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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
They were licensed, in the US, and even had Commercial certificates.

BUT, you are correct in that they did not have sufficient training to have been able to properly land.

How many licensed pilots do you know that do not have sufficient training to properly land?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Nutter

How many licensed pilots do you know that do not have sufficient training to properly land?

Take quotes out of context much??

Don't be a smartass, you know what I meant, when I referred to the Boeings.

OK....for the nitpickers...they did not have the training required IN THAT EQUIPMENT to understand and know the procedures.

Now....given their experience, and had they not been suicidal, there would have been plenty of support from people on the ground who could have instructed over the radio what to do, and when. Aispeeds, configuration changes (flaps, gear, etc) and how to program the AutoPilot for an AutoLand. Heck, even a nonpilot could be coached in the same way.

There! Satisfied?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:19 PM
Downplayed in the media and ignored by most conspiracists, as early as 2002 there were Americans trying to have the governments involved, planners and enablers of 9/11 brought to trial.


The 9/11 lawsuit was conceived by Ronald L. Motley, a Charleston, South Carolina plaintiffs' attorney who made his reputation and his fortune prosecuting asbestos and tobacco claims. Motley has recruited 18 law firms and 25 lawyers and paralegals to the cause, and committed a $10 million war chest.


The list of defendants has already expanded, and could continue to do so. In its current form, the complaint accuses 189 defendants, including six Saudi royals, ten Islamic charities, eleven banks, various global businesses (including those owned by Usama Bin Laden's relatives in Saudi Arabia) and the Republic of Sudan. It relies on the "tradition of a civilized nation to allow redress for wrongs through an appeal to the rule of law and justice," and invokes "the rule of law to hold those who promoted, financed, sponsored, or otherwise materially supported the acts of barbarism and terror inflicted on September 11, 2001 accountable for their deeds."

A summary follows of some of the more significant allegations set forth in the complaint.

The complaint seeks to reach beyond those whose violent acts directly cause injury, to a much wider range of indirect actors; "the only way to imperil the flow of money and discourage the financing of terrorist acts is to impose liability on those who knowingly and intentionally supply the funds to the persons who commit the violent acts." The deaths and injuries were caused by the acts of Al-Qaeda and its "co-conspirators and sponsors," and by defendants' sponsorship of these "reasonably foreseeable acts."

Al-Qaeda has allegedly and most crucially relied on "individuals and charities in Saudi Arabia" for its funds, as "Saudi officials have turned a 'blind eye'. Royal denials notwithstanding, Saudi money has for years been funneled to encourage radical anti-Americanism as well as to fund the Al-Qaeda terrorists. Saudi Arabian money has financed international terrorism while its citizens have promoted and executed it."

The complaint targets not only the terrorists themselves, but as alleged accomplices the Republic of Sudan, for having harbored Usama Bin Laden in the early 1990s; various charities, for having funded the terrorists; various banks, for having financed projects undertaken by terrorists, and for transferring Al-Qaeda funds; and various Saudi government officials and businessmen, for having promoted the charity defendants' causes, both out of conviction and a misplaced sense of self-preservation.


Sudan has been designated by the State Department since 1993 as sponsoring terrorism; under amendments to the Foreign Sovereigns Immunities Act, Sudan (unlike Saudi Arabia, not named as a defendant) has thereby forfeited its sovereign immunity. It is accused of having harbored Usama Bin Laden's businesses and terrorist training camps, and of having experimented with biological warfare through 1996, when it allowed him to relocate to Afghanistan.

Usama Bin Laden is said to have invested $50 million in Al-Shamal Islamic Bank in Sudan, in addition to investments in shipping, trading, agriculture, construction and gum arabic. Based on his Sudanese commercial empire, Al-Qaeda became "a multinational corporation complete with a finance committee, investments and well-organized, concealed accounts and operations worldwide."

Saudi American Bank and the Bin Laden family businesses are included as defendants based on having financed projects in Sudan during the period of Usama Bin Laden's stay, including Port Sudan Airport and the Khartoum/Port Sudan Tahaddi Road.

