posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 04:17 AM
Pop singers, actors etc are the modern day Gods or deities.
Gods are supposed to live forever and be immortal.
Its a shock when they die cause then it makes them....HUMAN. Shock, horror.
If they were just accepted as humans with a talent or a special gift FROM GOD, rather than being WORSHIPPED LIKE GODS , I think us and also THEM might
be a lot better off and happier. IMO.
And I think people accept DEATH as part of life in reality.
Its just Idols are treated differently and therefore it's a shock to a lot people when they die.
And also with all the media hype about obesity, smoking, alcohol's a shock to a lot who have bought the hype, when a skinny man who didn't
smoke or drink ,drops dead of a heart attack ( yeah, it might have been drug induced, but his overall physical health is supposed to shield him from
the affects of that according to the mentality of a lot of people).
So the moral of the story for me is, eat ,drink and be merry cause you don't know when your numbers up and just ENJOY your life. The death of MJ has
reminded me of this, so to him I am grateful for that even though I wasn't a fan.