It will never happen. Everyone is proud of who they are and where they come from. It is a pipe dream fantasy of liberals to say "we will all look the
same in the future, and there will be no wars or class warfare."
There is far too much competition for resources, and inherent differences between you and the next guy, not even factoring in race. We are truly
not all the same, and this collectivist "we are all one" borg mentality is idealistic nonsense, and rather disturbing to read from so many
people on these forums.
The Hispanic birthrate in the U.S. has ridden a tidal wave of unchecked spending of fake money printed out of thin air, but it appears the party is
over and will soon come crashing down.
We cannot sustain ourselves as a nation and at the same time coddle illegal aliens who will eventually take from us what is rightfully ours.
My ancestors fought for this country, and I'll be damned if some foreigner is going to come in here an take over through "anchor babies."
I don't want to live in a third world slum "full of paramilitary police in black ski masks running around spying on you, shaking you down for
money" to quote Alex Jones.
Someone once said to me, "the solution to racism is to mix races." How does that solve anything? People are still going to kill each other
regardless! It's only going to be Caucasian westerners doing the mixing due to very sophisticated propaganda. Try to get China or Japan on board, and
see what happens.
Los Angeles is the most diverse city in the entire history of humanity, and yet is one of the most dangerous cities to live in.
California, Here We Come!
Let's pretend all the races did mix together, barring the fact that there are entire geographical areas of the world that would never accept this.
The only scenario you have in a "racially homogenous future" is, America and Europe are thoroughly diluted racially through mass media propaganda
telling everyone their child could be the next Obama, that you are a racist if you don't mix, etc. while China, India, Japan, Korea, etc. are
ethnically homogenous and
laughing at us for being so foolish and guilt-consumed that we destroyed ourselves.
This is all about minorities using white guilt as a hammer against white people, plain and simple.
I am white. Surprised? If you truly believe in diversity, you would appreciate all the differences each race has to offer and not advocate the
destruction of any race.
We're all about protecting the bald eagle... why not different races of humanity?
There is compelling evidence pointing to a conspiracy to drop indigenous populations (whites) below replacement levels. For what reason, I don't
know, but it can't be good. Decadent western lifestyle is partly to blame, but the media is the one with blood on their hands.
This in my view is terrible, and tantamount to genocide.
When you read about millions of Turks flooding into Germany, or Pakistanians into England ("enriching" the culture with Muslim street gangs), let me
ask all the ATS'ers this question:
Why is unchecked immigration only promoted in the Western world?
Highly advanced Asian countries like Japan have maintained their standard of living without importing cheap labor and dilluting their indigenous
population. Heck, they are even paying immigrants to leave!
Japan Pays Immigrants To Leave
Human race will 'split into two different
Test That Found Widespread Unconscious Racial Bias Validated