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Bellum Mentalis Ultra Urgent

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posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by skeptical2012

I have read several pages of the vast amount of information included in your initial link.

It’s impressive in its complexity, but then again so is Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.

You say that your claims can be verified:

It will take hours and hours of painful research to verify this knowledge.

Surely, all an interested researcher would be doing is finding the same information you have supplied?

That isn’t verifying anything.

Reading the script to Star Wars online confirms the storyline, but it doesn’t make it real.

I am not willing to offer this served on the plate along with one nice bottle of red wine.

But you are willing to copy and paste reams of information without your personal opinion. That my friend makes this thread a no-goer. Where’s the discussion? Where’s the strongly held belief and counter argument?

Can’t see it, can you? Posting unaccredited rhetoric deflects discussion.

For something that is “ultra urgent”, all you seem to have attracted is me, a row about how much English is used on this planet, and a request for an avatar. So much for interplanetary warfare, huh?

And I prefer white wine.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 06:28 AM
Well I'm convinced
Whatever the most spoken language on Earth is, it's quite clear that these Andromedeans* do not speak English or anything vaguely similar to any Earth language - hence it's impossible to make any sense whatsoever of anything they say. Perhaps the babel fish is ill?

* it's not clear whether they're from a star in the constellation Andromeda, a star in the Andromeda galaxy or just a planet which they coincidently call Andromeda.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by skeptical2012
reply to post by Beamish

Follow Bellum-mentalis and you will probably find out the answers you need.
Then again you may not find anything.
It will take hours and hours of painful research to verify this knowledge. I am not willing to offer this served on the plate along with one nice bottle of red wine. In any case it will need huge amounts of ..."unaccredited rhetoric" which ...I believe is against the forum's T&C's

If you cannot or will not quantify your earlier....statements, then it was a little pointless posting gibberish in the first place, wasn't it?!

If you post, you want to expand understanding and knowledge.
You obviously wish to do neither.
Cryptic statements with the addendum of go and do your own painful research has no place on ATS.

Deny ignorance is the buzz line for ATS, your contribution has added ignorance built in!

Against T&C methinks...if not, it's at least designed to confuse and irritate.
I suggest you do some more painful research of the rules of this website!

[edit on 1-7-2009 by skeptical2012]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
all you seem to have attracted is me, a row about how much English is used on this planet, and a request for an avatar.

dont fret

im desperately searching for something to contribute


for the life of me

i cant think of a single thing

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Where’s the strongly held belief and counter argument?

Ι told you about the belief notion rejection. Why you keep repeating it?
We as a [thinking] group do not believe. We research and verify by the rules of aristotelian logic, reductio ad absurdum and by experimental repetition only.
You don't gain anything by hours of useless forum discussions. Only personal (or small private group) painful scientific research can gain results in the long run. Yes, it's urgent, because of the current agendas unleashing but as a beginer to this thinking you must also try to excercise some patience which I think it's not your strong point unfortunately.
As I said before just follow the blog's progress.

[edit on 4-7-2009 by skeptical2012]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by skeptical2012

Ι told you about the belief notion rejection. Why you keep repeating it?

Belief, by its nature, is based on an acquisition of faith of a model of reality, whether that reality be viewed as “real” or imagined by others. Faith can be gained – or attained - by various means; study, revelation, need, necessity and proof.

Some believe George Lucas was given insider information about alien races and has released that information via entertainment. Their belief, for all intents and purposes, is real.

Some believe that the only way to gain true knowledge is by scientific study; that a final understanding of reality and existence can only be gained by disciplined examination of observable phenomena, and also by the pursuit of theoretical hypotheses that will lead to hitherto unknown – and currently highly controversial – avenues of thought. Their belief, for all intents and purposes, is real.

But the question left by these polar opposite examples is: what is real?

Now, you said:

We as a [thinking] group do not believe. We research and verify by the rules of aristotelian logic, reductio ad absurdum and by experimental repetition only.

I can honestly state that I am no expert on Greek philosophers. However I will have a stab at this.

