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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:07 PM
Hi Gak730,

reply to post by gak730

I understand that its a dark star ? but really though, with our technology today, do you have any information or thoughts .

regarding when we would be able to see this also in the sky ?

A mystery unfolds-“TIME” within “TIME.”

So im not questioning you, more of, I believe all of this,but more of wondering, why 2012 ? is it really every 4000 years? and has it really been 4000 years since the last time ? how is this known ?

What is 4000 to the "INFINITE" where there's no such thing as 4000. “TIME” within “TIME." “TIME” based on “Readiness/Awakeness/Awareness" "PERCEPTION" for the Conscious Observer/Experiencer/Student- the Cyclic –Events/Seasons/Harvest/Maintenance of Duality/Mortality (School)- and the Final –Exam for the students always comes in due “TIME” where there's no such thing as "TIME" from an Infinite/Eternal perspective according to that which was intended/meant to happen/occur/be and always "WAS/WILL BE" from an Infinite/Eternal perspective where there is "NO TIME."

"The whole secret of existence is to HAVE NO FEAR, NEVER FEAR what will become of you."

"FEAR NOT-What is Not Real, never was and never will be. What is Real, Always Was and Cannot Be Destroyed. Consciousness is Eternal it is not vanquished with the destruction of the Temporal Body."

Best Wishes!

[edit on 22-3-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

First let me say I have spent the last two days reading this entire thread as I just found it. Second, as I feel with any thread if you choose to believe what is written you contribute to a thread, if you do not the right thing to do is move on. I read many threads on here where I say, (to myself) wow, that is out there, and I move on. Making rude comments, etc.. are one, a waste of space on this site, and two just beneath our higher selves.

The human race is attacked from all sides. I personally cannot be so narrow minded as to think in this VAST universe that we are the only intelligent beings out there. So having said that, other beings, manipulating the human race for their gains MUST be against the natural LAWS of right and wrong.

As I watch my country do evil atrocities to others that go against my very moral fiber, I wonder, are they being manipulated by other races outside our own earth? Or can humans really be that greedy and evil?

So ET Man, as a human, ever wanting to enlighten myself and others around me, I give you the same opportunity and trust to enlighten me and if you show yourself to be honest and true, and so far I find your facts and endless research, proof to me that you are proving yourself to be honest, I thatnk you for the information and apologize for others who have been so manipulated in this world they have resorted to lashing out instead of moving on if they disagree.

I do not know if you will answer my questions and I understand if you choose not to, that is your right. I have gone to your site and am still reading the information there.

This date of Oct. 2011, so close in approaching, my mind is confused as to why the whole HEALTHCARE DEBATE we Americans have just been subjected to. Our voice was ignored, we were shown blatant corruption of our government system. If they know this date too, why are they wasting time on this. Surely 2010 and 2011 is going to be filled with earth changes ie..earthquakes, hurricanes etc... why the push for something that after this date will never see teh light of day? What was the true agenda for all of this?

Last question, true information in Amercia about say Yellowstone, etc.. are well hidden from the public. Will we be seeing increases in natural earthquake activity, weather etc... this year 2010... or are all these earthquakes etc.. being caused by the powers that be for their own evil purposes? Yellowstone is of great concern to me.

Thank you again..

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:19 AM
Hello everyone. I've been reading this blog since it began. ET_MAN, I've done my "Homework" as you said in the beginning of your blog and have learned a tremendous amount. This is interesting to say the least. I was watching to Lucus presentation a few weeks ago and within his presentation he has posted some videos to watch. One I recomend everyone should watch is by John Moore, "Climate Change: What The Government Isn't Telling You." I will post a link to the video if it does not work please pull it up on YouTube or Lucus's site. He tells about the areas that will be flooded in America and the safe areas. Videos 1-12. object width="480" height="385">

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:26 AM
The post is here.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by alexgia

He was warned off the thread 3 times, and a threats made for dates, and when I read those dates to begin with, I assumed they may be codes, meaning research 11 11. Infinity number by the way. Or many in one,

I just watched an amazing video that explains pretty much in physics why WE are aspects of the Creators, and why WE are the ones who designed, programmed, created this system. I stood in awe.

Why did tptb run with the Big Bang theory? I've read that a year before it became their chosen one, the Jesuits indicated it was what they preferred. A beginning. No infinities. The possibility of ONE, literally a ONE. One God, who created this Universe, and we are mere mortal creations.

So what do they do in physics when they keep encountering all those infinities? With most of them, they round them off the closet finite number, a small mathematical change.

