Hello ET_MAN
I have just been reading about a possible brown dwarf outside our solar system see forum www.abovetopsecret.com...
and somehow found this thread which you stated sometime ago existed.
So I read all your posts in this thread and would like to add my 2 pence.
1) I work in the mental health field and although not an expert (Iam just a nursing assistant) I have had a couple of conversations with patients who
state "things are going to change next year" etc.
2) I too have had a feeling of something coming, dunno what it is but I have asked friends/workmates about it and some say they have the same feeling
(others say i have been working with mentally ill people to long lol).
oh and a couple of questions ......
1) Is the UK absolutely doomed?
2) If this event happens and I die, is that the end of me as a soul or will I change into something else?
3) If I change into something else will i still have my own sense of humour etc.
4) Can I do anything to help everyone else in any way?
Cheers dude from another time/dimension whatever
peace BM
AN invisible star may be circling the Sun and causing deadly comets to bombard the Earth, scientists said yesterday.
The brown dwarf - up to five times the size of Jupiter - could be to blame for mass extinctions that occur here every 26 million years.
The star - nicknamed Nemesis by Nasa scientists - would be invisible as it only emits infrared light and is incredibly distant.
Nemesis is believed to orbit our solar system at 25,000 times the distance of the Earth to the Sun.
As it spins through the galaxy, its gravitational pull drags icy bodies out of the Oort Cloud - a vast sphere of rock and dust twice as far away as
These "snowballs" are thrown towards Earth as comets, causing devastation similar to the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years
Now Nasa boffins believe they will be able to find Nemesis using a new heat-seeking telescope that began scanning the skies in January.
The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer - expected to find a thousand brown dwarfs within 25 light years of the Sun - has already sent back a photo of
a comet possibly dislodged from the Oort Cloud.
Scientists' first clue to the existence of Nemesis was the bizarre orbit of a dwarf planet called Sedna.
Boffins believe its unusual, 12,000-year-long oval orbit could be explained by a massive celestial body.
Mike Brown, who discovered Sedna in 2003, said: "Sedna is a very odd object - it shouldn't be there.
"The only way to get on an eccentric orbit is to have some giant body kick you - so what is out there?"
Professor John Matese, of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, said most comets come from the same part of the Oort Cloud.
He added: "There is statistically significant evidence that this concentration of comets could be caused by a companion to the Sun."
I hope the event in Oct/2011 ( if it does happen)is something else?,has nothing to do with planet X, because it doesn't exist.
X= Unknown and there are hundreds/thousands of such objects/planets/comets out there marked/labeled X for "Unknown" that do exist.
10.11.11. has nothing to do with a Planet or Nibiru for the record.
the author of this website is an astronomer.
Astronomers/Scientific community are left in the dark remaining in 3D-zone incapable of observing/viewing objects outside of 3D-zone. (According to
current human understanding/definition of what 3D-zone is) those within 3D-zone know little to nothing about the other
dimensions/channels/layers/realms/existences (call them/label them/define them what you will) with zero access to them. Not just "Out there" in
"Space" but "In there"- "EARTH" "On" "Around" and "Within" the planet if one chooses to label/call it a planet.
I have only just discovered this thread via the david icke forums and thought I should become a member to ATS. This thread has been some very
interesting reading I tell ya! I read threads like this with an open mind as I am sure most of you do.
There is much to observe/view/see beyond 3D-zone that humans cannot pick up on or observe/view/see- those who believe they know all or see all –
Know and see very little.
ET_MAN I have some questions and concerns for you.
I can't help but feel that your prediction needs some credibility.
Definitely, I understand that most of what I share pertaining to future events "for the most part" will not truly reach people due to the nature of
some of what I've suggested and the way I've presented/encoded a few things. It was never intended for everyone but some with an eye to see. I have
no intention of proving or convincing anyone of anything- only put a few things out there for people to read/view/consider/think-about. I have no
intention of providing absolute/definite proof of anything but will be opening up a new thread within a few weeks time that will discuss/deal with
strictly evidence for those who wish to review/all the evidence in existence available in
knowledge/discoveries/research/history/science/archaeology/prophecy etc-supporting some of what I've suggested.