Are you posting your information so as it may be viewed as a proposition? And if that is the case, then surely you were aware that you were opening yourself to personal interpretation buy anyone who read it, as what else would happen in a cynical and questioning society? If you are simply stating that this thread contains the truth, what about the allowed alternative that you might not be posting the truth, as a proposition is a truthbearer?

And where do valid arguments fit into your way of thinking? When you say:

You don't gain anything by hours of useless forum discussions.

it has to be said that you seem to be ignoring “Topics”. Surely argument arises from discussion. (And – as a side note – why post your beliefs on a discussion forum if you consider them useless?)

Yes, it's urgent, because of the current agendas unleashing but you must also try to excercise some patient which I think it's not your strong point unfortunately.

Unfortunately, your assessment of me is flawed; I have infinite patience for those who deserve it. For those whom I consider are forcing their flawed convictions on others, well, that is another story. I should point out that I do have the patience to stick to a thread until an outcome is reached.

We the H.G.REES Prytaneum will have the "nerve" to add another one LAW OF LOGIC: Τhe Law of VERIFICATION BY EXPERIMENTAL REPETITION, a law that excludes the AGAINST NATURE intrusions of the type of Karl Marx the younger, and of the type of Karl Marx the older, or else little Christ, who both preached: “blessed are the not seeing and believing” or “faith is the affirmation of things not … seeing, faith is the … hopeful belief.”

So your beliefs extend to denouncing Communism’s use of biased logic and reason to denounce faith in all of its forms. Not only that, you condemn any paradigm that rests its dogma on foundations of personal testimony as opposed to empirical evidence. From that, we can assume that blind faith has little to do with your obvious confidence in your “Laws”; for you, research – with observable results - is all.

This would indicate that you have attained verification of your experiments, would it not?

This particular forum disallows any request for proof of extreme claims, and I will honour that, but with a suggestion. If you have achieved some proof that supports your claims, why proclaim the necessity for the rest of us to find the same confirmation for ourselves?

Surely you realise that the majority would prefer the truth to be presented to them, as opposed to them having to seek it out?

Indeed, you will agree that some cannot physically seek the truth themselves for various and legitimate reasons, so why exclude them?

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by skeptical2012

Where’s the strongly held belief and counter argument?

Ι told you about the belief notion rejection. Why you keep repeating it?
We as a [thinking] group do not believe. We research and verify by the rules of aristotelian logic, reductio ad absurdum and by experimental repetition only.
You don't gain anything by hours of useless forum discussions. Only personal (or small private group) painful scientific research can gain results in the long run. Yes, it's urgent, because of the current agendas unleashing but as a beginer to this thinking you must also try to excercise some patience which I think it's not your strong point unfortunately.
As I said before just follow the blog's progress.

Which I'm sure makes perfect sense on Andromeda - wherever that might be? Unfortunately your babel fish still seems to be misfunctioning. But perhaps you could tell us specifically where you come from? After all if we ever meet we might mistake you for an Arcturian mega-cow. And that would never do.

btw still a few tickets left for the B Ark

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Edrick
No, the majority of the earth speaks English.

it's still chinese.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

To skeptical2012; and still responses to your thread ignore its contents.

What is your response to that?

edit: coding error

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Beamish]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

From your source now...

Countries that speak Chinese, Mandarin:
Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, S. Africa, Taiwan, Thailand

Countries that speak English:
Australia, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Canada, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, The Gambia, Ghana, Guyana, India, Ireland, Israel, Lesotho, Liberia, Malaysia, Micronesia, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, S. Africa, Suriname, Swaziland, Tonga, U.K., U.S., Vanuatu, Zimbabwe, many Caribbean states, Zambia.

More people speak Chinese, yes... but English is more PERVASIVE (As far as nationalities) than Chinese or mandarin.

In addition to this, Many Chinese are learning English.

So, it would make sense for a "Alien" transmission to be in English.

