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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:55 PM
I drank some Ballenties, i belive it is scotich whsikey. LOL I cannot spell anything anymore. I drank to much. LOL. I love scotch whiskey. LOL

I hate you all. I hate everything

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:52 AM
Hi Saabacura,

Hope you enjoyed the Whiskey.

reply to post by saabacura

I hate you all. I hate everything.

Take it easy and try an avoid the "Consequence to Action" Karma Ghost.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 7-2-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:27 AM
Hi Jrmcleod,

reply to post by jrmcleod

Thanks ET MAN,
The things you say, for some reason are comforting...
Is it possible for someone to know more than science has discovered without realising it yet?


You mentioned about a computer system/programme being "locked" into its purpose, however, surely this only applies if one limits themselves to the confines of that programme?

(Metaphorically Speaking) If a program is specifically programmed not to be able to unlock itself than how can it ever really unlock itself unless the programmer who created/designed that program unlocks the program allowing it to become unlocked?

For instance, i am aware that i am grounded on earth, yet i can if i can dream whilst my physical body is in sleep, can i not learn to bend the rules of the programme slightly, or furthermore...manipulate them to reflect my inner feelings?

If your referring to manipulating/altering/changing parts of reality or creation/matter? Bending the rules/laws of gravity, physics etc? That can only happen if the Creators/Designers enables/allows you to do so for some reason or another. Such as turning water into wine, walking on water or healing the sick, breaking the laws of gravity/physics. ‘Souls’ do have limitations while on this planet for the "TIME" being so are currently limited/finite with beginning/ending mixed into the equation. Within this existence/dimension, such things are not yet accessible to "Souls" occupying the third dimension (as people believe it to be/know it) and such things can only be allowed/unlocked with intervention/allowance. But there are other capabilities within your reach such as psychic abilities/communications/manifestations etc. (Among others)

Ihave watched the film, what dreams may come, and it very much touch me on a level that i never realised, infact i would go as far as to say it was the seed of thought that has since developed into a sapling...

There are some truths in that movie, someday "Souls" can/may have access to creating anything their heart so desires. (Co-creating) “Thought Manifestation” (Within higher dimensions/existences) For more details refer back to page 80.

Surely i fyou love something enough, enough that you would do absolutely anything for, you can achieve it, whether in physical or spiritual form? This might sound strange and you might say no one can love anything that much, however, i would disagree because i love everything this much...i very much feel a constant urge to discover more about who i truley am and what will happen to me when i die...only when i know can i be content with living!

There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path, most people in this lifetime will never find answers to their contentment. But answers can be reached in realizing that all things are “INFINITE” in nature and if you exist in the here and now that means you must have always existed. If you’ve always existed in one form or another than that means you will always exist and will live again. “FEAR” can be eliminated in knowing that “DEATH” is in impossibility within “INFINITY.” In other words a “Big Bang” (For those who believe in that) cannot happen only once within Infinity, if it happened once it will happen again within “INFINITE” amounts of Time/Space. And if it happens again it will happen an ‘INFINITE” amount of times more. "Souls'" are Eternal/Never ending and will never seize to exist in one form or another. Eternal Progression will always exist within "INFINITY" and can be found within"All Things." Eternal/Equal Opportunity Can/May/Does Exist for "ALL."

Best Wishes!

[edit on 7-2-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:19 AM
Brilliant responses ET MAN, Thanks!!

Can i ask you something? Why do yu keeo highlighting the word time???

Alot of the answers you post have this? Are yuo making reference to understanding the ability to either alter/igonre/change time?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Can i ask you something? Why do yu keeo highlighting the word time???

I’ve been hinting/emphasizing that the (Majority) of illusions behind the veil/curtain of the third dimensional reality of existence (as humans know it/believe it to be) are based upon/revolve around “TIME”

Alot of the answers you post have this? Are yuo making reference to understanding the ability to either alter/igonre/change time?

Sleep Well!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I've been reading this book, and researching for my thread on codes in the English language, and it is really depressing. This is a comprehensive look at a kind of physical, and spiritual matrix trap that TPTB, definitely ET in origin, have created on this planet.

Downloads OK, but only reads to a certain page, glitchy. Its massive and far beyond any coincidence.

I'm taking notes for my thread on the codes, but I really want to share the more current examples:

pages 103-107:

-p.103 The word God....backwards, Sirius.

This is the Dog Star Sirius A, the star of Illumination for many Secret Societies including the Egyptians. They call it Sothis its symbol is the 5 pointed Star. There is also Sirius B called the pup or esoterically "Great Five" this is Anubis, 5 was the Sacred number of Atlantis.

--p.106 Pray--prey victim and are being hunted. So who is the predator, a wolf?

--Were teh Pastor stands is called the Pulpit, but what is being pulled into the pit? They call themselves Saints wihc is an anagram for Satins? The Most High is inside of you so why do so many people when they pray imagine that God lives outside of them, possibly in the sky? This becomes one of many errors we make "when we channel our energy to make contact."