[edit on 26-6-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

But you said they were licensed pilots. I'm wondering how someone can be licensed to fly a plane (which includes take-off and landing) but not trained to land it?

Serious question: How many licensed pilots do you know who aren't trained in landing?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

But you said they were licensed pilots. I'm wondering how someone can be licensed to fly a plane (which includes take-off and landing) but not trained to land it?

Serious question: How many licensed pilots do you know who aren't trained in landing?

Alarm bells went off in the training schools when the trainees expressed interest mainly in controlling a plane in flight with little interest in the more critcal takeoff and landing.

Why so little significance was attached to this by the intelligence communities is one of the bigger questions. Were they expecting an attack and hope to catch it before full implementation? Did they want it to happen and underestimate the scale?


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Thanks for the information.

But, my point is that how can someone become licensed without knowing these things?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by daddio

My My So much garbage in so little time

140 Israeli soldiers? We know of the "Art students" who were rounded up
and deported in wake of 9/11 in addition to the "cheering Israelis", arrested in NJ and deported several months later after being

The plane crash you reference was American Airlines flight 587 which
crashed after tail snapped off when pilots overcorrected for wake

Also trying to conceal your Anti Semitic rants behind fig leaf of Anti Zionist
does no good

Do yourself and rest of us a favor and stay away from the idiot sites like

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Nutter
But, my point is that how can someone become licensed without knowing these things?

I'm not sure without checking how many were fully licensed and how many were in training. But those licensed would have had to demonstrate their ability to take-off and land to instructors.

An interesting parallel has been made to Japanese Kamikaze pilots of WWII. Often teenage boys who only learned how to maneouver a plane on primitive simulators on the ground. They were able to successfully hit relatively small moving targets on the open seas.

There are examples of kids who have flown planes in extreme emergency situations.


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
There are examples of kids who have flown planes in extreme emergency situations.

You are still avoiding my point. These kids weren't licensed pilots.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by daddio

Third, on 11/11 a Costa Rican airliner crashed in the Rockaway section of Queens, this is where most of the firefighters lived who had responded to the Towers and spoke about what they saw in the various dcumentaries out there. The obvious message was "you better shut the hell up or else!"

daddio, not sure where this little gem of a "fact" came from, but if it's the same place as all the others....

Amazing how people will just repeat what they read somewhere and not take the due diligence to check it out first!!

Here's an example: An article written 12 November, 2001, detailing the preliminary (and incorrect, as it turned out) reports of the American Airlines jet (not Costa Rican) that crashed just after takeoff from Kennedy, destination the Dominican Republic (NOT Costa Rica, either).


Feds eye engines in air crash

(the engines were not at fault)

November 12, 2001 Posted: 10:07 p.m. EST (0307 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Investigators suspect a catastrophic engine event as the likely cause of an airline crash Monday in New York that likley claimed the lives of everyone on board, a Transportation Department official told CNN.

Investigators have not definitively ruled out terrorism in the crash American Airlines flight 587, but think some sort of engine failure caused the disaster, the official said.

Officials said the flight, which crashed in Rockaway, a Queens neighborhood, carried 260 people - 246 ticketed passengers, nine crewmembers and five unticketed infants sitting on their parents' lap. At least six to eight people in Rockaway also have been reported missing immediately following the crash, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said.


The flight was an Airbus A300-600. The jet was propelled by General Electric engines [...]the federal Aviation Administration require airlines with the same GE engines as those on flight 587 to review repairs made on cracked engine blades. That recommendation followed an incident in which an engine erupted and caught fire during maintenance on a U.S. Airways plane.

A year earlier, the NTSB recommended that airlines with Airbus A300s improve their engines' fire detection system. An engine on an American Airlines flight that caught fire on takeoff from Puerto Rico prompted that recommendation.

This June, the FAA issued an airworthiness directive, telling airlines to examine specific parts of the GE engine.

A GE spokesman told CNN the company complied with the directive, but could find nothing to change.

