well michael jackson is now dead. some will doubless be overjoyed at this news while others will miss this performer.
i have wondered many times over the years if m.j. was mentaly defficiant in some way, especialy when the stories started about supposid (i say
supposid because notheing has ever been proven to my satisfaction), sexual misconduct with minors came out.
just look at his actions that have been reported on and made big news over the years. like when he held the baby over the balcony railing. he
couldn't seem to understand what he did wrong.
how many of us have said over the years "there is SOMETHING not right about that guy". i know i have. there was just something that always bothered
me about him.
how many times did he speak publicly without being "prepped" beforehand?
what was his facination with children and toys, like the fact he had an amusment park built on his propperty?
i happen to have a cousin who suffers from fetal alcohal syndrom. you would not realize it to look at her. you could even talk to her without
realizing it as long as she had some idea about the subject, or you would happen to notice that her vocabulay is a little on the "young" side. i
would place her mentaly at about 6 to 8 years old in most instances, yet she is an adult now. guess what she gets along best with children that are
about her level and gets left behind as they get older.
this might also explane why he had so much plastic surgery over the years. many people have commented about that. the fact that no NORMAL person would
go so far. if he had some mental deficancies it would be rather easy for a "trusted" (by him) person to talk him into it, just explain how it is in
his best intrest to do so.
under thease circumstances it would be possible that mabe he did have some impropper relationships, he did hit puberty after all. but if one dosn't
have the mental capacity to fully understand it it CAN become a problem. i know thats one concern my family has, it would be so easy to take sexual
advantage with her. and remember even reguler people sometimes have problems when hitting puberty, just imagine what it would be like with someone who
is mentaly challenged dealing with sexuality.
now many people would say "well if he was handicapped why not just say so"? after all it would have helped him in court ect. WRONG!!! admitting to
such a thing would be like proffesional suicide. kids that have learning disabilities are taght A) how to hide there problems, B) how to try to
overcome them. and most of these kids are for alll intents and purposes as normal as you and me. would YOU admit to being mentaly challenged if you
could hide it?
many would also say that he couldn't be mentaly challenged because he did so well musicaly. well guess what many people who are limmited in one
fasion tend to be rather excelant in other areas. just as one of our most renowend and respected thinkers just happens to be rather SEVERLY
handycapped. i speak of stephen hawkings who would ague that he isnt at all handicapped or that he isn't amoung the most brillant brains out
just look at m.j's actions as if he were a small child or someone known to be handicapped, you might just start to understand what was possibly going
on with him.
it IS possible. it is also something that would be a VERRY closely gaurded secret that extreemly few would have actual knowlage of.
[edit on 25-6-2009 by generik]