posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Ponyo
Thanks for the translation help from your friend, it just makes this video look creepier than ever. I'd bet this Tuyul was caught off guard by the
cameraman's reaction, like this never happened before and it wasn't sure what was going on... Does look like it was checking out the cellphone to
see what's up.
Accounts of this are only probably going to go up as more people start carrying around cellphone cameras.
Are accounts of Tuyuls common outside Indonesia or is it limited/high activity within specific locales in Indonesia? What is it said they do- explore,
cause trouble, do something to people?
Someone posted a video in this thread showing what appears to be a Tuyul type creature, using night vision in an North American forest. Could they be
The camera in this case seems to have one of the lowest and slowest FPS rate out there, but I'm unsure if that would superior for capturing the
Thanks for all your hard work though. I wonder if these gents were the ones who uploaded it to youtube or they sent the video to someone.