--As it teaches in religions where chakra systems are at least discussed, focusing internally and concentrating on certain energy centers located in your obdy is one sure way to Enlightenment. Once you have accomplished that you begin to manipulate the energy through your Chakras which are the organs of your soul. Full activation of the Chakras will bring an individual to clear unadulterated contact with the Most High.

--p.107 On the flip side when a person prays they are in fact relinquishing their power and beginning a process of Servant and Master. Our Planetary Ether is saturated with multiple Beings on various frequencies above what the untrained eye can see. The ear can detect some of the beings which will sound like a ringing in the ear.

and near the beginning. Sat is Saturn, and many things point to this.

Do they really think they're trapping people in language and evocations to older deieties and ets?

How in view of this massive conspiracy that lords it over the planet on so many levels and layers, do the Designer/Creators fit in to this plan and are they the ones elevating us from it?


p.23 Those who were more interested in the fast route imagining that Spiritual work was a road to riches would inherit the curse of Ammon/Amon one of the first names given to the Planet Jupiter and its in fact a very active Egyptian God....

"Thou canst serve both God and Mammon"

(hmm egyptian god, that is more what the bloodlines like and if so you would see it in imporant

I AM...
Am phibian called Oanes, the fish God amonst them along with its offspring such as Dagon, they crossed into our world a long time ago under the Sumerian name E.A...Lord and King of the S-ea.

Sat-ellites such as the asteroids like Venus and Ceres...

p. 25 (one of my favorite lines in the whole book dealing with those who try to enslave us)

As will be made clear what we are dealing with at times is interplanetary, extra dimensional, highly intelligent space skum....

--Namaste "Name Sat"

--Planet "plan" --"planned Net 10" which means he end of one world o fcourse many new worlds will begin after.

--p.27-28 The Universe can be looked at as a big clock in which the planets rotate positions as if on massive cogs. It is known Mars was once in the position we are occupying now in the Cosmos, tehy were the 3rd Planet with a lush surface, oceans, etc. What is left now after their wars is just their core in which we still find war torn life, Mars was 3 times larger than Earth, a sad story that was. The name Mars and Wars...

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by FeralMonkeyMagic
Also, answer the question about the pretty picture you posted not a few posts ago?


Really... Are you serious?

Let me first state that I'm neither subscribing to ET Man's claims, nor am I trying to refute them. I'm simply reading them...

However, if I were to attack the man/human/entity
I would try not to deliver it with ignorance.

If it weren't for the Mandelbrot Set and subsequent discoveries related to Fractal Geometry and Computer Graphics, you wouldn't have your pretty little iTunes graphics in which to gander.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Does Xexxeon mean anything to anybody? If it does could you please tell me how and why?

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by saabacura
hello ladies and gentlemen,

I am prepared to destory myself and the whole world with me, indorder to free ourselfves from our bondages. As a human beings, we are so limited, so trappped and im prepared to free ourselves from this permanet bondage. We cannot klll ourslef because the system has made it impossible for us to do so. But I disagree. I do not care about little things that humans care so deeply.

Hey Saabacura, I have often felt this way in the past. I came to the understanding, or am working on understanding that the bondage, limitations and trapped feelings are put in place by our own hand/mind.

If you want to get out of jail, just let your self out. You are a sovereign being and yes, you have the power to change whatever it is that is putting you in bondage.

Your jailer is your mind and how you perceive your walk.

Your key to freedom is within you and only you (not by destroying your environment, but by altering what you think you are) can make the changes you crave.

ET Man can't free you by what he says. That is your job to do. Who knows whether ET Man speaks truth for all of humanity or just for his reality, and that is not my job to figure out.

My job is to figure out what controls my reality. Therein lies the keys to my freedom. My freedom to create whatever I want, in this world of illusions.

Yes, this world is merely a series of illusions we create. Learn to write the illusions you want while trying not to follow another persons dreams.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Dear ETMan: It is scary to think of what's to come. I know after the events of 9-11, I knew life would not be the same. I've felt since then, that it was the beginning of the end. Of course, life goes on, but how I view things are much different. I know (being a christian) that the world will not go on forever. Simple things like using the good china for pizza on a Tuesday night, gardening again (gave it up for a few years, but have had a summer garden every year now since 2002), and just enjoying each day as much as possible. You seem like a caring person and for that, Thank you. Blessings to you and yours.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by win 52

Hey Saabacura, I have often felt this way in the past. I came to the understanding, or am working on understanding that the bondage, limitations and trapped feelings are put in place by our own hand/mind.

If you want to get out of jail, just let your self out. You are a sovereign being and yes, you have the power to change whatever it is that is putting you in bondage.

Your jailer is your mind and how you perceive your walk.

Your key to freedom is within you and only you (not by destroying your environment, but by altering what you think you are) can make the changes you crave.

ET Man can't free you by what he says. That is your job to do. Who knows whether ET Man speaks truth for all of humanity or just for his reality, and that is not my job to figure out.

