posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:17 AM
Konnichiwa, I am a regular lurker here at ATS and have looked through many a many posts regarding night time experiences with the paranormal, et,
spirits, etc.
Last time i made a thread i talked about music and ET, which was a success as far as i remember. Before that i talked about a dream i had in which 2
grays and a probe were in my house.
This time i come to you with an experience i just had last night, and this time i was awake and aware. Whether or not this was real or imaginary i
don't know, but i was not asleep (at least not fully) this time so it came as quite a shock to me.
I was listening to my music while looking at the night sky through my window, like i do many a nights. My thoughts were on contact with ET, and when
i'd have mine (if i hadn't already). I began to feel a pressure in my head, and to me this is nothing new as i do meditation nowadays. So i decided
to lie myself down, and enjoy my music some more. At one point i thought i heard a whisper, so i turned my ipod off and laid it beside my speakers
which were on a small keyboard chair near my bed. Now the reason i caught this whisper with music on is because the music was quite low in volume, and
i was focusing on the lower tones anyhow, so i guess i was lucky. I decided to try confirming that i had indeed heard a whisper and said hello. After
a few seconds i started asking if anyone was there. That is when i got confirmation in a whispered "yes". Also to note, ever since the pressure in
my head started and after lying down, i felt like i was having sleep paralysis, but i knew it wasn't it because i was able to free myself every time.
It felt more like i was being held down by some invisible force, and i also felt heavier, and more tired than before. Anyway, after that confirmation
i knew i wasn't dreaming and started having a short conversation with the whispers, which i realised were coming from a woman, but i could not locate
this woman, because i was lying down in the dark and it took effort to get up each time i felt too pinned down. A bit later on she asked me what my
name was, which i then gave to her and spelled it out slowly so as to let her remember it. The last thing i heard from that whisper woman was her
repeating my first name. After this i had decided that i needed to sleep, and had told this to the woman, but i later regretted this because i was
actually interested in continuing the conversation and now wonder what it could have led to. I stopped feeling heavy and was able to get up to a
sitting position normally, without much effort. My head was still feeling pressure but that subsided soon after. To my surprise i felt refreshed,
compared to when i was having this experience. I tried to call her back in my mind and by whispering, but she never replied. After this i lay back
down to think about what just happened, to be quite frank i was in shock, and very hopeful that my wish for personal contact was finally granted, but
of course that is a stretch.
I continued to listen to my music and then i for some reason decided to look through my back window, and i saw 1 very bright star like object, with a
normal dim star beside it, right behind me, i didn't think much of it, but who knows ^_^.
Now i am posting this here because i want to know whether anyone here can tell me who contacted me. My guess from what i have learned over the years
is, it was an ET. I came to this conclusion myself because of what my mindset was before the experience, it was six feet deep in ET land, hehe.
So if anyone could share similar experiences, or tell me who contacted me through whispers, that'd be great.
Best wishes