(See how the rumors start? This ultimately was seen to be a red herring, yet when doing an Internet search, here's the story, still floating around!! A casual glance, a misinterpretation, and a new Internet rumor starts about 'big, bad GE engines'!!! BTW, there is NOTHING wrong with GE engines, just for the record!)

But, the lies and speculations get worse:

New York Gov. George Pataki said there were "inconclusive" reports the pilot dumped fuel into Jamaica Bay, an indication he may have known of a problem on board.

Completely false

Just before the crash, the Airbus broke up in mid-air.

Finally, a nugget of truth!

A sizable portion of the vertical stabilizer from the tail section landed in Jamaica Bay, while most of the fuselage plunged into Rockaway.[...]

Pataki said the main crash site suggested the plane dropped at a steep angle, if not vertically.

"It's clear that the plane did come down very much in a straight level, which was horrible for that particular site, but minimized what could have happened had the plane glided across the Rockaways," he said.

Oh, so now Pataki is an air crash expert??? Again, this is a prime example of how the crap that we see surrounding the 9/11 events found its germination, it is from rubbish like this. "Pataki said, Pataki said..." His quote '...did come down very much in a straight level...' isn't even a coherent sentence fragment, let alone a scholarly description, and he says it as if he witnessed it! He wasn't even there!

...Moments after the plane took off, witnesses said they saw what appeared to be an explosion. [...] "It was like a bomb exploded." (Full story)

Pesky eyewitnesses!! Always exagerrating -- there was an explosion, alright. When it hit the ground.

Monday's crash site in Rockaway was home to many New York city firefighters and police officers killed in the attack on the World Trade Center, which prompted an emotional response from the mayor.

[...] Asked if there were any indications of terrorism, Fleischer said "We have not ruled anything in; we have not ruled anything out."

Now, for daddio...note that Rockaway was home to many First Responders...who died on 9/11.

Well, that's just an example. For the record, AAL587 crashed because the vertical fin broke off. There are arguments as to whether the pilot induced the failure by his technique after encountering wake turbulence from a B747 ahead, or whether there was an undetected structural flaw from a previous incident.

But, I'm guessing if we look hard enough, there's likely a 'conspiracy theory' floating around somewhere about this crash, too.

Again, I used this to show how small, seemingly insignificant comments that are made even before all of the facts are in can be picked up, and blossom into a full-blown 'conspiracy'.

[edit on 6/25/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by mmiichael
There are examples of kids who have flown planes in extreme emergency situations.

You are still avoiding my point. These kids weren't licensed pilots.

I tried to point out that the most difficult aspect of flying is take off and landing.

Just checked. The 4 9/11 pilots were trained and licensed in the US between 1999 and 2000. One had a commercial pilot's license, 3 other private pilot's licenses.

details here: en&ei=ps5DSoXCCJGsMMnCqKwC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Originally posted by daddio

Albert Pike's letter is more than likely a fake: Here is part of a post I made in another thread unfortunately deceased:

On the site Modern History I found the following outlining that one part of the letter is genuine but that the more fantastical parts were added much later. The second part of the letter was found in 1949.

In another letter, dated August 15, 1871, Pike wrote to Mazzini:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Another part of this letter was [reportedly] "discovered" in 1949, which graphically outlined plans for three world wars and at least two revolutions. The first world war was to enable communistic atheism to destroy the czarist government in Russia. This was accomplished. The second world war was to begin by pitting Great Britain against Germany, in order to destroy Naziism and advance the cause of Zionism so that Israel could become a nation. This was accomplished. After this war, Communism was to be made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945 at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, Russia was given a chunk of Europe and that helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China. The plan also called for a third world war, which is to be ignited by firing up the aggression between the Zionists (Israel) and the Arab world who will destroy each other bringing the rest of the world into a final conflict. This conflict will be engineered to produce complete social, political, and economic chaos out of which will emerge an Illuminati-controlled world government.

