posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa
Jane is keeping a blog on the matter:
I've read many swine flu topics, mainly on ATS and I am still sure of absolutely nothing... except few basic things.
First thing I am sure of now is that it is impossible to develop a functional vaccine for flu virus, especially on a mass scale. This is due to H1N1
strain being "RNA Virus" meaning, it has RNA as a genetic material which is much more volatile and causes frequent mutations.
Here's a link explaining difference between "normal" DNA viruses and RNA viruses (to which influenza group belongs to):
Second thing is that, if these vaccines are really made for killing then the poison would be slow and probably even resistible. Also, the "therapy"
would be made of several shots and not just one with the last one really being poisonous.
However, since we're already in "biological weapon" waters, then you might also assume we may not only be exposed to that one virus but perhaps a
myriad of others from which the vaccine may or may not protect you.