posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 12:19 PM
thanks for all your replies, the "native" smokes are the ones im refering to when i say "illegal" smokes. In halifax if your caught with the
"native smokes" you can get charged up to $10.00/ cigarette you have on you.
I do agree smoking is terrable and i do wish i never started but it is very unfair, im alredy addicted and they jack up the price, thats like the cost
of a meal changing while your eating it and your like "the menu says $10." and they say, no, thats the OLD price... i know its not that extreem but
it is still awful, i mean, if they where always this expensive i probobly wouldnt have started, but now that they cost this much im concidering going
to buy the "illeval/Native smokes) rather than quitting, the new cost dosent make me want to quit as some people thik, it makes me want to turn to
illegal activity to support my ever growing costly habbit. And i dont think im alone in this, sure there will be a few who quit, but there will be
alot more who buy the illegal smokes which are a poorer grade smoke and the goverment makes NO taxes off. I believe i heard somewhere that like 80-90%
of the cost of smokes are taxes.
So a bag of 200 smokes has about 8 packs in it for $25 dollars, the goverment makes $0.
if someone bought 8 packs of smokes the government would make like $80.
if they taxed it less would they realy make less money? more people would buy smokes legaly idf they where cheaper and therefore the government would
make more money insted of loosing it.
I guess what im trying to say is that they are loosing money by trying to make more of it because there is a WAYYYYY cheaper, redealy available source
of tobacco to replace the excessivly taxed/overpriced smokes.
[edit on 25-6-2009 by tylerc25211]