"William Guy Carr, a retired Canadian Naval Commander, in his book Pawns in the Game claimed that for a short time this letter had been on display in the British Museum Library in London where he wrote a copy of it. However, the British Museum has said that they never had such a letter in their collection. It was later discovered that Carr got the information from a book called The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled by Jose Maria Caro y Rodriguez, the Archbishop of Santiago and the Cardinal of Chile. Some researchers believe the second letter to be fraudulent and had been written much later than the first part, since the word 'Fascism' was not used until 1921 and the Arab/Jewish problem did not exist until after the 1917 Balfour Declaration. But then again, if they indeed planned and initiated these events, the document could very well be authentic..

Some researchers believe the second letter to be fraudulent and had been written much later than the first part, since the word 'Fascism' was not used until 1921 and the Arab/Jewish problem did not exist until after the 1917 Balfour Declaration.

Emphasis mine.


[edit on 25/6/09 by Lebowski achiever]

[edit on 25/6/09 by Lebowski achiever]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:51 PM
My mother always told me the easiest way to loose a friend was to discuss religion, or politics with them, lend them money, or sell them a car.

As a former car sales person, that half the town owes money to who loves to talk politics and religion and has no friends I sure can testify to the fact that dear old mom wasn’t lying!

Yet the reality is that as far as 9-11 is concerned who is telling the truth when such great pains have been taken and such great lengths have been gone to, to keep any and all evidence, and accused and suspected parties out of the American court system and away from the independent judiciary, the few elements of the free press that still exist, and discerning Americans and our traditional justice system that simply has not been utilized as it should be when it comes to the greatest crime to have ever occurred on American soil.

The Thread and the OP state CIA which is an American intelligence agency and the MOSSAD which is an Israeli intelligence agency as possibly being involved because of a wealth of circumstantial evidence, that remains circumstantial because the American Justice System and American Court System is not investigating or prosecuting the 9-11 crime in the way and manner it should be.

All evidence whether it be the official story or unofficial theories is circumstantial because of that.

No evidence and no claims whether the ‘official’ story that has been put out by the 9-11 Congressional Commission, or the Main Stream Media, or the Cub Scouts of America has been validated by Constitutional standards so in my humble opinion everything relating to 9-11 is circumstantial.

Now if we as a nation are ever going to get to the truth, we first as a nation as citizens have to be willing to want to know the truth.

Many of the people responding to this thread are simply Americans…when the CIA stands accused Americans like myself don’t go…oh that’s just American bashing, and that’s just nationalism by people who don’t like Americans are a prejudiced against it.

No some of us say hey ‘we’ as a nation, ‘our’ CIA, sure might have done something like that and don’t feel diminished as human beings because we would reasonably consider that as Americans ourselves. Neither do we feel un-American because we suspect an American institution that is ‘international’ in its nature and purpose.

For some reason though when any talk of the MOSSAD and Israel enters into it Jews whether they be Jewish Americans, Jewish Canadians, or Jewish Israelis act like it’s some indictment of every Jew that has ever walked the face of the earth and a personal indictment of them and their religion…It isn’t! No more than it is an indictment against every American and every religion in America when Americans question the CIA’s involvement and the President and the Vice President’s involvement. The President was born in Connecticut but you don’t hear people screaming, you all are anti-Yankees, he was raised in Texas but you don’t hear people screaming you all are anti-Texan. Likewise Dick Cheney rumored to be born on Niburu, the Soviet Union, East Berlin, and worst of all Wyoming doesn’t have people screaming you are anti-planet X, anti-Russian, anti-German and anti-Wyoming.

At some point Jews have to get over and beyond the fact that they are Jewish and stop making the fact that some people are Jewish an obstruction to dealing with any sensitive matter that confronts America and the World where Israeli’s, Zionists, or Jews are involved.

It just isn’t fair to the rest of us who don’t hide behind anything or make excuses based on anything but just want to look at the facts of everything and the possibility of everything.

People should be allowed to question Israel and its politics, people should be allowed to question Zionist agendas and be able to do so intellectually and freely without having any connotation read into their statements that just isn’t in their statements.

