posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 05:19 PM
I noticed that several of the Timewave Zero (Novelty Theory) and recent Half Past Human (webbot - ALTA reports) dates predicted are matching up.
Specifically the dates reported in the recent,
The Shape of Things to Come (2010) by Half Past Human, and those in the 2009-2010 charts
displayed here (
Most notable is the prediction of a powerful event happening on or around October 26, 2009.
I figure this can mean only one of three things:
1) Both systems are somewhat accurate and they match because powerful events WILL occur on the predicted dates.
2) Half Past Human is borrowing dates predicted by Timewave Zero, and are in fact NOT using linguistics as stated. Both systems might be wrong
if this is the case.
3) Both systems are wrong/inaccurate and they randomly (by pure chance) happened to match.
If #1 is correct (and time will tell) the implications are fairly obvious. If #2 is correct it implies that HPH is at least partially fictional, quite
possibly entirely guesswork, and that both systems could be incorrect. I find #3 to be the most unlikely of the three options, the chances of this
happening must be a million to one.
To summarize it even more... It got me thinking that if HPH is NOT borrowing dates from Timewave Zero, it most likely means THEY'RE BOTH CORRECT.
If you are unfamiliar with either of these predictive systems, please refer to these links:
Timewave Zero:
Half Past Human: