+6 more
posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 10:23 AM
I was sitting out in the garden the other day enjoying the sunshine between the clouds of an English summer when I saw something which prompted me to
post to ATS for the first time in a long time.
There were bees. All over the flowers.
I cast my mind back to about a year ago to when we were facing the inevitable collapse of the food chain and in turn humanity. The bees were
apparently disappearing and it was all our fault. I checked to see if my mobile phone was on (I hear this effects them...) and despite waving my
harmful radiowave emitting phone at the bee he still managed to fly somehow straight and carry his pollen back home to the hive.
Why are we so obsessed with doom? Are we biologically geared towards constant paranoia? Did fearing unseen predators trim down the complacent unfit
among us? Or did primitive conspiracy theorists just spend more quality time hiding in the caves leading to more time and opportunity to continue
their tradition and line?
Everywhere you look these days you can see our coming demise. You can't turn in a newsagents without hitting on a magazine predicting the horrible
fall of mankind. ATS is no better, in fact getting worse. (No doubt some Mod will tut-tut at yet another member bemoaning the demise of the 'good old
days' when things were so much better around here and people talked about worthwhile stuff. The bemoaners like the prophets of doom are cyclical
these days.)
Let's just admit it. We haven't a clue.
Nobody has any special knowledge, nobody has any great insights and nobody knows the truth. Because, the truth is really subjective. Sure, their are
some who will try and peddle you their version of the truth but the fact of the matter is nobody really knows what's going on. Everybody likes a good
story. Before television in Ireland, guys used to go around from house to house telling stories in return for hospitality and pay. Witness the modern
day seanachai with their hand out for money as I saw a prominent 'expert' on ATS recently on a Project Camelot video. Everybody loves a good
Go on. Admit it. I dare you. You haven't a notion.
"But some people don't ask for anything in return or for you to buy their stuff" I hear you say. True, but ego-stroking can be a reward in itself
and as anyone who posts on ATS knows, the thrill of a response can be addictive. The rush of a following can be dangerous and before you know it you
are a guru.
Predictions are always a good laugh. Try going back to some of the older predictions and you can see that it's all a game. Predict something that can
be verified as rubbish or doesn't come to pass and you are out of the game. So remember to keep it vague kids. Also, dates have to be flexible.
Always have a plan 'B' to push the date out a bit more. The longer you can string people along, the more of a following you can get. Try it for
yourselves. No qualifications necessary.
We didn't die in 1999. Nothing happened in Y2K. Planet 'X' didn't hit us in 2005/whenever. The Beijing Olympics passed off without a hitch. The
bees, despite my best efforts with my mobile phone are still around. Nothing will happen in 2012.
Anybody tells you otherwise, they are selling you a line. Pinch of salt time. Alternate time-lines are not an excuse, they are plots for science
fiction movies.
So what is the purpose of this thread?
I want you to admit you haven't a clue. I also want you to admit you don't really believe the paper prophets out there and you are only along for
the thrill ride. Come on, admit it. Nostradamus doesn't sell well because he was right, he sells because it gives you goosebumps thinking about what
could go horribly wrong.
It's time to come clean. Let's do something radical and finally admit that all this is all bunkum and nobody has a clue. Post your opinions on why
any conspiracy topic is either an ego-stroking exercise on the part of individual posters, an exercise is group fantasy or a cynical marketing ploy to
sell home-made DVDs or direct traffic towards their website for ad revenue.