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how do you get 30 tonnes of Nano Thermite into Class A buildings...?

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posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 06:07 PM

30 tonnes is a odd number, I wonder how they calculated the quantity...?
I suppose its metric since they used tonnes instead of tons.. ah, add Obama's speech...
now I ask our current occupant of our house, why...? I think I know the answer ... I dont like it ... but justice must be done or the dream will die a slow and painful death - I think we will self destruct, sort of like what happend after Rodney King on a much larger scale ... the rich own the companies that will rebuild... ah, so damn depressing isnt it... any who ... how do you get 30 tonnes of nano thermite into the WTC 1 - 2 & 7 ... 10 tonnes each I suppose ... what if they used nano insect bots ... they just crawled to their programed spots and were computer controlled.. just a thought ... saw a movie last night that was about nano bots... and it makes sense why no one saw anything ... except for the building shut downs ... which were too brief to do the job... you would need about a week just to plant the charges... that doesnt even include the cutting ... for the shape charges ... and then you have to take out the secondary support and then knock out primary ...
and then bring the building down with gravity... awesome work... I just wish Ben Laden Did it ... we wouldnt have a problem if that occurred...

[edit on 21-6-2009 by BornPatriot]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

The most likely answer, is that a form of semtex was used during the construction of the towers.

Get Smart! Epispde 52

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Answer is you don't get 30 tons or any one other amount of nano thermite
in a building - unless you are not dealing with reality

Also claiming that they built the WTC with Semtex as part of the
structure is not credible . Explosives begin to decompose over time
and become unstable - some will not explode or detonate with a low
order. Others may "sweat" or extrude crystals of explosive and become
super sensative. To think that they remained in place for 30 years is

Also dont you think somebody in maintenance or some poor office worker
would have discovered them?

Please return to reality......

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 07:48 PM
it could have been years in planning

not only that but any company doing maintenance or working in the building could have been bringing it in slowly

evening cleaning crews, night security, etc

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Answer is you don't get 30 tons or any one other amount of nano thermite
in a building - unless you are not dealing with reality

Also claiming that they built the WTC with Semtex as part of the
structure is not credible . Explosives begin to decompose over time
and become unstable - some will not explode or detonate with a low
order. Others may "sweat" or extrude crystals of explosive and become
super sensative. To think that they remained in place for 30 years is

Dman, not really sure if you read the entire thread about "Get Smart episode 52", but it is one of the best threads on ATS.

I'm not sure what this nano-thermite stuff is all about. But the earliest versions of Semtex were extreamly stable.

In 1966, Stanislav Brebera, a chemist with Explosia’s parent company Synthesia, found his own combination of explosive and binding agents. It was given the name “Semtex” – a reduction of “Semtín” and “Explosia.” Brebera’s creation was a crystalline high explosive as stable and powerful as C-4, but even more versatile for extreme temperatures. Like its American cousin, Semtex was malleable and putty-like, and could be transported, handled and custom-fit for just about any job. It was dubbed “the magic marble of Pardubice.”

By the 1970s, Semtex had gained a solid reputation in military and commercial circles worldwide, generating a yearly demand in the hundreds of metric tons. Mining and demolition companies used small Semtex charges – 250 grams, or 8.8 ounces – to detonate larger explosives such as TNT, while military groups found that the same amount added extra punch to antipersonnel weapons.

Today, Semtex is sold in two flavors: red bricks of Semtex 1A and white sheets of Semtex 10SE. The first is used mostly for blasting operations – destruction, underwater operations, and cutting metals – while Semtex 10SE is primarily used for hardening metals. Imagine an old-fashioned metal smith using a large hammer to temper the blade of a sword made white-hot in a fire. Semtex 10SE is the hammer, only rather than strengthening a medieval weapon, modern smiths detonate it around the casings of torpedoes and other containers which need to withstand extreme amounts of pressure and shock.

The ealiest versions of SEMTEX were the most lethal.

Jaroslav Pulicar says point-blank it’s not in Explosia’s interests to offer a product that crumbles to dust after three years.

When asked how many years he thought Semtex would remain effective, Pulicar replied, “Sixty, 70, 80...150, maybe 200 years, maybe more. No one knows.”

Ivo Varga, Explosia’s senior technologist, agrees.

So, those hundreds of tons in Qaddafi’s warehouse? The stacks of red bricks in IRA basements? Chunks of death stored in the outposts of South American guerillas? Their efficacy will not change in the forseeable future, even as the political clashes surrounding them do. Semtex will not automatically degrade. It will not become inert. It has no measured lifespan, no expiration date.

