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Are people so uneducated as to think the world could function without monetary systems?

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posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 07:09 PM
OP, the way you think of buying things without money is the same as buying things with money like stuff. Say you say to someone, "I'll buy that house of you, here's 3 apples" They reply "No, I want your goat". So buy that the apples are worth less than the goat and so there is a value/monatary system gonig on.

What the point of destroying the monatary system is that we have the ability to evenly distribute large amounts of resources to everybody and provide everything, and more utilitys or whatever for you and every one else.

Have you noticed the slow develpoment of technology since money come into power? Back in the cave days, we made advance technology without any hassle and without expensis, but now, our technolgy development depends on the amount of green we have. It's a MAJOR restriction on our abilities. Without money we can build technology we couldn't fathom today. It would be like the first bread slicer back in the day. A huge leap toward the easness of human life.

We could easly create cures for diseases and illnesses, but again, like technology it is restricted by money. Ever wondered why scientists working on cures aren't given things they need in experiment for free when they have the potential to cure millions of people?

In the monatary system, profits come before human life. It's right in your face, how do you not see it?

Oh and do you see any other animal use a money system of any way? It's not natural for use. Animals share what they have with their community.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by chinni

Have you noticed the slow develpoment of technology since money come into power? Back in the cave days, we made advance technology without any hassle and without expensis, but now, our technolgy development depends on the amount of green we have. It's a MAJOR restriction on our abilities. Without money we can build technology we couldn't fathom today. It would be like the first bread slicer back in the day. A huge leap toward the easness of human life.

Oh and do you see any other animal use a money system of any way? It's not natural for use. Animals share what they have with their community.

Are you kidding me? Advancement of technology is slow today compared to the good ole days when we were cavemen

Since money has been around we have developed more tech in the last few hundred years then in all of human history combined. I am not saying money is the only reason, but it is part of the reason.

LMAO, I dont see animals using toilet paper either but it doesnt mean I want to get rid of it and start wiping my butt with my hand.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Can we get off this idea that adifferant type of economy = people living like cave men. For one its not true and for another thing its arguable if we are any better of than them its only a matter of perspective.
Its clear that humans are currently living far longer than we are supposed to as far as modern medicine knows. We arent living with the flow of the universe and it is causing problems.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:06 PM
Yes we need a monetary system, but not the one we currently have.

There is a very good video below called, "The Secret of Oz".

It describes what is currently wrong with our money system, how it got that way and what we need to do to fix the problem.

Below is a short analyst of the movie because it's wording is better than mine.

What's going on with the world's economy? Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing, and this may only be the beginning. Could it be that solutions to the world's economic problems could have been embedded in the most beloved children's story of all time, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"? The yellow brick road, the emerald city of Oz, even Dorothy's silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were powerful symbols of author L. Frank Baum's belief that the people...not the big banks...should control the quantity of a nation's money. The bottom line: No More National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. But nations don't have to borrow money from banks. Sovereign nations can create their own money...debt free...just as Abraham Lincoln did. Source:

The movie can also be found at the above link but also below.

It is worth watching because it gives viable solutions.

The main issue brought up is that the right of currency should not lie within the power of private corporations but the government / the people.

edit on 1-1-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Money, much like religion and Government...

is a system of control.

Living in a small society where everyone works for the good of each other is on the surface a good idea.

You can have services provided by all that are used as a means of exchange.

People working the land, people making textiles, smithy, someone providing education, those that raise livestock, miners, lumberjacks....etc.

These folks provide for each other by their services.

However, how do you govern such a group to make sure each is granted their poriton?

Who needs more or less based on family size?

Can you produce on your own and hoard your own proceeds? Can the smithy cut wood on his/her own and hoard the wood thereby not needing the lumberjacks services? How does the lumberjack pay for items at the Smithy? (for example)

How do you punish those that don't conform to the society standards? (thieves, slackers...etc)

Money makes all of this easier and even lets each other produce what they want and then buy what they need irregardless of what they may or may not produce on their own.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:49 PM
I'm all for a monetary system which is based on real things with real value, which immediately excludes fiat currency. It's not monetary systems I am against, it is economic systems which have been tried. If one can gain power with nothing but money, then the economic system is a failure, in my opinion.

Economies should exist for the purpose of trade, and monetary forms should exist for the purpose of common exchange - nothing more. If you are sitting on 10 tons of gold your gold should have no more value than someone is willing to assign it. If I own enough farm land to feed a village and you have 10 tons of gold, in my opinion, what I own is worth more than what you own, but it is not so in terms of the way civilization is run now adays. I can feed a village with my farm land, but all you got is a heap of metal. If you can make that metal useful, then so be it, but you shouldn't have more power and status than someone who can feed a village just because you possess something - you should have to actually have something of greater value to have more power and status.

The laws of supply and demand can be manipulated, but real value is real value. Someone with 10 tons of gold and nothing else should not have the ability to buy off politicians to put the guy with enough farmland to feed a village out of business - there is something seriously wrong with a system when that can be done, as the guy with the farmland obviously had a more valuable resource for that community, but the guy with the gold used what is more valuable to politicians (rather than the people) to take it from him. I've never seen anyone live off of eating gold.

The majority of the problem, in my opinion, is that people, particularly the ones running the show, have no bearings anymore when it comes to rating the value of things. They think it is perfectly acceptable that people, with real lives of value, die so they can have bridges and running water or even oil and gasoline. When money trumps life, it kind of defeats the entire purpose of civilization, of which economy is just one part. Why have money if that is the way things are going to be? I think that is the thinking going through the minds of people who suggest we abandon monetary and economic systems.

Who would want to buy a 500K house in a civilization that thinks a single life is expendable for that house? In my opinion, only worthless people who should be shunned by society.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 07:31 PM
men can not get rid from tax system even for thousands do you think....

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