posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 11:24 PM
I would like to thank everyone for thier thoughts, comments, well wishes and prayers.
I took Freya to the pet cemetary this morning for cremation. I will be recieving her ashes and memorial things on Monday.Hardest thing I have ever
done parting with her, I just dont have alot of people friends here in Las Vegas, its not my hometown so Freya rather took the place of people
friends.I am absolutely gutted, been crying off and on for almost 2 days now, and a 48 year old man crying like a schoolboy isnt a pretty sight. I am
really just trying to dwell on the good times but looking back at those also makes me realize there wont be more of those times with her. Writing this
is rather like therapy I supposed. I really appreciate all the support folks here at ATS/BTS have given me.
I remember when she was just a pup about 12 weeks old when she got poopie on her paws and proceeded to walk across the top of our white sectional
I remember when she was about 6 months old and my wife took her for a walk and they were beset by a pit bull terrier the pit bull got more than it
bargained for out of the puppy and the puppy became mommys protector from then on.
She was a well travelled puppy, Been to Utah, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana. Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas
and Oklahoma. The back seat of my big truck was hers and she loved to go for a ride.
I remember how when my wifes cat got very old Freya would sheperd her around the house back and forth to the food bowl and the catbed. I never saw a
cat and dog that along so well.
I can remember her habit of licking the parakeet seed off the carpet from the stuff the birds tossed out of the cage.
I can remember one of the parakeets walking up to Freya and pecking her nose, only to have Freya blow the bird over with a snort from her nostrils.
I havent eaten a full plate of food in 10 years, Freya always got a little bit of what I was having at the end, She really liked burgers, fries, and
burritos, oh and cereal she loved to get that last bit of milk from the cereal bowl.
I remember the indignant look I used to get when I had to with hold something from here because it was to spicy or sweet.
I remember her eating watermelon, cantalope, and baby carrots off a fork, always ever so gently.
I remember her eating corn on the cob , she would get it between her feet and nibble her way around it.
I remember when she wanted just a bit of Newcastle Brown Ale she basically wanted a taste of whatever we were having.
I remember when she would want her food and would rub up against the bag like a cat.
Its hard to get out of bed and not having to step over her as she was almost always sleeping right next to me.
Its hard that she doesnt meet me at the door or watch me leave through the blinds on the sliding glass door. I can see her sitting so pretty with her
back straight and her ears all pricked forward.
Its hard that she wont be coming to bang into the back of my computer chair to let me know she needs to go outside.
I can remember playing peek a boo around the furniture and doors in the apartments, "Wheres Freya?" "Oh there she is!"
Freya was 11 years old and I was still calling her puppy, puppy girl, little girl, daddys girls or what have you. She earned it, she was the biggest
sweetheart of a dog anyone could have wanted unless she thought you were going to hurt her mommy then she would get growly and serious.
She was really good with the grandkids, and became protective of them quickly, Only time she didnt sleep in the room with me was when the grandkids
was in, then she stayed with them or in the hallway between the rooms.
I never kept a collar on here after she was about 6 months old, she didnt need one she was smart and I didnt have to worry about her taking off after
a cat or bird.
Its amazing how much puppy stuff has accumlated in this apartment after 11 years everyplace there is a reminder.
I am on the computer against the doctors instructions I shouldnt even be out of bed, but I cant sleep anyway after the last couple of days. I truly
believe Freya waited for me to come home after surgery before she decided to pass on.
I wish I had a couple of pictures I could post but most of the pictures we have of her are hard copy and not digital I will probably digitize some in
the near future.
Thanks Everyone
Be Well Be Safe