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Rama Nation/Atlantis

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 03:15 PM
I was reading a post by Indigo_Child, Proof: Advanced Ancient Indian Civilization Existed, existed. Indigo constantly talks about this war but never divulges who they are fighting. The Rama nation in the Mahabharata is fighting a race called the Asvin's (Atlantis). This is the oldest known knowledge of Atlantis to date. There are some facts that she(?) didn't probably know or didn't explain in detail that I would like to. I am hoping that Indigo will come to this and place her(?) input. I also did this because I would like her(?) to post some newer websites because a lot of them were out dated or have been removed due to different reason's.

First has to do with the Nazi's. They believed in this idea of a supreme Aryan race that ruled the world. This idea has been challenged time and time again because of facts like skin color and such. But the idea wasn't based on the color of skin like the Nazi's believed but rather as a society. They, being ancient cultures, didn't believe that because of someone's color you were different, but, rather you were equals. Also the Nazi's sent expeditions into India to explore different things pertaining to advanced civilizations I.E. Atlantis and Rama Nation. They believed that the people in Germanic nations had actually come from Atlantis (not proven but a good theory). The Nazi's then after going into India they started to build Anti-Gravity devices. This information came from German scientists of the time. After Germany surrendered the American's came in and took all this information. Nuclear Technology wasn't created by American's but rather German scientist's. All we did was create it into a weapon to end the conflict. There is more that could be said but for the sake of time I will bring that up at a later date if asked.

Secondly if we do research into how ice work's (I am hoping everyone does, but if not I shall explain it). When you take an ice cube and melt it you always get more water then the ice which is because as water freeze's it doesn't just expand but also it compacts the more and more water that is given. Now picture this with the ocean's. At the time of the last known ice age which ended in 10,000 years ago, and had started some 40,000 years ago, Land masses that wouldn't normally have been there existed. That could explain Atlantis's sinking, rather then just nukes going off. I believe that nukes DID go off some 25,000 year's ago but as a factor it started to heat the Glacier's up to there melting points. It is documented that there have been periodic "Super Floods" which happened as the planet heated up. Now stating this having Land Masses that wouldn't be there and super floods would cause locations such as the city Krishna Built (I believe that is correct) would have "sunk" but rather would have been flooded.

Third is something that is known to most people that studied the Greeks. Plato wrote about Atlantis being the most Advanced Civilization and even the Mahabharata states that Atlantis was more advanced then the Rama Nation. Plato also states that "Poseidon" sunk Atlantis because he was disgraced with how they had become. But few know is that Poseidon actually blessed the city-state from the moment of its creation. Now at the time a lot of things that happened back then were taken as the gods even though they are natural occurrences such as Hurricane's. But the thing that you should be questioning is if the Greek's new about hurricane's how is that possible. Hurricane's start off Africa and hit America. If there was this great city state either in the center of the Atlantic or even on the coast of the America's then that would be the best logical way to known that. But to further that they also believed that if a place was flooded that Poseidon was agitated at the civilization.

[edit on 6/22/2009 by VenomR]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Fourth is the bible written by the Jew's. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God and in the Mahabharata the cities of, Vrishnis and the Andhakas, were also destroyed by god's (Nuclear Weaponry). This is a very big coincidence that happens to appear in other religion's/"Mythology". Also the birth of Jesus is said to have happen through, Virgin Mary. At the time this was unbelievable to the most highest degree, yet even now we can artificially inseminate babies into women yet this is not the work of god because we can do it on our own. This is not just a story told by Christian's but it is also in the Hindu's belief (I Believe) were a child is born of the sun-god through a virgin women. The only real difference's in the story are that in the Hindu's belief the child was killed and that it was a sun-god rather then the Almighty Father.

Fifth happens to do with more of the languages rather then just theories. Sanskrit and Latin are so similar it is unbelievable. Not only are they unbelievably close but current theories actually state that they either originated from the same common language or even one created the other. Since Sanskrit has old dates tied to it, if the later is true, then that would mean Latin originated from Sanskrit. Now people will question how we know that Sanskrit text is accurate because it is thought to be a dead language. On the contrary. A dead language is something that has not spoken by the general population in the area. It does not mean it is not there anymore. Everyone question's it but rather if you go back to the Mayan or the Egyptian's to understand what I mean. In those two languages people haven't spoken them fluently in thousand's of years yet we know the text because there are still people that speak it. Whether then just believe what they are told they put it to the test by showing objects to different people and they same the same so it must be that way. They did this same concept with the original people in India because not everyone could speak the language of the westerners.