Americans stand prepared to be questioned about America. Israeli’s need to stand prepared to be questioned about Israel. Many Americans are willing to question their own country’s actions with an open mind. Israelis should be able to do the same thing, and desirous of doing the same thing.

It’s not democracy or patriotic when a person is no longer free to dissent and admired for the act of standing up and dissenting regardless of the truth of his or her argument. The whole point in dissenting just like the whole point of Courts of Law is to hear all sides and separate what’s false from what’s true.

That becomes impossible when ever any group or nation insists it’s above being questioned, beyond reproach and above suspicion.

Frankly I find that in and of it self suspicious, questionable and reproachable.

No one should be so foolish or so vain as to make what is ultimately about big business, big governments and big intelligence agencies be all about them, how they worship, or what their ethnic or geographical background is when they themselves aren’t one of those big businesses, one of those big government leaders, or one of those big intelligence agencies.

It sure would make life easier, a lot more productive, and lot more enjoyable if the people who decry stereotyping weren’t so quick to stereotype themselves and a group that they then throw themselves into and shout ‘hands off’.

Americans and people all over the world want to know the real truth behind 9-11 and a vast number of Americans and people all over the world feel that they haven’t been given that opportunity yet through a fair and credible investigation, an airing of all facts in public courts, a responsible accounting for what’s been discovered in the way of evidence, when and how and against whom, who really stands accused and why, and if any of those people live and breath for them to provide testimony and evidence in their own defense.

That’s the American way and frankly as an American I am never going to believe any version of events 100% until it’s disposed of in the proper American fashion.

Almost 8 years, 2 Presidents, 3 Administrations, 5 Congresses and it still hasn’t been done. The American people are waiting, the American Courts are waiting, and so are the people of the world, including some accused unfairly, and some hoping they are never accused because of their guilt.

Any nation or group in the world could be involved including the CIA and America, and including Israel and the MOSSAD it’s the height of arrogance and stupidity, vanity and ignorance to prove otherwise in absence of a Trial and legitimate charges.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Gee, I had no idea that the Muslim Arabs worked for the Jews and that Osama Bin Ladin takes his orders from Jerusalem and the Mossad. And just think how they got all those Palestinians to dance in the streets afterwards. Surely the Palestinians' feud with Israel is just a ploy so that Israeli domination of the world will never be discovered. Wow, you sure have all that figured out.

I guess Silverstein, being very wealthy and also elderly at this point, has better things to do than to sue all the Internet posters who accuse him of being a mass murderer or at least an accomplice to mass murder.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
The 4 9/11 pilots were trained and licensed in the US between 1999 and 2000. One had a commercial pilot's license, 3 other private pilot's licenses.

details here: en&ei=ps5DSoXCCJGsMMnCqKwC&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6

The information about the pilot's licenses held by the alleged pilots of the planes involved in the events of 9/11 caught my attention. I followed the link posted to the source of the info, but found it unsourced itself, i.e. no details given.

I would like to see copies of those licenses or official records of the issuing bodies.

Daniel Hopsiker interviewed a flight instructor who wasn't very impressed with the flying skills of the one pilot he was training, Hani Hanjour, alleged by your source to be the most experienced pilot of the bunch.

Your source, the following listed book, is tainted in my mind already, at first glance, by it's association with Popular Mechanics magazine. Can you provide links to the licenses themselves or some other official documentation?

Debunking 9/11 Myths By David Dunbar, Brad Reagan, John McCain, Popular Mechanics Press

Conspiracy theories about Sept. 11, 2001 continue to spread. Now, in a meticulous, scientific and groundbreaking new book, Popular Mechanics puts these rumors to rest. The magazine’s editors analyze the 20 most persistent claims underlying 9/11 conspiracy theories—and conclusively disprove each one. The result is a triumph of hard fact over conspiratorial fantasy.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:58 PM
I dont understand this 99 year lease thing? shouldnt that throw up red flags? who is going to lease something that long? Who would allow a lease to be that long? am i the only one who thinks THAT is odd?

