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Mysterious NYPD Transmission's on 9/11.

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posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:22 PM

I have researched a lot on 9/11. Im not sure what to believe but when I see something new I take the time to think about it. I have never run across this before. I have heard of the Israelis and their Van, but this is new.... If this is real it is disturbing. I did some background snooping and searching here and didnt find anything on it. What do you guys think? Its not often that I come along things that I have a hard time forming an opinion on but this is one of them.

Edit to embed but couldnt get it to work.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by shug7272]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:27 PM
What I find odd is that the ESU does not respond unless there's a rescue, or serious incident, etc. Where is the validity of this clip? Can you offer some background?

[edit on 20-6-2009 by KEMIK]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:33 PM

fdny9682 (4 days ago)

I heard about this in 2004. The cop on tape became a fireman and worked in my battalion. I am not a CTer but this real. On the 12th he got an "atta boy" from the commisioner. His wife woke him the next afternoon and he was called downtown.

I found this comment strange. I am the first to roll my eyes at anyone who pays attention to youtube comments but this is the only conspiracy type thing this user has even touched on. Everything else from him seems to be.... "normal".

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by KEMIK
What I find odd is that the ESU does not respond unless there's a rescue, or serious incident, etc. Where is the validity of this clip? Can you offer some background?

[edit on 20-6-2009 by KEMIK]
I am looking through the links in the info area of youtube for this video. It does appear to be mentioned in some official reports.

The NYPD portion of this video was recorded from a police scanner by the webmaster at It is a real recording of an actual event that clearly points to a wider "terrorist" conspiracy surrounding 9/11. FDNY dispatch also logged a call about it as can be heard in this video. And finally, a government report (MTI Report 02-06) talked about the incident, but in such a way that it would appear benign and therefore buried in history.

** "10-5" means "repeat message" in NYPD speak.

Original NYPD file from Robert Sanford (WBNYC) here (Part 10):

FDNY transmissions here:

MTI Report 02-06 here:

HAM operator WBNYC's (Robert Sanford) web site:

[edit on 20-6-2009 by shug7272]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:11 PM
Sounds like there even more people with secrets than i thought.
remote controlled plane??
huh, that's pretty odd considering the van only had a mural of the twin towers and a plane, no one ever said anything about a remote controlled one.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:33 PM
What day did this all happen on?

If the ESU was dispatched it could have done as protocol. I’m sure if there is a Bomb threat or a suspicion of a bomb and it explodes, I’m sure they would want the ESU on the scene instead of having to get through traffic.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:38 PM
So do you believe this is the same van we have heard reported on before? If so this opens a huge can of worms. If it is an entirely new scenario and doesn't tie in at all then wtf?

Originally posted by SharkBait
What day did this all happen on?

If the ESU was dispatched it could have done as protocol. I’m sure if there is a Bomb threat or a suspicion of a bomb and it explodes, I’m sure they would want the ESU on the scene instead of having to get through traffic.
If it is legit I take it on 9/11. Just from listening it doesnt appear to be a normal day in NY to me. I doubt they try to clear the entire channel for one guy to report an incident all the time. Plus this is New York, its not like they dont see some crazy # on LITERALLY a daily basis.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by shug7272]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:50 PM
We don't have a time line on this incident-if it happened after 911 then it was just some "idiots" supporting the trade center incident and No conspiracy.

We can't tell if its before 911- But, judging by the what one of the officers said about beating them up it could be a reaction to 911 having happened already and this a few days later.

There does not seem to be too much "panic" On the police band of an airliner hitting the building or Rescue teams heading down to the towers, so I would say that this did not happen the same time as the 911 Incident.

My best guess would be this occurred after 911 events.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by SharkBait
We don't have a time line on this incident-if it happened after 911 then it was just some "idiots" supporting the trade center incident and No conspiracy.

We can't tell if its before 911- But, judging by the what one of the officers said about beating them up it could be a reaction to 911 having happened already and this a few days later.

There does not seem to be too much "panic" On the police band of an airliner hitting the building or Rescue teams heading down to the towers, so I would say that this did not happen the same time as the 911 Incident.

My best guess would be this occurred after 911 events.

I honestly thought the same thing, I would think that it would have been reported though if not happening on 9/11. The guy who recorded it off of the radio said it was 9/11 and the MTI report seems to touch on it. I dunno, but I suspect if this is legit (not a hoax) and it happened on any day other than 9/11 it would have been BIG news. National news I'm guessing, especially considering they caught them. They could have gone on for days and days about how they stopped a "SECOND 9/11!!!!" Why not one peep? I dunno.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by shug7272]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 08:03 AM
this happened on 9/11. i recall hearing this either that day or in the following few days. if i recall, the van with the wtc on it was like 15 to 30 blocks away.o or possibly on a bridge. i also remember hearing repoirts about fires all over the city, not just at wtc.

edit: and do all 9/11 threads get this member scrutiny flashing at the bottom?