Sixth has to do with population in general. It is proven that over 100,000 to 200,000 years ago the current era of man appeared in Africa. This is a proven fact through scientists. Now knowing this and how those people spread we can begin to rely more on the bible then anything else as a time line after a certain point. Babylon was a city state that built towers to honor there gods. Now since the bible states that at one for the cities god decided that is was displeasing that man was not honoring him but rather themselves he made the people speak different languages. Now in the Babylonian "Mythology" the city point was actually a spot that many people would leave and new languages would be spoken. But if this is the center point for all languages then god broke it into two languages, Sanskrit and Latin. To a later date in history when Mose parts the Red Sea he slam's his stick on the ground and it parts. Doing a little research into the Rama Nation and the Atlantian's would have had the power to do this. If that technology was there and Mose's had learned about it then that could be an explanation. Also the question is how the Mayan's got there. They constantly are assumed to have come from the north yet all the cities they owned moved from SOUTH to NORTH which would mean that they happened to have already have been there.

Seventh has to do with Historical Figures. First is Alexander the Great. If you do the research into him there are stories that say when he was marching into India he was attacked by two great shields in the sky that spit fire and scared his horse's, men, and Elephants so greatly that they had to wait a day to continue. This sounds a lot like Viminas created by the two ancient nations. But an evenless known story is when he was trying to capture the city of Tyre he could not breach there walls then one day two metal shields came and destroyed the walls that led to his victory.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Eight is a question that has been brought up a few times in the past. The question is how to classify what an ancient civilization is. Now if we start as a focal point of say Roman Empire there will be few nation's that were more advanced then them but this is actually plausibly not true. Mayan, Inca, Mesopotamian Nations, Chinese, Indian's, Egyptian's, and a few more were superior of the Roman empire. This is something that people question because of the temples but it also has to do with other things. One is the way they built the pyramids or tower's. People say that it doesn't require advanced math yet if we look at the Mayan and Egyptian's then the fact is no human being in this century or the next can replicate them. The reasoning is simple, they are perfectly smooth (Egyptian) during there time. The Mayan on the other hand has something that can't be duplicated. The solstices effect the temple's shadow. They actually fluctuate to create different objects within the shadow that are clearly defined. Another question that must be asked is how did these nation's figure out that a triangle is the most effective architectural piece that can be created. It surpasses all other objects. The reason I am stating this as a fact is because I study Architecture.

Nine has to do with the secret society reputedly founded by the Indian Emperor Asoka c. 270 BCE. He created this group of nine men that would hide the most dangerous of technologies. The books are as listed:
1. Propaganda and Psychological warfare.
2. Physiology, including instructions on how to perform the "touch of death." One account has Judo being a product of material leaked from this book.
3. Biology, Microbiology, and, according to more recent speculation, Biotechnology. In some versions of the myth, the waters of the Ganges are purified with special microbes designed by the Nine and released into the river at a secret base in the Himalayas. Multitudes of pilgrims, suffering from the most appalling diseases, bathe in them without harming the healthy ones. The sacred waters purify everything. Their strange properties have been attributed to the fact that they contain bacteriophages. But why should these not be formed in the Bramaputra, the Amazon or the Seine?
4. Alchemy, including the transmutation of metals. In India, there is a persistent rumor that during times of drought or other natural disasters temples and religious organizations receive large quantities of gold from an unknown source. The mystery is further deepened with the fact that the sheer quantity of gold throughout the country in temples and with kings cannot be properly accounted for, seeing that India has few gold mines.
5. Communication, including communication with extraterrestrials.
6. Gravitation (the Vaimanika ṣastra), instructions necessary to build a vimana, sometimes referred to as the "ancient UFOs of India."
7. Cosmology, the capacity to travel at enormous speeds through spacetime fabric, and time-travel; including intra- and inter-universal trips.
8. Light, the capacity to increase and decrease the speed of light, to use it as a weapon by concentrating it in a certain direction etc.
9. Sociology, including rules concerning the evolution of societies and how to predict their downfall.

Information On the Unknown Nine Men

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 04:10 PM
What I am stating is a Theory that has factual proof within it. If you believe this and wish to further support my idea's, as I hope Indigo_Child will do, then post links that back the information up. I would also like to here others thoughts that might not believe this but have done research into the topic and choose to post there comment's with proof backing this up. I love to hear all sides of an argument because I don't get emotional over a topic but I will defend my thoughts voraciously. Also to let others know I have no modern day Indian but rather I am an Italian Roman-Catholic. I have read into what the Catholic's did extensively because what happened which I will further bring up when I have the time to do this. But please state opinion's that have factual proof within them.