The vacuum was the big problem, its not a vacuum and has an enormous amount of energy. Also when they devled in with their mathematics, they discovered what is called an Ugly Infininity, one they cant tidy up like they do. So....they created a cheat, an injected something that tidied up the inifinite into a very huge finite with an astromically large number, of energy compressed in one cubic centimeter of space.
If they put all the stars and energy in the known universe in all directions Hubble can see all the way to nearly the point of the mythical Big Bang, it still doesnt make up the density in the cubic centimeter.

In addition, the energy that has come from the vacuum seems to do so with design and purpose, with FRACTALS being an overall theme. In a fracatal, ALL that is without, the "ugly" infinity of light/energy/matter, is within! So, everything is completely EQUAL. All creatures, all beings, EQUAL, with us being a small portion of the whole on the other side, and there can never be ONE. Many, infinite in ONE, equal.

Hence 11111111...... or 11 11, our Universal Reminder of who we are, and how we don't have to be stuck in this matrix as slaves, BUT....if this system really has order and structure (and it appears to) and if the Universe is truly sending out information gatherers to learn about it self, and that is also something it seems to, theres probably rules (THAT WE MADE), and hence karma is one. So while we focus on being free, and going to a better set of lessons, with less duality, we really need to look at the billions starving to death here, and all of nature, every creature we have brutalized, because we're all equal, and Love demands feelings and trying to help, despite TPTB, stomping out successful movements, we still need to find ways to show our intent and try them, so the law is broken by intent, and possibly by actions as well, cause we have to love each other.

The physics is incredible, and the infinty isn't UGLY at all, its gorgeous! I have been feeling so much joy and wonder and happiness since the door to seeing this opened.

So while he has been warned off the thread and isn't allowed to give dates like that, also, the ones that were given seem to be clues to our nature and how we can look within, feel for each other, change the catastrophe perhaps, I hope so, draw in help,and pass the final exam. Through heart , and love, and feeling, and awareness and wishes, because we're very equal and the Creators on the other side, and there can never be ONE, and each of us contains, in equality, ALL THAT IS!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:40 AM
Also, ETS are connected, our leaders and the shadow governement behind them seem contracted to dark sider, Darth Vader type dracos and annanuki. True bad guys. And we don't seem to make much difference with phone calls and letters to them, but we can write to them and suggest ways for them to advance too, and not fall into karma, and for them to be free. We could stand together, and pull in the help from the benevolents. They could break their contracts and redistribute goods to all on earth. We can do this together, and with Cosmic help as well. There are far more positive worlds in this galaxy than negative ones! And many of them are advanced and telepathic so they know our link to the Beyond, and the Veil. Within us, contains all, so we can send out our messages, both within ourselves in meditation, and without under the stars, and pull in the help.

But look at us. If the darksider ETS that brutalize humanity behind the scenes through their chosen ones, TPTB, murder and mistreat us in ever growing ways, think of what WE symbolize to nature, to the animal and insect kingdoms, and remember, everyone is equal and contains the whole infinity within, and on the other side, we meet with each other. They think we're the evil darksider darth vaders for what we do to them. We need to live equally, here and bring heaven to earth, and cruetly free to nature! If we don't, we're showing we have something in common with Darth Vader!

Edit to ADD: Now I understand fully what Jim Spark's said in his interviews about the need for pardons, immunity, so we could pull the black ops out and into public community and safety, and they would probably come by the numbers. It makes sense now. If they're contracted to the dark siders, the only way is to GRANT IMMUNITY, no matter what humans and nature has up til now endured (as we are all immortal and loved no matter what has happened here) AND stand together, sharing in the technology that is hidden, along with ASKING for help under the stars and from the benevolents, and redistributing amongst the nations all the goods, and even greater techonology and healing.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
The post is here.

Hi DaphneApollo,

The video is appreciated.
I will add it to the thread for easier access.