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:06 PM
I starred and flagged because of the importance of the information but I have a few important comments to make:

1) Out of the aproximate 18 million Jews in the world only an elitist minority have relevance for geopolitical power plays. For influence peddling. These are the Zionists, a political movement which is above the general Jewish population that is inocent of any wrong doing on 911. Yes, they do protect each other and yes, they were probably warned of an impending event and did nothing to warn the rest of us. This was the most of their sins, and most of them had not a clue why they weren't going to work. I dare say a few of them have 911 weighing heavily on their conscience. But they are generally without guilt, and throwing them as guilty misses the point. Jews have also been sacrificed to elitist powerplays in the past.

2) The point is ponerology. We must understand the relevance a of a psychopathic minority of individuals, that are social ladder climbers and narcisistic control freaks. That are emotionally imature and have no concept of right or wrong beyond what they want to be right for their own personal gain. This is the mindset behind elitist, behind uncontrolable greed. This pathology is the enemy and it is this, not any specific racial tag that should be focused on, regardless of the gene and/or the cultural fostering being for psychopathic behaviour patterns being more prevalent among some cultures than other, it is present in all human populations. There are psychopaths of all colour, creed and nationality. There may or may not be a very high concentration of psychopaths in Jews, specifically the azkhenazi jews that appear to form the elitist control sphere of jewish society. This is something to be investigated, but I'm sure they will not be cooperative in such a diagnosis. But I would not be surprised to see similar high concentrations of diagnosable pathology in catholic priests, in the political class of all western nations, in high ranking military and likewise in any other powerstructure like, for yet another example, the corporate boardroom of multinational capitalist corporations.

Moths to a flame guys, do realise this before we go after all winged creatures without turning off the light.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by LexTalionis
I'm too new to post a new thread, but I just came accross this article

Dont know how it ties in as I am at work and cant spend much time researching

Wow this needs an expert posted so people know what this link you posted to is all about friend. This is a great find by the way.

WASHINGTON (June 24) WASHINGTON (June 24) -- A former commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard -- who ordered jets over the Capitol amid the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks -- was among those killed in a transit train crash in Washington this week, authorities said Tuesday.

Retired Maj. Gen. David F. Wherley Jr. and his wife, Ann, both 62, were killed along with seven others Monday in the most deadly train crash in the history of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.

Souce AOL News...General Scrabled Jets on 9-11 killed in Washington D.C. Subway Crash

9-11 is starting to look as unhealthy for those involved as the Philadelphia experiments!

What a coincidence, for those who believe in them, I don't though!


Edit to add I have started a thread on this story regarding the death of the Airforce General who ordered the 9-11 Air Fighter Coverage over Washington D.C. whose life was claimed in the Washington D.C. Subway Attacks on Tuesday ATS THREAD HERE

[edit on 25/6/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

The information about the pilot's licenses held by the alleged pilots of the planes involved in the events of 9/11 caught my attention. I followed the link posted to the source of the info, but found it unsourced itself, i.e. no details given.

I would like to see copies of those licenses or official records of the issuing bodies.

Daniel Hopsiker interviewed a flight instructor who wasn't very impressed with the flying skills of the one pilot he was training, Hani Hanjour, alleged by your source to be the most experienced pilot of the bunch.

Your source, the following listed book, is tainted in my mind already, at first glance, by it's association with Popular Mechanics magazine. Can you provide links to the licenses themselves or some other official documentation?

Well if you choose to decide what is valid information and what isn't - what's the point of anyone communicating with you. Just google the answers you want.

POPULAR MECHANICS is questionable, Jeff Rense is the real thing?

Might as well discuss it with Jeff.

Ask him about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Area 51 cover-ups and chemtrails while you're at it.

Over and out.


[edit on 25-6-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
Just checked. The 4 9/11 pilots were trained and licensed in the US between 1999 and 2000. One had a commercial pilot's license, 3 other private pilot's licenses.

And my point still stands. How does one become a licensed pilot (commercial in one case) that doesn't have the training to even land the darn plane?

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