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Internet Governance

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posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Internet of Things [IoT]

Simply leaving the development of IoT to the private sector, and possibly to other world regions is not a sensible option in view of the deep societal changes that IoT will bring about. Many of these changes will have to be addressed by European policy-makers and public authorities to ensure that the use of IoT technologies and applications will stimulate economic growth, improve individuals’ well-being and address some of today’s societal problems.

The Commission will initiate and promote, in all relevant fora, discussions and decisions on:
– defining a set of principles underlying the governance of IoT;
– setting up an ‘architecture’ with a sufficient level of decentralised management, so that public authorities throughout the world can exercise their responsibilities as regards transparency, competition and accountability.

The Commission recently adopted a Recommendation that provides guidelines on how to operate RFID applications in compliance with privacy and data protection principles; in 2010 it intends to publish a broader Communication on privacy and trust in the ubiquitous information society.

Eurostat will start publishing in December 2009 statistics on the use of RFID technologies.
Monitoring the introduction of IoT related technologies will provide information on their degree of penetration and allow the assessment of their impact on the economy and the society as well as the effectiveness of the related Community policies.

IoT is not yet a tangible reality, but rather a prospective vision of a number of technologies that, combined together, could in the coming 5 to 15 years drastically modify the way our societies function.

Internet Governance.

World Summit on the Information Society [WSIS] - Mentioned in Internet of Things pdf.

Also, we could soon see a new kind of display screen from computer maker Apple - one that simultaneously takes pictures while showing images. The all seeing screen:

The patent specifies almost as many sensors per screen as there are pixels - some of they sensors may have different focal lengths. Apple goes on to suggest portable uses for the technology, such as employing the displays in cellphones and PDAs. The patent: R.&OS=DN/20060007222&RS=DN/20060007222

Eventually, every display screen will be like this.

Not too long before it becomes compulsory to wear spectacles that transmit everything you see back to BIG BROTHER.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:31 AM
EU plans giant IT network for 'freedom, security and justice

For anyone who doesn't know, "Schengen Information System (SIS) II will replace the existing Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) and will facilitate the exchange of information on persons and objects between national authorities responsible, inter alia, for border controls and other customs and police checks." SIS II will likely be extended to include biometric data.

Management of large-scale IT systems proposed by
the EU Commission

[edit on 26-6-2009 by BetweenMyths]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 06:51 AM
First thing is first..

Secondly, it was really sad that they had to throw the whole Chip thing in the mix, only making their cause more difficult.

Third- Cameras in monitors>? Big brother DOES NOT need to see me with my pants down watching softcore YouTube porn/INVASION OF PRIVACY!

4th- If this is the direction that we are going towards, might as well just hang our hats now, put the computer back in its box, and ask for a refund so I can buy something that is more suitable for fighting the pesky politicians and their pathetic lobbyists.

If I have mistakin what I have read, please, by all means, make it clear to me.

(I promise I wont get mad and become a keyboard killah in response to the correction)

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:11 AM
Video - The Future of Internet Governance: Towards an Accountable ICANN

EC calls for one world internet governance

The European Commission is once again calling for the United States to let go of ICANN and place it under international supervision.

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is a California-based non-profit group that oversees the internet's address system. It currently operates under a Joint Project Agreement with the US government, which expires at the end of September 2009.

...the paper does say current arrangements with the US government "need to be replaced with an alternative mechanism to ensure that ICANN has multilateral accountability."

The paper - Internet Governance: The next steps.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Common Good

You summed it up very well.

Our telecommunication systems are an integral part of the internet also. The UK government may be trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. See OP on following thread: BT network 'vulnerable to Chinese attack.'

Clear and present danger from cyberwarfare

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