[edit on 21-6-2009 by Myendica]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 08:11 AM
This video makes it seem it was on that day.

have fun

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Myendica
this happened on 9/11. i recall hearing this either that day or in the following few days. if i recall, the van with the wtc on it was like 15 to 30 blocks away.o or possibly on a bridge. i also remember hearing repoirts about fires all over the city, not just at wtc.

edit: and do all 9/11 threads get this member scrutiny flashing at the bottom?

[edit on 21-6-2009 by Myendica]
Yes, all threads in the 9/11 area are heavily monitored which I think is a good thing. Thank you for the first hand knowledge. Do you remember anything being said about remote control planes on that day? I do not but I live nowhere near the NY area.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by shug7272

I may have heard of remote control planes that day, but like most people i was hypnotized so only a few things do i know for sure did i hear and witness that day, the rest i cant be sure if i heard that day or in the following days.

I can tell you that for 2 years after i didnt really watch tv or go on the internet and i pretty much always said that no one should talk about that day. it was horrific and should just have a note in a textbook. it was sad.

none-the-less when i first heard about the theories and what have you, i was pissed. not only did i not want to talk about it because it was horrible, but i didnt wanna talk about it in the manner that maybe we were completely lied to about it. almost everyone took there belief from that days news and the follwing few days.

Now i am awake i'd say, but no closer to truth. we live in a mind-f . anything is possible.

but yeah, i recall hearing about this van and explosives on 9/11, remote controlled planes... not too sure.

edit: btw, I didnt even see the 2nd plane hit, i saw replays. even though i watched all day. howd i miss it live?

[edit on 21-6-2009 by Myendica]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Myendica

Wow, well thank you for your input. Very interesting. I dont think anyone is close to the truth IMHO. If a thorough investigation were carried out by the authorities it would have helped. I doubt we will know what really happened for decades to come. All IMHO of course.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 02:14 PM
Could it be part of an anti-terrorism drill? There were a few staged before and after 9/11, weren't there? It could explain the fantastical claims on this radio which did not hit the news.

edited for spelling

[edit on 21/6/09 by Lebowski achiever]

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 02:16 PM
I was reading a magazine column about the ESU. You would not imagine the amount of calls that they get in one shift. It is unbelievable. Non stop. So I can't imagine that it was something simple.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
Could it be part of an anti-terrorism drill? There were a few staged before and after 9/11, weren't there? It could explain the fantastical claims on this radio which did not hit the news.

edited for spelling

[edit on 21/6/09 by Lebowski achiever]

Honestly, it sounds way to erratic. Drills are so mundane, and more like, "let's get this over with". There's too much "stepping on".

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 05:25 PM
Wow. I don't know what the hell to make of it either.

if you Google the map of Manhattan, you'll see that King Street, where this incident is occurring, is relatively far from the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln tunnel. Both of those locations, I believe is where there were suspect arrests made. I think the George Washington Bridge was around where they nabbed the cheering Israelis that were filming the WTC burning and the plane impacts.

Thus, if this incident was indeed recorded on 9/11, it is referring to a completely separate incident. Which in itself would raise a whole hell of alot of questions.

Remote controlled plane? WTF? If the planes had been guided into the WTC via the Home Run system, it is extremely unlikely that ordinary street cops and dispatchers would know anything about it. Even less likely that they would remain silent of the fact.

This is pretty weird.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Interesting and thanks for your work. If this is indeed a separate and real incident on 9/11 it makes the story more... Interesting.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Manhattan Map

King street is marked. Lincoln Tunnel is the first orange road crossing the water to the North of King Street, GWB is even further than that. That is where I read before of suspicous vans being pulled over and searched.

However, the story we are all more familiar with, the one of the cheering Israelis, occurred in new jersey:

Israeli Nationals Arrested in New Jersey

Plus, they were arrested many hours after the attacks, so this police transmission wasn't in regards to that.

I'm still looking for other information that might help figure out what this was. I took down street names and locations from the clip, maybe I might find something that might shed some light.

Edit to add: they were also calling units to assemble at Trinity and Liberty, which is basically the WTC, so it seems likely that this is happening on 9/11.

The first few weeks after the attacks, the area around the WTC was completely closed off, the area in complete ruin, and it is unlikely they would be running terror drills then.

[edit on 21-6-2009 by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf]

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