Thanks have and have a wonderful day.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 04:12 PM

. If there was this great city state either in the center of the Atlantic or even on the coast of the America's then that would be the best logical way to known that. But to further that they also believed that if a place was flooded that Poseidon was agitated at the civilization.

It makes sense that America is a Super Power these days, whats saying that if it is in the Atlantic that we havent found it and taken whatever tech was left behind. I mean, it would make sense if we found it and we had German sciencetist decipher it, and the we had nukes. Nukes were a WAY advance wepon system even for the 40's, even thinking about somthing like that, well it just didnt happen.

Seventh has to do with Historical Figures. First is Alexander the Great. If you do the research into him there are stories that say when he was marching into India he was attacked by two great shields in the sky that spit fire and scared his horse's, men, and Elephants so greatly that they had to wait a day to continue. This sounds a lot like Viminas created by the two ancient nations. But an evenless known story is when he was trying to capture the city of Tyre he could not breach there walls then one day two metal shields came and destroyed the walls that led to his victory.

I've heard this a few times before. Its throughout history, but people just say they are myths. If you were acient man and didnt know how say "Hey check out that UFO and Aliens" I'm pretty sure you would say "Flying Wheel", "Flying Shield" or even "Charoit of the Gods" Its just common sense to be like, "Hmm, what were they talking about at the time, Aliens?" But like all things in this world if it makes sense its wrong.

I do have to say, what you say is great and you have good data to back it up, Common sense is a great weapon. Nice post man.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 04:34 PM
To the first point. I wasn't trying to say because America is a super power but rather because the Indian text actually states that. Now being that it could mean that it was a nation in the Atlantic ocean or even on the coast line of America (Both North and South) that sunk.

Second the Vimanis were actually saucer looking which would give modern day man the thought of UFO's but what if rather they were the inventions from Rama that the Nine Unknown Men used to help rebuild the World. It's all thoughts and theories unfortunately until proven otherwise but fact's can't be over looked.

I would like to also input the pictures of building's on Venus as another focal point to my arguement. If you have not heard of this here is the link to the Youtube video discovered Ironically by an Italian Astronomer. Buildings on Venus. Now looking into that you have to have an open mind to see them. But if the Mahabharata is correct then those buildings are actually buildings created by the nations. I personally think its something that can't be overlooked until proven otherwise.

Also thank you for saying that ^^

[edit on 6/22/2009 by VenomR]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 09:49 AM
For your information, there has never been a "Rama" Nation.
This is something that was created to match with Rama, the Son of Dashratha of the Raghu Dynasty or the Raghuvamsha.

Go through the complete translated versions of Ramayana, you would never ever find a mention of this so called "Rama Nation".

Rama ruled Ayodhya..not Rama nation.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 11:54 AM
How do you know that the stories of the Atlantian culture you discuss here is accurate or even factual?

What I find in doing research is that we rarely have access to original tesxts through the web. What we have access to are translated texts, which many times are misinteerpreted during translations. Even texts in libraries are these same misinterpreted transleted texts. Unless you have the orginal untranslated misinterpreted texts and know how to read the language they are written in, and do not mistakenly misinterpret them yourselves, you would already be off to a bad start during investigations of these texts. Then you have other texts that are based on the misinterpreted translated texts which adds even more to an incorrect stoey being relayed. So I try to leave the research to the people that claim to have access to the original texts and know how to properly interpret them and relay that information, but even then that is not necessarily accurate, because i have no way to validate their stories either, just because several people read the same texts and come to the same conclusions does not make it accurate.

I beleive even if Plato had been speaking of an actual place and people such as Atlantis and Atlantians, his interpretations could have been along the same lines as I state above, which even if he believed he had accurately told the story, he my have been completely wrong.

Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by VenomR
Third is something that is known to most people that studied the Greeks. Plato wrote about Atlantis being the most Advanced Civilization and even the Mahabharata states that Atlantis was more advanced then the Rama Nation

Studying greeks obviously doesnt mean one know anything about Plato, considering he writes nothing of the sort. His description of Atlantis is nothing more or less than a bronze age civilization. That is something that should be known to most people that's read his works... Right?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:44 PM
First off towards Coredrill. I didn't say the Ramayana, but rather the Mahabharata. I have read two different translations for it and have come up to my own conclusion based off the two texts.

