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Six Things Patients Do That Frustrate Their Doctors

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 07:44 AM
Abc Health

Things Patients Do That Drive Their Doctors Crazy, and How to Break the Cycle.

With all the Internet doctor rating sites, health insurance ratings and online board certification databases to check, many people today have a low tolerance for bad doctors.

But after your smiling physicians say goodbye and shut the office-room doors, there's a good chance that they wish they could rate you.

A frequently cited 1999 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that doctors find up to 15 percent of patient visits "difficult."

In a more recent article in the same journal, published in February of this year, 449 internists and family practitioners surveyed said major difficulties arose when patients appeared to be dissatisfied with their care or when patients had unrealistic

"You get a husband and wife in a room and one is overweight and one of them is not, and the other starts saying, 'See, I told you so,' if you talk about weight," said Dr. Keith Ayoob, a nutrition and obesity specialist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

I didnt know we could drive the doctors craZy !!
I'm gonna try that on my next visit, see if I can get him to swollow some pills.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 09:16 PM
Of course doctors would say a patient is difficult probably because the doctor won't listen to them. I don't know how many bad diagnoses I have seen because the doc won't pay any attention. The patient knows more about how they feel and how medication affects them than the doctor does. I think a doctor should have to have a gallbladder surgery, blood
poison, appendectomy, heniated disc, and carpel tunnel syndrome before he/she can become a doctor.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Most doctors are arrogant silver-spoon fed egomaniacs, that can never admit they are wrong or don't have the answer.

6 years at university ( and in some cases), + another 6 years in speciality;
these course curriculums should have contained these subjects
:1) Dealing with when you are wrong, and,
2) Dealing with when you must admit you do not know.
And lastly:
3) Easing back into society; fundamental Human interaction skills for those that have been in a room with a microscope for 6 years!!!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:16 PM
Most doctors don't like informed consumers. They don't want you telling them what you think is wrong with you (self-diagnosing, which I can kind of understand their point on that one).

If you don't know what medication you were prescribed from some other doctor, please don't say, "it's a little blue one". The PDR has about 40 gillion little blue pills listed and if you don't know what it is, just say so. And write it down next time you visit your doctor.

Every time I visit my doctor at some point he will roll his eyes and say, "God! I hate taking care of nurses!". Of course he does. We know enough to ask appropriate questions or even question/argue their decision.

They do have training and knowledge that you just can't get online or from watching every episode of "House", though, so be polite.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:11 PM
Politeness towards doctors goes right out the window when thirty minutes have passed and they still haven't bothered to check on the patient waiting for them in that stupid, little room. They expect the patient to be punctual and not waste their time, but never bother to give them the same consideration. Then, to make matters worse they ignore what you say, try to proscribe you something you know won't work, and send you on your way. Sometimes the patients do know better and it's nice to know that we can annoy them too.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:22 AM
When the Doc stops doing the mandatory Hernia Exam (Cough) for absolutely no gosh darn good reason on Earth every time I visit... I'll give a damn what he likes or dislikes at that point and time.

And I never asked for the Colon exam either that's for sure nor do I need one...

You know... Aortic Aneurysms are like a top five killer of men... yet because it's a couple hundred bucks they never check to see if I have a Blood vessel about to burst and kill me instantly...

But grab me by the Cajones and make me shriek like a Girl... this is mandatory

Like a Hernia is going to kill me or something even if EVER I had one...

Frankly Doctors are lucky they don't get themselves beat up more often if you ask me...

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:14 AM
I actually read the article, and I can understand a few of the points but others were kind of silly. Doctors shouldn't get upset when you ask about a drug you've seen on TV. If you have ED and you see a drug that promises to help with ED, you should be able to ask the doctor if he thinks you would benefit from that drug.

Also the whole bit about changing ones lifestyle. Yes obviously if a person is fat and having health problems because of it, they need to change their lifestyle. People are usually aware of a need to change their lifestyle. However bad habits don't break overnight and I don't know about all of you, but if my knees are in pain I am not exactly motivated to start exersizing.

I think in that situation, a good doctor would give the patient something to help with the knee pain or whatever the ailment is and then find a sensible way to talk to them about their lifestyle.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by whitewave

That just goes to show that if our health was really on the altruistic agenda here, why would there not be a government lobby to produce a data base that not only supplies culminated medical histories of patients, but also an inventory of medications prescribed with dates etc.

Confidential information could be supplied by this data base with the consent of the patient.

Thus, would solve the problem of patients not knowing the true description of medication they are using, and also mitigation of the chance that multiple, counter-productive medications are not prescribed.
It seems a problem that when patients cannot get access to their usual doctor, due to over-booking or their lengthy holidays; people tend to 'Doctor-hop'.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 05:07 AM
There was a study done a few years ago to see which hospital patients had the best outcomes and fastest recoveries. (Done in an attempt to find ways to maximise profits)

Surprisingly, the one characteristic fast recovering patients shared, no matter what their illness, was that they were all considered "difficult" by the medical staff.