[edit on 21-6-2009 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:12 PM
The same way they got 200 tons of office furniture in the buildings...The elevators...!

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Do you realise the US military were building nukes that were just 8" in diameter back in the 1940s for demolitions?

I'd presume that in the 50+ years inbetween they managed to make a few improvements to these that we don't know about.

The logical thing to use would be nukes in the basements as they are so small, and that would explain the melted metal found later and the flash effects. If the ones the military have today still emit detectable radiation that would be hidden under the piles of refuse brought down on them.

The fire we saw where the supposed planes hit may have been from fuel/air bombs, which have been worked on as a substitute for nukes.

These don't have to be huge, and work by having a small explosion to disperse the fuel mixture, and then another one to explode it once it's mixed with oxygen, giving a hugely spectacular explosion.

I checked out the idea of an explosive being used in the towers years back and found that quite feasible, but the details on that have been lost thanks to computer breakdowns.

An operation like this would have been carefully planned, and doing it all with thermite would have been illogical. It could be useful in places, but would not be the best explosive for every aspect of the whole operation.

I'd expect Silverstein had a hand in organising this aspect of 9/11, and his friends in Mossad obtained Dimona nukes for the job.

My fear with Steven Jones' nanite theory is that he's been paid off to push this to :
1. disguise the fact that nukes were used because that is the one thing that would stir up Americans enough to make them lynch whoever they thought was involved, and
2. to get the truth movement to rally behind a case which could easily be disproved in court.

There are many, many carefully laid out curtains of deception between us and the truth.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:04 AM
Perhaps these newly developed nanoenergetic compounds were added to the structures under the guise of 'fireproofing' foam.

The nature of this compound would allow for it to be disguised in what would appear to be fire-proofing foam - when is actually a demolitions technology that is being applied directly to the metallic frame of the buildings.(other elements could also be added to the foam matrix so as to facilitate and increase the efficacy of the primary reaction)

This highly energetic compound can be activated electrically, negating the need for a conventional activation mechanism (wires,detonators, etc.). Many high-grade thermates/thermites can be activated in this manner.

**A sufficient charge need only be applied to a single point on the metal framework to initiate the reactions this destructive compound disguised as fireproofing throughout the entirety of the areas where it is applied - and would do so almost instantaneously due to the conductive nature of the metal framework of the buildings. No detonators would be required, just exposure to sufficient amount of electrical current. ;-)

Modern remote detonating capabilities should be taken into consideration, as they would explain the absence of many of the things the public commonly associates with controlled demolitions.

Remote Detonation of the conventional explosives would reduce the amount of cordage and detonators that would otherwise be required or such an operation. Modern technology would also greatly reduce the requirements of such things as wires being connected to each device - wireless technology exists that would be sufficient for the task, and which would negate the need for such things.

This highly energetic compound (nano-thermite) can be activated electrically, negating the need for a conventional activation mechanism (wires,detonators, etc.). Many high-grade thermates can be activated in this manner...

A sufficient charge need only be applied to a single point on the metal framework to initiate the reactions this destructive compound. No detonators would be required.... But they would be required for the conventional explosives situated at strategic points in the structure.
(As far as wires and cordage being a requirement for conventional explosives; Even The Iraqis detonate their primitive IEDS remotely....)

*Perhaps the transformers shorted because their last use was to deliver a charge powerful enough to ensure total activation of the thermate recently applied to the iron skeleton of the building under the guise of fireproofing.

My work here is done.

[edit on 22-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Right! So you base your conspiracy fantasty on a 40 year old TV show!

I suppose Siegfried und KAOS was responsible for 9/11?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:08 AM
Nanoscale Chemestry Yeilds Better Explosives

Energetic nanocomposites have a fuel component and an oxidizer component mixed together. One example is a gel made of an oxidizer with a fuel embedded in the pores of the gel. In one such material (termed a thermite pyrotechnic), iron oxide gel reacts with metallic aluminum particles to release an enormous amount of heat. "These reactions typically produce temperatures in excess of 3,500 degrees Celsius," says Simpson. Such thermites have traditionally been produced by mixing fine powders of metal oxides and metal fuels. "Conventionally, mixing these fine powders can result in an extreme fire hazard. Sol-gel methods can reduce that hazard while dispersing extremely small particles in a uniform way not possible through normal processing methods,"


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:16 AM

Right! So you base your conspiracy fantasty on a 40 year old TV show!

and YOU base YOUR "no CD" theory on 60 year old technology of wires and timers

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 06:19 AM
"the cores of the towers were not distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimated all water within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 24-fold volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost nothing of them was found in the ruins."


