usually respond to make it clear that they have greatly misinterpreted my sincere intentions. If someone asks me a question and if my answer includes adding a visualization or video for a clearer picture to better describe something then I will do so.


Peace, Love & Light!

Best Wishes!

[edit on 17-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Thankfully the rabbits hole was closed down. That saved me from another boring hour of listening and watching nonsense.

That a relief.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by stereologist]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:15 PM
Hi Stereologist,

Originally posted by stereologist
Thankfully the rabbits hole was closed down.

It makes you wonder why since there were truths to be found.
It is no wonder!

My account was hacked into last night as well!

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
Thankfully the rabbits hole was closed down. That saved me from another boring hour of listening and watching nonsense.

That a relief.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by stereologist]

Really, I suggest everyone watch those videos and his interviews, because HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH AND THE ELITE JUST SHUT HIM DOWN.

Hopefully up again and running soon.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

The little I saw of the videos showed no truths there. It showed fanciful, and unsubstantiated claims.

Coincidence? N. Suspended accounts means someone didn't make their payments.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:27 PM
Hi Stereologist,

reply to post by stereologist

Suspended accounts means someone didn't make their payments.

Not necessarily and you do not know that for sure.

Again we are both speculating now on the reason why that site was shut down because we cannot say for sure or know but my email account was hacked into last night and that makes me a little suspicious as well. Same timing, coincidence?

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by ET_MAN

The little I saw of the videos showed no truths there. It showed fanciful, and unsubstantiated claims.

Coincidence? N. Suspended accounts means someone didn't make their payments.

Really, someone tries to shut him down with HIS QUALITY DOCUMENTS. Not a single piece on there is not 100% verifiable, and fact. All real items, this tells something about you.

And hopefully soon he will be up and running. His videos are filled with much of that, and his own server would end this suppression of information.

Makes me wonder about who is involved in this suppression?

Though I connect dots fast.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Unity_99]

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