reply to post by jkrog08
I know what you mean, jkrog08, and unfortuanately, I agree.
Americans, in general, are
lazy, and if it does not involve shooting someone in order to overthrow tyranny, they want no part of it.
It really sickens me that people, as lazy as they are, lower themselves to the reptilian mind so easily, meaning the base instincts of "sex,
violence, and mayhem", psychologically speaking, when they can engage their higher-brain functions, and do exactly the same thing, albeit the goal is
the same, the means to that end is the only thing that is different.
Why does it have to be a violent revolution, or overthrow of tyranny, or change?
That in my opinion, is just ignorant, and it is the exact reason the Government will win against it.
If you give them a reason to take away your guns, then they have causation, causation leads to laws being enacted, laws being enacted have to be
enforced, enforcement means funding and more manpower, funding and more manpower means getting more people behind your cause.
Why not use the formula of Government, against Government itself, meaning here, legal use of the very laws you want changed, to enact the change
Wow, what a concept, legal overthrow of Government, without violence, without bloodshed, without giving them a single "weapon" to use against you,
the citizen.
Do you know why the Government, sponsored
James Earl Ray via the route of the "crazy"
"lone nutcase" to kill
Martin Luther
King Jr?
Because, Dr King, wanted to unite people of all races, outside of Government control.
The same reason the Government sponsored J.F.K.'s assaination, by the way, he did not want to follow their corruption, he wanted us out of
This would be the same as using a
cut-out, to have
plausible deniability.
My thoughts on M.L.K.'s assassination, is that
J Edgar Hoover, ordered the hit, via the known
racist, James Earl Ray, after collaborating with his conspirators in Washington D.C.
It is widely known that Hoover hated King, as a matter of fact, where do you think
from, Hoover's desk at the F.B.I.
Imagine that, no race war, no black verses white, , no blue verses red politically, and no violence.
Without violence, without ethnic infighting among the races, and without divide and conquer, the Government itself, has
Divide and Conquer is something I know well.
The Art of War was something I read, learned, and lived, and them turned it around on itself, and turned it into the Art of Peace, in knowing how to
use it as a peaceful means to make a change.
War, itself, is just a means to an end, for politicians, to raise funding, for military.
Just like a gun, is a tool, so is war, to the politicians in Washington D.C.
Imagine that, a gun, as a tool, if you do not pick it up to use it, it sits there, and no one can take it away from you.
do not kill people.
People with guns, kill people. Defend your Contitutional Rights, to have that weapon, by using the law to your
advantage, and change those laws, so that idiots in Government have more difficulty taking them away.
Laws, are more powerful than bullets, trust me, and knowing the law, is far more powerful than knowing how to use that weapon.
The saying "the pen is mightier than the sword" is exactly that.
Pissed off that politicians are changing laws against what you stand for?
Write your Congressman.
Pissed off that politicians are not listening to your letters?
Call your Congressman.
Pissed off that politicians are ignoring your calls or giving you the runaround?
Beat them, at their own game, win an election against them, and throw them out of office.
[edit on 27-6-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]