Best Wishes!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Thanks ET_MAN for posting the videos. I didn't know how or wasn't allowed to do it. I appreciate that.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I have been following your thread persistently, and I just got finished watching these videos from John Moore, which are fascinating, taking into consideration all of the other research I have been doing. How do you feel about this gentlemans claims?
He is very right about one thing: Denial. I have kept this whole subject between my husband and I, because I know if I were to try to tell anyone else, they would not believe me. So I am not even going to try. Kudos to you, however!
One of the other problems I have is that this guy's website (the libertyman one) is about surviving terrorism. It is not about the subject in the videos. And he charges $250 an hour to talk to you on the phone?
Anyway, thank you again for starting this behemoth. Looking forward to your future replies.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:31 AM
Hi ET_MAN. If John Moore is correct on his map, then The Georgia Guidestones just may be under water? It's in the North east almost to Florida border, Eblerton County. Just a thought. They won't even be seen. The place where I learned of John Moore was from Lucus's site and here's the link to his text presentation I didn't know if anyone had been able to view this or not but he has more Documentaries to view. Lot's of good information. ET_MAN, I saw your picture on a picture of Magee, MS , snow at Christmas time in 2008, I live in MS not far from there and it's the truth. Since this year began, we've had four snows by the end of Feb. 2010. That has never happened here. I'm old enough to know. I happened on your blog from the beginning and have been reading it ever since. Before I saw your blog I had two visions. The first I saw a very tall tidal wave hitting the West Coast first. Then a smaller one hitting the East Coast of the U.S. I was also aware of Nostradamus's "From behind the Sun the Monster will be Seen in 1999 and seven months" , so , when I saw your blog I paid very close attention. Some things though, I do not understand, such as , "It's not a brown dwarf, but something else" Please help? I'm following what you're saying mostly. Watched all your videos posted. Learned about Jordan Maxwell whom I'd never heard of before. Watched his almost three hour interview with Project Camelot (whom I'd never heard of before this thread) see I said I had learned alot. I am at attention and taking it all in and some more. I had saved so much to a disk of my own research and now saving your posting to of your evidence and facts. I had never heard of Malta. There are some things you know and others on here know that makes the whole knowledge grow even more and I hope I'm contributing a little more with my observations as well. Thanks for reading my drivel. Have a happy day.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by First Curiosity Last
reply to post by ET_MAN

I have been following your thread persistently, and I just got finished watching these videos from John Moore, which are fascinating, taking into consideration all of the other research I have been doing. How do you feel about this gentlemans claims?
He is very right about one thing: Denial. I have kept this whole subject between my husband and I, because I know if I were to try to tell anyone else, they would not believe me. So I am not even going to try. Kudos to you, however!
One of the other problems I have is that this guy's website (the libertyman one) is about surviving terrorism. It is not about the subject in the videos. And he charges $250 an hour to talk to you on the phone?
Anyway, thank you again for starting this behemoth. Looking forward to your future replies.

Where I have highlighted the above quote I would like to say you shouldn't give in to people who are ignorant/denialable as I get this from nearly everyone I speak to in person or sometimes on the internet on a daily basis.

It just gives me more courage to get up and talk to people and try and help them become more aware even though as strange as it may sound I can sometimes hear their thoughts, quite upsetting thoughts nevertheless I will always say what I need to even though I know what actions COULD play out after I've said it.

I chose best to go for a certain mood in people as its a lot harder on the internet as I can read a person's soul from looking into their eyes and that's when I make the decision to chose whether or not its a good idea to make contact with them about future importance. Sometimes I will just bring it up out of the ordinary for some which most of life is a norm to them and when I speak of matters I first say,

"Have an open-mind and I don't mind what thought's you have of this I would feel a lot better getting it off my chest and helping you become more aware".

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by alexgia
reply to [url=
REPLY TO alexgia

First let me say I have spent the last two days reading this entire thread as I just found it. Second, as I feel with any thread if you choose to believe what is written you contribute to a thread, if you do not the right thing to do is move on. I read many threads on here where I say, (to myself) wow, that is out there, and I move on. Making rude comments, etc.. are one, a waste of space on this site, and two just beneath our higher selves.

The human race is attacked from all sides. I personally cannot be so narrow minded as to think in this VAST universe that we are the only intelligent beings out there. So having said that, other beings, manipulating the human race for their gains MUST be against the natural LAWS of right and wrong.

As I watch my country do evil atrocities to others that go against my very moral fiber, I wonder, are they being manipulated by other races outside our own earth? Or can humans really be that greedy and evil?

So ET Man, as a human, ever wanting to enlighten myself and others around me, I give you the same opportunity and trust to enlighten me and if you show yourself to be honest and true, and so far I find your facts and endless research, proof to me that you are proving yourself to be honest, I thatnk you for the information and apologize for others who have been so manipulated in this world they have resorted to lashing out instead of moving on if they disagree.

I do not know if you will answer my questions and I understand if you choose not to, that is your right. I have gone to your site and am still reading the information there.

This date of Oct. 2011, so close in approaching, my mind is confused as to why the whole HEALTHCARE DEBATE we Americans have just been subjected to. Our voice was ignored, we were shown blatant corruption of our government system. If they know this date too, why are they wasting time on this. Surely 2010 and 2011 is going to be filled with earth changes ie..earthquakes, hurricanes etc... why the push for something that after this date will never see teh light of day? What was the true agenda for all of this?