The earthquakes of late for example, these are events that will be etched in our history as they are of a massive magnitude!
The recent seismic activity/quakes are but an opening of things to come, the signs preceding future events will be undeniable-in plain site for all to
view/see- things will manifest/materialize/come/happen quickly. There is nothing to fear for those who are prepared on a spiritual
level. Everything on Earth is bound to the laws of mortality/duality "Consequence to Action" even things unseen to the human 3D-zone eye. The
reflection from within is but a reflection/mirrored without. “As within so without” "As Above so Below." The unalterable/unchangeable laws of
duality based upon Dark/Light Opposition- “Cause” and “Effect” “Action” and “Consequence” “Trial and Error.” “Joy and Pain.”
A person reaps what they sow from an Infinite/Eternal perspective there is “No way around it" within duality/mortality existences (only through it
and out) where opposition can be found within all things Light to Dark. As difficult as life may be for some- it’s a progressive/learning
state/existence/experience and should be looked upon as such coming from an Infinite/Eternal perspective. It must be experienced at least once within
"TIME" and that is your own personal "Here" and "Now." Every "soul" is on a different level/state of progression with a different level/state
of perception/understanding/consciousness- based on/revolving around-"TIME."
To add credibility to your prediction surely you must be able to tell us of some similar events that will occur this year?
The signs will be undeniable and made clear in due "TIME", but things will come quickly as a thief in the night. Do not let
your "Heart" be capable of fear or failure for many people's hearts will fail them in fear.
If you can accurately predict October 11 2011 then can you tell us any events either natural or man made that will occur in the not too distant
The school bells go off preceding "TIMES" of dismissal. Having composure/integrity/fearlessness-maintaining the spirit (within) is the most
important/necessary-thing to have. Never out of “Fear” but out of genuine- understanding/desire/sincerity-(Choice/freewill). Being ready/prepared
to face/meet all things with a greater understanding of the “INFINITE”- understanding the inevitability of death that comes for all within
mortality/duality existences. There is a divine path/order for all things from an Infinite/Eternal perspective and "nothing to fear."
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you."
There is comfort in understanding what will become of you if that state/level is reached/achieved/understood- necessary for most to
reach a comfort zone or state/level of "Fearlessness." Seeking to understand the greater/higher concepts of the "INFINITE" where there's no such
thing as "Greater" or "Higher." (All things being Infinitely-Interconnected/Eternally-Without-beginning- Never with
3. Is the film "The Matrix" a complete fantasy or is there some truth to it?
4. Have you heard of the Holographic Universe theory?
Duality, Dark/Light-Opposition!
Dream a Dream, Any Dream!
(Use You're Freewill Wisely) Best Wishes!
"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the
distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstein.
Hello ET_MAN
I have just been reading about a possible brown dwarf outside our solar system see forum www.abovetopsecret.com...
A Dark Star/Brown Dwarf Exists.
I too have had a feeling of something coming, dunno what it is but I have asked friends/workmates about it and some say they have the same
feeling (others say i have been working with mentally ill people to long lol).
You’re not alone, many intuitively/feel/sense something's around the corner. (Even the birds and the bees)
Why the Creation Cycles do not end December 21, 2012, but October 28, 2011.
By Carl Johan Calleman www.experiencefestival.com...
oh and a couple of questions ......
1) Is the UK absolutely doomed?
No it’s not.
2) If this event happens and I die, is that the end of me as a soul or will I change into something else?
There is never an end to you and if you do leave your vehicle/body/vessel you will see/know/realize/remember who and what you truly are.
3) If I change into something else will i still have my own sense of humour etc.
According to you're current state of knowledge/understanding/consciousness. The more knowledge/understanding one possesses- the more
composed/relaxed/layed-back they will become. You’re sense of humor will go on in a new way- with higher/greater understanding at a new level of
4) Can I do anything to help everyone else in any way?
Some things have limitations within mortality/duality but you can do many things in you're personal “Here” and “Now” Time-Zone today,
tomorrow and the next day for those around you, neighbors, co-workers, family, friends. Those in need or less fortunate than you if you truly
desire/choose to help coming with sincerity/desire of the heart with true intent. Share the "Love" Share the "Light" Never helping for selfish
reasons/purpose without- “motive/incentive” but because one knows it’s the “RIGHT” thing to do and truly desires to do the "Right" thing
without being forced/pushed/ordered to do it.