I've always been considered difficult because I take my own vitamins to hospital and refuse to stay in bed. I walk constantly, either through the corridors, up and down stairs, or escaping outside for a proper walk. Walking enables the body to heal. Lying in bed prevents proper healing.

When I was recovering from toxic shock there was a nurses strike, so I organised a band of patients to take over bed-making for the overworked skeleton staff. Being a masseuse I'd often end up massaging other patients while in hospital, with their doctor's agreement. I'm well known amongst local doctors and treat a few with massage and natural remedies. And I'm nice to them even if they're difficult. ;-)

When seeing your GP, it's important not to let them be difficult. You need a firm hand in a velvet glove from the outset.

On my first visit to a top Australian surgeon he barked at me when I walked in, telling me to sit down and to not expect him to be nice today.
So I asked if he'd like me to leave and come back in 10 minutes, after he'd had a cuppa and a chance to relax. He shook himself and apologised, telling me what a difficult day he'd had. By the time I left, he'd made an appointment to see me for massage treatments, (it turned out he knew of me,) and I'd made a deal. The waiting list for surgery was nearly a year, and I explained I would not be able to massage again till after the operation. He took my gall bladder out a week later, having arranged with a gynaecologist to get another procedure done simultaneously. The both just happened to be scheduled at my local hospital at the same time. And five days after the dual op I was massaging him.

My local GP, a real odd bird, is well trained now. He knows to treat me with respect, just as I do him, and has stopped playing his one-upmanship games.

He'd kept trying to demonstrate his superior knowledge in irrelevant fields, and, each time he did, he just chanced to hit on whatever I'd been studying up on lately, and I could put him straight. His last attempt was much more mundane. He took issue with the style of my glasses, and told me they did nothing for me, that I'd look much better without them.
Being extremely short-sighted, being without them is not a great idea.

But I humbly removed them, squinted around his now blurry room, and told him smilingly:
"well doctor, I don't know if I look better when I'm not wearing these glasses, but you certainly do."

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Hi kailassa,
maybe most of the 'doctors' surveyed should have specialized in Forensic Pathology; then they would have had the pleasure of patients that never complained.
As a society we would benefit also; they wouldn't have the opportunity of killing anybody!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
You know... Aortic Aneurysms are like a top five killer of men... yet because it's a couple hundred bucks they never check to see if I have a Blood vessel about to burst and kill me instantly...

Well, tbh, even if they did check for an aortic anerysm, chances are slim you'd make it through surgery even if they did surgery in the next 10 minutes. If it blows, you're dead in 2 minutes. Can't even get off the phone from calling 911 in that amount of time. If you don't check for an aneurysm, you can't find one. Then you don't have to treat it. Perfectly logical.

"But grab me by the Cajones and make me shriek like a Girl... this is mandatory"

Your doctor may also be checking for enlarged prostate as that is common in men in your age range. Much easier to treat than aortic aneurysms too.

"Frankly Doctors are lucky they don't get themselves beat up more often if you ask me..."

Nurses certainly do get beat up a lot. Everything we do is painful. We're in a hurry, we're abrupt and sometimes brusque and we're causing them pain. Yeah, I can see why they take a swing every now and then. My answer is usually, "if you didn't want the treatment, why did you come to the hospital?"

Most sick people don't want the treatment that requires hard work, life-style changes, or accepting personal responsibility for drinking their liver into a state of cirrhosis or Burger Kinging their way to 500# or smoking them- selves into emphysema. They want mommy to kiss it and make it all better. And if they could have all that with a pudding cup, that would be great, thanks so much.:bnghd:

I've been on both sides of the healthcare issues and it's a bit like arguing over who's to blame: Republicans or Democrats. It doesn't matter whether it's the patients or the healthcare providers; it's the system itself that's failing us both.

[edit on 11-7-2009 by whitewave]
what happened with the quotes not transferring when posting?

[edit on 11-7-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by whitewave

Oh lol... I was just trying to be funny... always making an actual point when I do, but certainly no one should ever hit a doctor or a nurse, it's not like your forced to go! Sorry to hear it happens... guess truth comes out in humor... I mean obviously thinking about it it does... But i'm not one to behaved deranged in public lol so I guess my Joke unintentionally hit on a negative reality.

My point was that I find ordinary health screening to be abysmal

My dad actually survived an aortic aneurysm that's why I used it as an example... from what I understood the bubble in the artery between the stomach and right leg usually is forming for years prior to an event.

I think COST makes it prohibitive...

I spend... I follow my own practices BUT with the help of a doctor...

It was not that long ago as per the thread you requested... that I went in and had the full diagnostic done and lol, apparently I had broken everything and needed a major tune up...

I had every possible scan I think done... from western blots for stds to a Pet Scan

It COST me everything I had left after a divorce...EVERYTHING

But I go to modern science for the diagnostic...


