posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Man! The minute I found out about his death myself, I checked ATS. There were three conspiracy stories about him. Not news flashes, conspiracy
theories, about him.
No wonder mass society thinks we are crazy. Too many dodos wanna say what not that makes no sense to an idiot, even to themselves.
Personally, I've been a MJ fan and BUMPED his music in the streets with my over powered sound system. My current support for his music is simply a
reminder to those in my neighborhood that he was a fantastic musician.
His name should not even be mentioned here without proof of a conspiracy, that's the reason for this site. Regardless of my personal views, R.I.P. to
MJ. You did a lot of things to not only influence, but actually change the game, long before todays artist even thought that it happen.