My job is to figure out what controls my reality. Therein lies the keys to my freedom. My freedom to create whatever I want, in this world of illusions.

Yes, this world is merely a series of illusions we create. Learn to write the illusions you want while trying not to follow another persons dreams.

well said,
there is plenty of good around just need to to look a little harder sometimes in order to see it.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Ok, so i havent read the entire thread, but i am willing to guess that the Abyss is opening up, and the giants and demons that have been locked away for ever are crawling back thru caves.

If this is right, i can see why the military is on alert, but it doesnt explain all the horrible Tsunamis and all the Earth changes with doom and gloom.

Are they causing earthquakes, or is it MAN doing it?

Thank you.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

In most cases it is man doing it against man. Oh there has likely been some intervention at times in the past, even going 70,000 years and more, back in time.

In today's world, the infiltration being so ancient, men have the knowledge and psychopathic behaviour patterns entrenched sufficiently to have no qualms about destroying other men. Especially ones not on the program.

The programming is not that hard to pick out, if you can watch what people do and much more easily seen if you could be a fly on the wall.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 11:27 PM
K i'll give it a shot.

1) Know anything about Yemen? Anything of high importance happening there in the future?
2)Will extraterestrials ever visit us?
3) Are stargates real?
4) What do you consider the most amazing piece of technology invented between the timeline " Now -- till the timeline you actually live in"
5) Any habitable planets discovered? Any advancements in space exploration?
6) What is the predominant religion in your timeline?
8) Any wars in your timeline?
9) What is your education level in your timeline?
10) Anymore dieseases/natural disasters we should be aware of?

Thank you for your time

Edit for spelling purposes :-S

[edit on 8-2-2010 by Fatality]

[edit on 8-2-2010 by Fatality]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Yes... I'm curious about this supposed stargate in the gulf of aden.

What can you tell us, ET_Man, about the purpose of this stargate?

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:49 AM
Hello my friend ET_man,

I just want to report in...... I'm now being shown so much that I feel like I have information overload. Do you suppose that is because of so called TIME speeding up? I've always been a tad different and have had to adjust my reality to seemingly match those around me. so called normal people can watch a movie and not be distracted by the colors of the music being played in the background. < >
I certainly cannot wait untill I'm no longer trapped in this container of flesh. My spiritual sensativities are now off the charts. Everyday is changes, progression, and at times I feel overwhelmed. The fact that you are posting tells me you are safe and well for now. I'm pleased. Our TIME is being shortened but Ive not been told why yet. Blessings to you from prime creator. Yahoo me. snicker snicker......I'm sorry to see you have a monkey riding your back. I think its his fear yelling loudly.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 03:08 PM
my question to ET_MAN and all others is this:

though some of us are paying attention to the world and the greater world, many are not...many close their eyes or simply refuse to open them for fear of what they will see.

As we approach the important dates of the next few years will the signs become more obvious? More readily available?

As it is, though it may seem painfully obvious to me that there is "stuff" going on in the world, so many others will refuse to acknowledge it. I have people, we all do, who we care about and want them to open their eyes to see, but they have to yet decide to see what is before them.

My people require the signs to larger, to be brighter before they will see them and though I want the people I love the most to see, I cannot make them until they so choose.

Feeling pensive

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Klaatu barada nikto.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:26 AM
Hi Unity_99,

reply to post by Unity_99

Do they really think they're trapping people in language and evocations to older deieties and ets?

Some do and are.

How in view of this massive conspiracy that lords it over the planet on so many levels and layers, do the Designer/Creators fit in to this plan and are they the ones elevating us from it?

Those who choose to overcome the world and elevate themselves out of it only need to closely watch their thoughts/choices/actions.

The path that leads to a higher state of existence has always been available. Freedom to choose between good and evil is continually presented/given to each “Soul” everyday of their lives. A soul can choose to exercise hate or love according to it’s own freewill/choice/desire. The Teachers/Creators/Designers have always been available and have never abandoned “Souls” on Earth, but "Souls" do easily abandon the Teachers/Creators/Designers.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

“Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

”Share the light you have with others."

“Give unto those in need if you can.”

"Never turn a person down that asks for help if you can help them."

"There is a reason/purpose for all things happening and no accidents or coincidences."

”Unconditionally forgive everyone."

”Rid yourself of negative thoughts/feelings/emotions towards others, rid yourself of hate. Do not set your heart upon temporal materialistic things of the world but focus on things which are eternal and last forever of the "Soul".

"Make the right choices, do the right things, work on becoming a better and more loving person."

"If you've passed someone up in need, you've only passed up yourself."

"Never forget- That which you do unto others you've only done unto yourself in the long run from an eternal perspective."

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:34 AM
Hi Starward Bound,

Originally posted by Starward Bound
Does Xexxeon mean anything to anybody? If it does could you please tell me how and why?

This comes to mind.

Best Wishes!

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