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Wasnt there building work and all sorts of suspisius stuff being done months before 911?

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
30 tonnes is a odd number, I wonder how they calculated the quantity...?

Yes, I'm curious myself, since from what I've seen, it would require over *ONE HUNDRED* tons. 40 pounds of explosives/detonators/wiring (four sided box column, 10 pounds per side), 49 columns per floor, 110 floors is approx 108 tons.

...and that's not all. Assuming one hour to wire each column, it would require about 5400 man hours to complete. This, 5400 people came in and did it in one hour, 2700 people came in and did it in two hours, and so on, all the way down to one man doing it in about eight months. It would be interesting how the conspirators were able to get away with doing THAT in an occupied building without anyone noticing.

It's one thing to hypothesize these secret conspiracies. It's another thing entirely to try to bring them into the real world.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by thedman

check out who owns the patient ... There is one --- I know someone has mentioned it -- but for the life of me, I cant recall who owns it... I think it was Controlled Demolitons Inc.... the same folk who cleaned it up.... very suspecious... and dont these people need 6 months advance notice just to look at your job... how come they were there so fast with all the right equipment... very suspecious .... lots of weird stuff surrounds that part of the citizens investigation ... I'm also aware of FEMA arriving in NY for 911 on Sept. 10, 2001 .... the same day Rumsfeild announced he can not find 2 trillion of your tax dollars and the very next a missle screams right into the side of the pentagon just re-enforced for such a attack ... It cost a few lives but the re-enforcing save the Pentagon ... cuz, it was built by Honest Americans out of wood ... 1950's Wood .... can you say POOF ... well POOF.... 10's of visible cameras recorded the event as well as several local cameras caught the pentagon action... and we get 5 frames of nothing that looks like a Jet as claimed. Willie Rodriguez, American Hero... has a story to tell you.. I believe him... well didnt want to write a book ... I just dont know what else we can do...

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Or, to get multiple tons of thermite into the building, you remove the bomb sniffing dogs and maintain control of the security in the building 1. 2.

And I don't understand why people see it as being so tough to do this stuff at night without people "noticing"... the only people in the building are cleaning crew and security. If you do not subscribe to the official version of events, then you accept that security was either oblivious or complacent. No janitor is going to question any official looking character moving throughout the building.

Additionally, it's not like the thermite was planted under peoples keyboards or behind the fax machine. The places where it would have been planted would have been in service shafts, attics etc. Places where 99% of the tenants of the buildings never even seen after being in the building for decades. All of this could have been done by a team of professionals, through the night, in a matter of a week or two.

And while we're all arguing about how they could have got it in, we must pause to comprehend the fact that "how" is irrelevant, since the way the buildings collapsed, and the damaged they sustained prior to collapse DOES NOT COINCIDE WITH THE OFFICIAL STORY.

Lets also not mention the fact that it took 10 days for FEMA to react to New Orleans, yet in an amazing coincidence (like everything on 911), they just happened to set up shop in New York September 10th. 1.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by king9072]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

ah, you are quoting the Howitzer loaded Nuke ... ah, no their is much smaller nukes ... its smaller than a bullet ... I think it was a KGB block nuke... I dont know how you would use it -- the range will kill you. they also have a suitcase nuke. as for source I confess is TV...

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by hgfbob

The information you seek is Google Video ... The New Hiroshima... you are sort of correct... but check out what Dr. Judy Wood found... we are advanced, we are really advanced... now lets do something constructive with this thing... oh, and my intelligence is telling me the reason they have not built the WTC's back yet, is the residual molecular science we dont fully understand ... it appears it continues to this day to deteriorate steel and its hard to build a building if it keeps desolving ... /

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

A little kitty told me that the thermite was built into the structures...and I must say I trust the source, the cat in question hangs out by my neighbors porch all day waiting for a bird to come out of a hole in the roof. He wouldn't lie. He isn't one to lie. He is a stone-cold killer and has no reason to lie.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by king9072

and we should assume that is when the explosives were brought in ... but rust and aluminum mixture is thermite ... this stuff contains sulfer ... and now we know it was a ultra high tech explosive like exclusive and protected.... etc .etc. etc.... but that means conventional - and it would be so hard to hide ... and no one knew .... NanoThermite is not conventional. and I dont know when it was developed but I was under the impression it was like brand new in 2001. I could be wrong but those were built in 60's - 70's... and America was still America I believe ... I dont think we lost until Ron Regan ,,, he slept and GB1 ran the govt for 12 years straight almost became king with 16 but clinton kicked him in the groine

[edit on 24-6-2009 by BornPatriot]

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