posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:38 PM
I dont follow the dictate of a Monotheistic god creating all that is etc 6000 yrs ago or whatever....
However your post is not very well worded or questioned?
Who created you?
And them?
Ad infinitum?
What created the universe...
You see it really to my mind can feel like an endless follow on that train of thought of black or white there is not or is a Creator as such,
Because with a Creator of godlike or not nature it makes no sense, that creator would to have to be created, even if by themself...
And without a creator event then you have to ponder was there a beginning ever anyhow.... as in even scientifically what was before the Big Bang?
If you state nothing, well then what created nothing, as in a logical sense I suppose that nothing is truley something as it is a position, a lack of,
an opposite of something, meaning duality and therefore something and nothing, again needing it to be created as such.
Just some thoughts for you ponder before it seems so there is or there isnt eh?
Kind Regards,
[edit on 25-6-2009 by MischeviousElf]