Cheers dude from another time/dimension whatever
peace BM
All "Souls" come from other dimensions/times/existences/places from an Infinite/Eternal Perspective. From dust the vehicle/body/container
materializes to dust the vehicle/body/container returns.
(Infinite Levels/States of Consciousness/Existence) (Within "INFINITE" Realms/dimensions/channels)
2. If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?
Depending on who/what is listening based on capability/range/frequency/wavelength/vibration/amplitude/intensity/direction/speed based upon the current
level of human understanding/knowledge/consciousness/definition on what “Sound” really is/consists-of. If nobody is around with capability to
hear/listen/comprehend/pick up on the “Sound” and a “Tree” Falls then nobody would be available to “Hear” pick up on the
vibrations/frequency/amplitude/intensity “Sound” of the tree falling. But those in higher dimensions see/know “All” things occurring/taking
place within mortality/duality. Everything is accounted for down to the last grain of sand/hair on one’s head. As a person stores data within a back
up/system/hard-drive to the last comma/letter/digit so do the Teachers/Creators/Designers store/know all data to the last subatomic particle/atom.
3. If I see blue, and you see blue.. are we really seeing the same blue? Or is perception different in each of our minds?
“Infinite” levels of perception exist within “Infinite” times/worlds/realms/dimensions/layers-“Eternal Rounds” OOO. Every “Soul”
perceives reality uniquely according to their current level of perception/understanding/knowledge/consciousness based upon their own individual
“Soul” mind. A day for you may be equivalent to a half for another, the color blue may be brighter more vivid/clear for you and
lesser/dimmer/duller for another. Everything differing one to another in level/brightness “Soul” perception based on the state of one’s soul and
their current level of perception-“Consciousness -Soul/Mind/Vision/Reality.
4. Is there or was there life on mars?
There is and there was. Dimensions/Layers/Realms/ (States of existence) exist beyond the scope of the human 3D-zone eye. There are worlds within
worlds layers/dimensions within layers/dimensions. Space within Space-Time within Time. Channels within Channels- Endless
Frequency/Channels/Dimensions/Existences/Layers/Bubbles – “Eternal Rounds” (Call them/label them/define them what you will.)
5. Why do cats have their own marijuana that only gets cats high? Why do they often gather together to use catnip? Ancient alien past?
6. How many physical bodies have you lived in?
According to the record book/data-base of “TIME” – Past, Present, Future and “Beyond”= "Incomprehensible to the Finite."
7. What type of alien are you in this ancient past?
We've all occupied a body/vessel/vehicle/container in code- that looked something like this.
“Those” within other realms/dimensions/existences where one once resided- aware of what form they once occupied found such beings to be
Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
im intrigued so what beings lives on the moon and where???!
how would they survive without pressure etc etc
Humans can only view the surface/coating of the candy/shell in 3D-zone. The solar system (Humans perceive/understand/know)-Earth within/without/around
is swarming with activity/life in other realms/dimensions/channels/existences. Like having a remote with a TV-Set if one could change the
channel/frequency-state of their reality/existence/receiver "Awareness/Consciousness" and "Bend Their Mind" around it one could view as many
realms/existences/dimensions as they would channels on their TV-Set and "Beyond." There's always a "Beyond" Within "INFINITY."
ok i get what you are saying we only think within our earth and around ourselves and that ther is much more we don't know about the universe,
ok i can go with that yes but with moon landings etc would they not have seen such beings....even if nasa do really edit vids pics etc.
if there are other beings from the universe already here right why don't we know about it and be a intergalactic community, why send just someone
with info why not more?
if we are an et zoo what are they using us for?, and why would they warn us?.
even if we did survive what was to come only the elite would live but not so much elite as an e.t. right?
so what is our human purpose.
even what's yours after warning us?
I would like to know what you think about the work of Zecharia Sitchin.
people in many forums believe him to publish misinformation, appearing at bohemian grove and having friendly ties with prominent Freemasons all over
the world. There is also a website dedicated purely to proving him wrong.
