posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:16 AM
The "APP" (this doesn't just mean iPhone-compatible for the computer-illiterate) will be tough to create. Here are few reasons why.
Java is constantly being refuted by Apple because Steve Jobs thinks it's obsolete.
Flash is constantly being hammered by Apple because Steve Jobs thinks HTML5 is better (no plug-in).
The Applet would have to be designed via a Web-Browser, and probably run off of HTML5 since that's what's so "iPopular!" and "Androidelcious"
The Newest Android phones can run limited Java-Script (NOT THE SAME AS JAVA), although there was supposed to be an implementation of a JAVA ME SDK
plug-in working for it.
That being said, HTML5 is the path, and it will most likely have to be web-browser based.