posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 12:10 AM
To start off, while I know the jokes will come. Please remember I nor did anyone else know.
So I get off of work today, get to my bus stop, things are the usual hell that is Detroit. I wait and the bus arrives and I board.
I am sitting in my preferred seat. Going along we stop outside of the MGM Grand Casino to pick up a couple waiting passengers. A man gets on and so
does a quite cute goth woman.
I am at this point intrigued. So the bus moves on and everyone notices that this woman is talking to herself. Snide whispers go back and forth about
how this chick is crazy and what not. I feel bad. So after a while, I bring up my nerve to go say hello.
I move to the front of the bus and sit across from her, I smile and say hi. She says hi back and shows me the fangs she had implanted in her upper
lip. (again, I am impressed)
The conversation goes on, I complement her outfit, her hair and her fangs. She seems upset so I am trying to see if she will talk about it. I get to
the point of complementing her choker, which was nice, and she tells me
"Thanks it hides my Adams apple."
We just lost cabin pressure. She is in fact a he.
Then he asks if I have a man.
I may have turned a few dozen shades of red. Oh my god. Stunned, I say "Uh no, no man, I um, I don't swing that way."
He says, "Why not? you would look good with a man."
I pray in my head for death.
Not wanting to be a total jerk, I just politely remind him that I prefer women and I had made a mistake.
A few stops latter thankfully he got off the bus and with him my shame.
Yes folks, it's official, Wukky has no clue about women anymore, I apparently can't even differentiate between a male and a female of this species.