The way I see it is the scholars of ancient civs and texts do not believe in ancient astronauts or the Earth being colonized by E.T in ancient times,
they tend to stick to the christian path of history. All of their study are taught via the prominent universities where as Z Sitchin has discovered
his theories by his own research.
I do believe his theory is a very plausible one as he has researched the texts and tablets with a more open minded views.
The one area of his research I doubt is that he views everything in this one 3D dimension and doesn't mention the possibilities of other dimensions
or the other light frequencies that David Icke speaks of.
This is where him and David Icke disagree on the existence of the anunnaki or reptilians.
Z Sitchin writes that the anunnaki Sumerian/Babylonians came from planet Nibiru when it collided with Taimat/Earth, where David Icke's studies tell
that they exist in a different light frequency and can manipulate our reality like a puppet master.
He has found the same theories all over the world, from South America to teachings of Zulu shaman in South Africa.
What are your views also on David Ickes findings if you are familiar with his studies?
Also could you share your knowledge of the anunnki/reptilians with us.
Thank you
BTW I live on a East Coast beach in the north island of New Zealand and am seriously thinking of moving to higher ground soon, we have had 3 tsunami
warnings in the last 12 months..... :p
ok i get what you are saying we only think within our earth and around ourselves and that ther is much more we don't know about the universe,
ok i can go with that yes but with moon landings etc would they not have seen such beings....even if nasa do really edit vids pics etc.
Have you read the book Dark Mission by Richard c Hoagland and Mike Bara?
Very good book on the history of NASA.
Lots of information about the Moon and Mars.
sorry i cant really read books i can see and read and all but when i read books they kinda go fuzzy and me head goes whackajack and i have to walk
away lol.
think its the white background against the black writing lol.
There is also an interesting documentary called Moon Views by Joe Escamilla www.youtube.com...
Notice how ALL photos of the moon are black and white? I don't know whether to believe these to be true coloration of the moon but the doco is very
It all seems to lead to the conclusion of artifacts on the moon.
ok i get what you are saying we only think within our earth and around ourselves and that there is much more we don't know about the
There is enough that homsapiens don’t know about yet within their own current reality that they call/believe to be reality for them. There’s
enough to work on figuring out right on Earth without having to look elsewhere. According to human understanding via
researchers/astrophysicists/physics/science- they suggest that all matter is 99.9999% empty space. ... What if matter was “100%” or
“Infinite” empty space, would it be a dream, would it be a thought, would it be a channel/station or frequency/signal (Illusion) running
information output/input/transmitter/receiver (Imagination) or could it be something else entirely. Does one truly really/interact with matter in the
way they believe, is there such a thing as matter (the way humans know it/understand it to be) or are humans on Earth living in a rough draft world
(sketched) holographic in nature-light/vibrational/frequency a channel of existence. A coloring book passed down by the Designer/Creators to the
students/souls of consciousness experiencing duality/mortality Earth life to fill in the blanks draw/color and create/discover their own
reality/world/picture on a certain level of perception/consciousness.
What is real to a soul/existing/living within a dream if that dream was seemingly real. Could it be materialistic/physical (according to one's
current/level understanding/definition of what solid/real/materialistic represents/means) or is it a world within a world - within a mind of
consciousness. What is the universe/system- looking outwards to the "Beyond-zone." What a person sees in 3D-zone is not necessarily the way it is.
Is the outwards system/universe outside of the channel/dream within the world or "Beyond" the dream within the mind where the
worlds/channels/dimensions- coincide/reside/exist materialistic in nature/solidity/form/real or artificial/absent/void. Perception is a
technological/tricky functional thing according to the seemingly physical/materialistic- biological vessel/vehicle/container/body. What is beyond the
biological seemingly real body/material/vehicle- could the vessel be yet the center/inside of another unseen/outer/higher/dimensional body/soul/aura.
Does the leaf fall from the tree, does the caterpillar seize to exist once it becomes a butterfly or does it transform into a higher level/state of
existence with the capability to fly at a greater awareness/level of the world it occupies/lives in around/below/beneath it.