Everyone could do this every 5 years or so

I was making Fun... you know... that's my check up, Cough... Stick a finger in my butt listen to my heart look down my throat...

I know lol that's as good as you get for 150.00 dollars...

But at best it's like going in for an oil change...

sometimes you get lucky and the doc notices you have a bald tire and your saved from an early death

Mostly... we don't nearly get the examinations we need...

Me... I want a new Transmission installed before it blows... and I want it checked every time I bring the car in...

Know what i'm saying?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:01 PM
Probably sounds weird after I talked so deeply about all my cleaning detoxing and other methods huh?

Very simple stuff... like don't tax your engine, use the better gas, get your oil changed regularly walk instead of drive...prolong the life span of your parts as best you can...

But when I want to know what's going on...

I go get scanned blood tested and looked over poked and probed every way possible by an MD

and no... I don't always agree with the Doc... as to treatment

The analogy with a car ends at that point because our parts can regenerate if you know how...

But I still have to know what's actually happening to have an effect

Only way I can test and do my own bio feedback on my blood sugar was with a needle...

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 10:12 PM
I'm sorry if I came off as snippy. Not intentional at all. Just haven't had a cigarette all day and I'm a tidge cranky.

I have learned over the years to insist on diagnostic stuff. My daughter almost died at 5 months old because they were being cheap bast****. When I insisted (physically insisted) that she get a diagnostic test since her problem could only be one of 3 things, she wound up having surgery within 12 hours. I make it a point to tell anyone who will listen the name of the doctor who nearly killed her too. (but not on a public forum, sorry)

I was on antibiotics for 2 years because the blasted doctor wouldn't do a culture. Again, I had to insist and when the results came back he said, "whatdayaknow? I've been treating you for strep (throat) and it turns out to be staph." TWO YEARS!!! For lack of a $40.00 test.

I feel ya brother. Most of the HMO type doctor offices have a certain amount of money set aside for diagnostic tests for the year. If there's any left over the doctors get to split it amongst themselves as kind of a bonus. So they don't want to order diagnostic tests because it will mean a bigger bonus for them at the end of the year.

I think your story of detoxing and turning your life around is inspirational and has motivated me to finally quit piddling around and just quit the cigarette habit. I've tried many times before but it's time to take control of my life.

The impending healthcare reform may actually be a negative motivator in that I'll be considered too old to be worth saving so it's up to me to save myself. I'm glad to hear it can be done with such good results.

Doctors deserve a certain amount of respect just for having survived med school. But they deserve more respect if they treat the patients as human beings and not as numbers in a waiting room.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by whitewave

I'm actually a bit scared by health care reform.

Right now I pay cash, what scares me is what If I lose the ability to do that?

I like to keep a doctor in my pocket... someone I have a good relationship with, keep any secrets I might ever have, give me the tests and scrips I request

I was boasting a bit in that thread and will again... I look miraculously 10 year younger than my age, I go out at night once a week and i'm pegged between 25 and 30 tops

I couldn't have done that from where I was without my trusty pocket Doc lol

I fear, not being able to get access to a hospital without going through them and having a Doc of their choice...

The only alternative would be to open a Medical center and I don't have That kind of money.


Is Evil

To get to a place where I smoke only as a treat and can control myself... it took forever, getting rid of drugs took a week by comparison

You know what it finally took and why right?

You have to treat it like quitting Meth or Heroin or something... you can't "just quit"

You need a month off, you need to sleep it off... some people do it, but seriously, I have seen if they do it and just go about life, their personality is affected for along time even if they have the will power

I slept for about 2 1/2 weeks... 80% of the day

and still, I smoke a small cigar or something once a week or so

or have a few cigs if I go out for a drink

But to change the amount of nicotine my brain expected and when... I had to treat it like going into a program for a few weeks and lock myself down...

I tried to go cold turkey about 15 times first and I could do it... but I was such a miserable human being to everyone lol I would just grab a cig because I knew I was being a jerk off.

Something about the isolation worked, not just on breaking the habit but, not coming off of it, eating too much or being mean

My Dad went cold turkey after about 40 years, he was noticeably a meaner guy for about 2 years that way lol

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

Is Evil

Sounds about right.

The people I've known who succeeded in quitting have needed immense courage to fight off the addiction, and have only succeeded after a heap of tries.

What really scared my daughter was finding herself at the supermarket front counter, about to ask for cigarettes, with no memory of how she'd got there. It seemed her body was so desperate for nicotine it just turned her brain off and marched her off to the store to get it.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

We're all a bit scared by health care reform. My "pocket doc" retired and I'm left hunting for a new one to break in. It takes a long time to find one that will 1) accept new patients
2) accept "self-pay" patients
3) listen to the patient
4) trust that I occasionally know what I'm talking about.

Every time I go to a doc they tell me to quit smoking. Why don't they just ask me to grow 6 inches in height, reverse aging, and discover El Dorado while I'm at it? After a certain level of addiction, smoking is no longer a choice. You're right about needing time off. And sleeping.


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