Towards AlienCarnage. That happens to be true but rather then just taking one person's perspective try to find all the valid sources on what your researching to learn it so then you can make your thoughts and process. But again as you stated you mush have the language and the original copies to understand it fully. But seeing as I am just starting to research the original language rather then a derivative I do not know it.

And third if you know anything about Plato as I stated you would also know that Plato wasn't one man but a collaboration of works and further more the text translated of his is actually a misinterpretation due to the facts that the Roman Catholic's when they owned the world actually created the first interpretation which was biased on the current society and not what Plato actually meant.

But to further my argument is from different sources stating that a Sanskrit reader actually created an aircraft using the technology obtained from a Vedic Text. He was just a basic Sanskrit Scholar yet he was able to do something that was impossible for the technology of the time. Heck if you research into it were actually just starting to use that technology. What he used was an Ion based engine that filters solar electricity though it and the electrons break down and sped through a small opening with mercury in it. (This is how I have come to interpret it through what NASA has stated, please correct if that is wrong).

Document 1
Document 2

And another fact is that in the Mayan culture they have found repeated artifacts of what resembles an Airplane.

The reason it is so hard for us to think that there could be such civilizations is because we have ever since the end of High School been repeatedly told what to think and an American culture we are told rather then given the necessary skills to research on our own. This makes us more prone to be ignorant then most. This also gives us the false sense of thinking we are superior then most nations. You must also have a broad enough perspective to accept other things that seem hard to believe but really aren't. The Mayan's were thought to be a Myth and same with the Babylonians yet after years of research then that is not the case anymore. The fact of the matter is, is that we in our current society don't believe they are true until proven otherwise.

An example of this is sex. We are told from an early age the storks bring babies. Once you hit a certain age again the story changes and your parent(s) sit you down and explain how to procreate. But they tell you its a sin and should happen until marriage, yet this is a false statement. Because the bible actually ASKS you not to do it rather then tells you not to. But even after that story you have doubts because you have never had it happen to you. So you go about trying to do it even though you are told not to because you want to know if its true or not.

This is just one example of my reasoning, I could bring about hundreds or thousands that show how current society just assumes things rather then knowledge of it.

[edit on 6/23/2009 by VenomR]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by VenomR
And third if you know anything about Plato as I stated you would also know that Plato wasn't one man but a collaboration of works and further more the text translated of his is actually a misinterpretation due to the facts that the Roman Catholic's when they owned the world actually created the first interpretation which was biased on the current society and not what Plato actually meant.

Ah, then I understand. So we can interpret Plato at will and say that when he's talking bronze age civilization and how the Greek fought them in a war, he's really talking about UFO flying crystal powered laser shooting space faring nuclear bombing civilization that fought some city-flying Indians in some other war.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:18 PM
No that is not what I was stating. Plato never states they go to war with the Greeks. You are misinterpreting what I am saying. All I am stating is that Plato was miss-interpreted by the Roman Catholic's and interpreted to there times. If you took the time to find what Plato wrote and had no knowledge of what the Roman's interpreted it as but knew of modern technology then your view of it would be biased, would it not? It would have reflected your times and how you are currently living.

And stating it as a UFO is another biased opinion because if you were to research the Mahabharata and the Ramayana then you would know that they were Vimina's which is another perspective in the understanding of our past.

The Mayan's believed that everything is a cycle and once you learn that cycle then you know when things will happen. And that is a proven fact because if you watch how someone works, how someone reacts and what they like to do after certain aspects of there life then you are able to predict how that person will react in certain occurring of there life. Why can't we place that into the world view also?

[edit on 6/23/2009 by VenomR]

[edit on 6/23/2009 by VenomR]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by VenomR
Plato never states they go to war with the Greeks.

From Critias:

Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis...

How do you interpret that then?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:14 PM
Again that is a biased view that is the current readings that the ROMAN'S wrote after learning the language. How can you be so certain that the actual text states Athens when you have yet to read it? Also who knows maybe Greece and the Rama nation were allied in the fight against the Atlantians. Atlantis is also in the scriptures from the Egyptians. If it occurs multiple times there must be some relevant knowledge that has been passed down by ALL cultures even if they disseminated between there current cultures.