If one could tap/receive/tune into the other existences/dimensions/channels that exist within the same room/space (according to what one
understands/believes space/time to be) within 3D-zone it would be more than an overload-on the finite/human/body/mind to view/see some
dimensions/sharing/coinciding/existing within the same space/time/channel on/around/across/within/above Earth. (Within "TIME", where there is no
“TIME".) If Earth life was channel 11 receiving could the "SUN" be the transmitter of reality "LIGHT"-with
light/energy/signals/data-control/information exchange. There are endless other dimensions/channels of information/dimensions/existences- within
creation/design all within the system/world/cell/atom/nucleus -container/channel- (Earth)- Worlds within worlds, dreams within dreams, consciousness
within consciousness and beyond to an "INFINITE" system-(Universe) that is Infinitely interconnected to all things without beginning or ending.
Beyond all human understanding/comprehension from the "Infinite" view/perspective.
ok i can go with that yes but with moon landings etc would they not have seen such beings....even if nasa do really edit vids pics etc.
Can one see all that exists within a TV in front of them? When one views channel 11 can they see all the other channels at the same “TIME" within
if there are other beings from the universe already here right why don't we know about it and be a intergalactic community, why send just
someone with info why not more?
Why don't the other entities/beings/ET's residing outside of channel 11 manifest themselves in 3D-zone channel 11 for all to plainly see. Perhaps
channels 12-13-14-15-16-17 have access to interact with/view channel 11 however channel 11 cannot interact with/view 12-13-14-15-16-17 unless an
object/soul is enabled to interact/view outside of their cabled-network-frequency/”TIME”/channel. (Perhaps merging is not an option for the
"TIME" being) Where’s the Designers/Producers and audience/viewers- tuning into the system/universe. Can the remote adjust
color/brightness/contrast/depth/weather/evolution/change/growth within a frequency/channel of "TIME." Do special affects exist in Earth's 3D-zone
reality. Is channel 11 above/around/across/among/along/underneath or "On" Earth. Is 3D-zone a stage for "Souls" experiencing/viewing/living out
their own experience in consciousness/perception of their own world/reality within a mind/state of consciousness/dream within "Infinite"
Can Earth be a reality show station for some on the outside viewing/watching above and "Beyond."Is it 3D or is it microscopic "Infinite" in
nature/vision/consciousness/identity/inserted/experiencing –holographic/biological within “TIME” where there is no “TIME." Does consciousness
exist within consciousness. Does Infinite consciousness within Infinite consciousness exist. How many
worlds/times/dimensions/universe's/existences/layers/realms/bubbles exist beyond/above/across/around/along/behind/through the
curtain/veil/channels/dimensions of curvature/space/TIME in endless directions within/without and "Beyond"- 3D-zone reality. “Infinite" in all
directions within/without where there's no such thing as "within" or "without" on an "Infinite" level/scale from an Infinite/Eternal
perspective of Non-locality. What is Space to you? There is no such thing as Space and all Space is occupied in one/level/dimension state of
existence/channel or another. There are things existing right in front of a person and that person is left completely unaware of it. Some
entities/beings residing/existing within those dimensions/times/SPACE are very aware of the lower channels/dimensions/existences. In the same way a
human looks down on other lifeforms that cannot view/see them or are incapable to view/see them left unaware.
if we are an et zoo what are they using us for?, and why would they warn us?.
One would need to define/understand who “They” are. If they made a warning broadcast, take it as a wake up call.
Even if we did survive what was to come only the elite would live but not so much elite as an e.t. right?
Do actors in movies really get blown up when producing a movie or do they walk away behind the scenes with a smile on their face.
so what is our human purpose.
Part of the purpose is to discover what that purpose is. To find yourself and find you're own direction through freewill, make you're own choices,
choose who you truly wish to be through decisions/choices/actions –find you're own destiny, who you were meant/intended to be by Infinite
even what's yours after warning us?
Going with the flow of energy as I go along.
Always hope and wish for the best, if the ending of a movie is a tragedy who is to say that the producers/actors of the film cannot change/alter/edit
out the sadness and make it a happy ending. “All things are possible" within "Infinite Possibility."