Last question, true information in Amercia about say Yellowstone, etc.. are well hidden from the public. Will we be seeing increases in natural earthquake activity, weather etc... this year 2010... or are all these earthquakes etc.. being caused by the powers that be for their own evil purposes? Yellowstone is of great concern to me.

Thank you again..

I just wanted to give you my 2 cents regarding your concerns with the healthcare bill. I cannot proove this, it's just a gut feeling, but I believe a reasonable one. DISTRACTION, TPTB keep us looking and focusing on the right hand, while they are busy pulling off their deeds with their left hand. You can take that theory in any direction you want and any subject and the same pattern follows. We are told what to believe, how to think, what to buy, how to live, all by their rules and guidelines. It's amazing to me that so many people never question why things are the way they are and who decided which way they would be. As soon as a child is born, we have to "teach" them the ways of the world, which of course make perfect "sense" to us, but wouldn't a child believe anything we taught them as being the way of the world? We basically are given a story about religion for instance. If the story was that the Gods lived in the sky and we needed magic beans to plant to grow a beanstalk to reach up to god, there would be a lot of bean stalks.

[edit on 24-3-2010 by Llyynn]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:42 AM
I do believe that the "Great Knowledge" that the illuminati have is about Planet X, the Destroyer, Nibiru, Wormwood, etc. I remember seeing a program on the History channel that said buried in the Spinx's front left foot/paw are secret books containing the secrets of life. There are also supposedly these same sorts of documents buried in other ancient structures that we are not allowed to get to. I'm pretty sure that a group of people long ago took possession of all of these documents and have the knowledge, that is why they are illuminated. Then they feed us a story and control the whole game and their main game is to divide and conquer, they have been very successful with this I tell lots of people to stop with this Democrat v. Republican garbage, it's just another way to keep us divided and busy so that they can carry on with their plans. I am amazed at how they get people to vote against their own interests. We may not like everything in the Health Care bill, but shouldn't everyone in this country have access to medical care? But then again, it boggles my mind how they can keep people distracted with this health care bill and not ever mention that the TPTB have stolen all the money. They have stolen trillions of dollars and we the people will fight with each other over how we should or shouldn't spend a 100 billion dollars for medical care for the people.

I often ask people why it is that TPTB can take all the money and the people say nothing, but if TPTB want to throw a few crumbs to help a family with their mortgage, or with extending unemployment to help a family....everyone is enraged. In what world does this make sense?

[edit on 24-3-2010 by Llyynn]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by segurelha
ET_MAN, great idea but:

31 March 2013 is 13 ahau
14 July 2012 is 13 ahau
28 October 2011 is 13 ahau
10 Fev 2011 is 13 ahau
26 May 2010 is 13 ahau
8 Sep 2009 is 13 ahau

Which date shall we use?

Where I have highlighted the above quote this date I had a strong vision about and was made aware.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by keops

Originally posted by sphinx551
Do you know of the aliens from planet Iarga (about 10 light years away from Earth)?

you're absolutely right this planet does exist so do the Aliens

This has a similar ressemblance to the movie Avatar which I have not yet seen though the imagery of the Iargan looks fairly familiar.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant

This has a similar ressemblance to the movie Avatar which I have not yet seen though the imagery of the Iargan looks fairly familiar.

Well, maybe that's where the makers of Avatar got their idea (of the aliens in the film) from?

[edit on 24-3-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:42 PM
I hate when people make up aliens with their own earth bound concepts of what they should look like.

We really have little idea as to what exactly an alien would look like, as we only know life on earth. Therefore most of alien drawings/ideas are simply twisted looking mammals not aliens.

Makes no sense, we have to actually visit these planets to understand what the life on the planet looks like.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Llyynn

I agree completely. Keeping us busy with one thing while they do other things in the dark.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by OdovacarDvilhelm

We really have little idea as to what exactly an alien would look like,

What can you say about this?:

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:59 PM
The ones I've seen look more like:
(this one isn't quite right, the eyes are bigger, but the head is shaped more like what I remember too)
(artistic liscnense, general idea)
The dark haired men similare hair, the women hair just below or at shoulders, but men with long blond hair!)
(blue uniform)
(bone structure and uniform)

Stronger bonestructure, more like Triple H, and tall.

Edit to add: With online pics you have to make adjustments and do alot of combining.
The eyes were different than ours, the man I got to actually see the eyes on were longer and larger, and well shaped, so when they say their eyes are larger its not like they're wearing far sighted lenses, its an unusual shape of the bonestructure that just makes it work and look beautiful still. Strong bonestructure, longer slightly and stronger planes in the face. The hands were larger somehow.

[edit on 24-3-2010 by Unity_99]

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