[edit on 6/23/2009 by VenomR]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by VenomR
Also the Nazi's sent expeditions into India to explore different things pertaining to advanced civilizations I.E. Atlantis and Rama Nation. They believed that the people in Germanic nations had actually come from Atlantis (not proven but a good theory). The Nazi's then after going into India they started to build Anti-Gravity devices.

Unfortunately, due to being at war with India (WWII - look it up in your history books) the Nazis never made it into India.

Plato wrote about Atlantis being the most Advanced Civilization

Actually he described it as being as advanced as Greece was at time he was writing - ie a bronze age culture. For confirmation I suggest reading the works of Plato.

and even the Mahabharata states that Atlantis was more advanced then the Rama Nation

The Mahabharata makes no mention of Atlantis. For the record it also makes no mention of Mu, Lemuria, Utopia, Vulcan, Nibiru or Narnia.

.... if the Greek's new about hurricane's how is that possible.

Simple. They didn't. In the same way they didn't know about the Teletubbies, Aerosmith and the Clinton adminstration. Just making up things does not make them true however much you think a happy thought

The reason we know they didnt know about hurricanes is a) they lived in Greece and b) no greek ever wrote any reference to anything that might even vaguely be described as a hurricane.

Although the Sumerians did ......... but that's another story

[edit on 23-6-2009 by Essan]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by merka

Ah, then I understand. So we can interpret Plato at will and say that when he's talking bronze age civilization and how the Greek fought them in a war, he's really talking about UFO flying crystal powered laser shooting space faring nuclear bombing civilization that fought some city-flying Indians in some other war.

All flown by the Teletubbies. And if you someone doesn't believe the Teletubbies flew Atlantean crystal powered laser shooting nuclear bombers, prove it

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 04:44 PM
To the first statement. Do your research and learn that they ventured into India prior to WWII. They sent expeditions into the greater part of the world I.E. Antarctica, India, Iraq, and Tibet.

Second towards the Plato comment. In Critias he is constantly stating Egyptian Priest's are divulging this information. So he is getting it from a secondary source rather then actually researching it. So he is interpreting it as "Bronze Age" nation. It is not actually stated that he did the research into looking for it but rather was relaying the message given to him.

Read what I wrote in the first paragraph. Asvin which has now been transformed into meaning Atlantis is whom the Rama Nation went to war with.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by VenomR
To the first statement. Do your research and learn that they ventured into India prior to WWII. They sent expeditions into the greater part of the world I.E. Antarctica, India, Iraq, and Tibet.

India and Iraq were under British control. The Nazis could send expeditions there in the same way they could to Essex or Snowdonia.

Second towards the Plato comment. In Critias he is constantly stating Egyptian Priest's are divulging this information. So he is getting it from a secondary source rather then actually researching it. So he is interpreting it as "Bronze Age" nation. It is not actually stated that he did the research into looking for it but rather was relaying the message given to him.

He does briefly mention an Egyptian source. Rregardless of which he describes not an advance laser firing culture from space nor a 21st century nuclear power but a bronze age culture defeated in war by bronze age Athens.

Read what I wrote in the first paragraph. Asvin which has now been transformed into meaning Atlantis is whom the Rama Nation went to war with.

So was this before or after Athens defeated Atlantis?

And can yo prove that Rama is not really Narnia? They sound similar?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 05:39 PM
First off. They were under British control but that doesn't mean they didn't send expeditions into there. If I want to go explore Mexico (I live in Arizona) I could easily just walk across the border to explore it without the knowledge of the Mexican government. Further more India is so massive that the Brit's couldn't patrol there vast boarder.

Secondly, Plato states it three times within the story of Critias. But further evidence states that the actual story was obtained from the Egyptians. And again the persepective described is from Plato who obtains the info from the Egyptians. The Egyptians just state that it was an advanced civilazation. Never do they state what form of technology was used. It was even more advanced then the Greeks.

And third the correlation that states the destruction of Atlantis in Critias and Mahabharata correlates nearly the same time.

And to that last statement. I won't even respond because of how crude that is. I stated facts that can be looked up through research rather then just "Made" up. Narnia, Teletubbies and w/e you can think of have no correlations in this. You are bring subjects that do not have historical background what so ever.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Unfortunately, Vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were
ultimately used for war. Atlanteans used their flying machines, 'Vailixi,' a similar type of aircraft, to literally try and subjugate the world, it would seem, if Indian texts are to be believed. The Atlanteans, known as 'Asvins'in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically than the Indians, and certainly of a more war-like temperament. Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, occult sources which describe their flying machines.

from the site Viminas

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