To have the largest impact across the widest cross section of humanity.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:44 PM
I will break my sillence in this thread because of this exclusivity.
Bellow is a very interesting Andromedian message for the restoration of the bipolar relations between the two genders. (Amphigonia relationship) A couple like that is a healthy civilization generator.
The message begins with the negative proof. e.g. by displaying today's ill situation under pax draconis.

Cultural Revolutions G.H.REES A’ Generation

Personal Relations

Second Level – Bipolar relation of the two genders

1st: Love [Eros] – Gestation Period – Creation in a Spiritual Level

The male brain having “sperm” in a field of sciences or arts is attracted by the female brain which has “egg” and “womb” [matrix] for the capture and gestation period of the sperm-idea.
The “embryo” as a completed science or art can only be born by a female brain according to the above principle.
One practical example of this principle is the couple of physicists Peter and Maria Kiouri. The first factor “sperm”, through theoretical research “fertilized” the second, who were at a “gestation period” confirming the theory by experimentation, meaning completing or “gave birth”.
In the Hellenic Mythology this ideal bipolarity was expressed in the myth of Orpheus and Evridiki, when the first as an initiate and a holder of “sperm” had such a need for the spiritual “womb” of Evridiki in order to create sciences and arts, that –according to myth- when she died, he came down to Hades and returned back to the kingdom of the living with his spiritual better half [lover]. The myth, expressing the necessity of FEMALE PRINCIPLE existence as an energetic producer necessary for the materialization or the completion of any male’s idea in sciences and arts, proves at the same time and the sterility of modern civilization.
This sterility reason is located at the international priesthoods of all religions that made laws by which they “sterilized” and restrained the spiritual “impetus” of the woman, by characterizing “a sin against God” her participation in the production of civilization. Thus they forbid in the woman the spiritual intercourse, the spiritual pregnancy and the spiritual birth of sciences and arts.
The worst enemy of civilization production was and still is Christianity, which through “Apostle Paul” defined the …contraception law: “The woman must be silent. It is obscenity for the women to speak and teach (to be pregnant and give birth to the male ideas)”.
The result of this forbiddance is the production of an abomination civilization or a civilization monster in which the man is called to play the role of the androgynous monster that produce “sperm” of ideas and at the same time is “pregnant” and “give birth”.
The victims of this suppression are both genders.
The suppression of spiritual impetuses compelled man to “masturbate” because it is forbidden to “ejaculate” his ideas inside the female-brain-womb for pregnancy. The masturbation is located in the form of sperm collection (ideas) in sperm banks (Universities – Art Schools) in which after a selection of men to play the role of women’s “womb” (a fascism of choice) the man is fertilized by men, by accepting the role of androgynous monster that is given to him by the political or religious priesthoods.
Either the male plays the role of the masturbating sperm-producer or they plays the role of womb for pregnancy, in both cases is compelled to live in abnormality by suppressing his natural spiritual momentum.
In the first case we have the man that “masturbates” by saving his “sperm” in a library of a University or in a conversation between an exclusive male company. In the second case we have the man who by spiritual notion is a “passive homosexual” with “energetic homosexual” the man of the first case. The characteristic of the “passive homosexual” is his passiveness in sciences, religions, political ideologies, arts, information, economy, material products, way of living, political parties, war or peace, for which he never asks “why” by always leaving others to determine them for him. The “passive homosexual” does not have his own ideas for God because is enough for him that his Bible or the religion of his country determined them. He has no personal laws and principles because is enough for him that his political governing party determined them. He has no personal ideas for politics because is enough for him that his political party leader determined them. He has neither personal way living nor personal choices, because is enough for him that his “government”, or any “government” chooses them instead of him.
The suppression of spiritual impetuses compelled the woman either to be fertilized with the male masturbating sperm garbage of Universities, of religions, and of political ideologies, or to be fertilized with the sperms of male materialism as products of male androgynous abomination birth: Fashion – working in the male’s industry – working in the male’s bureaucracy – consumption of useless industry products – consumption of cosmetics of the non existing “beautifulness” [Kallos] – consumption of fashion products for beautify the non existing “harmony”.

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