Usually the unpleasant detox effects has to do with the bathroom area and how your digestive system feels during the transition.
The idea is that we basically force our digestive systems to re-learn how to use the majority of the foods in our stomach instead of the usual
"fumble around in the muck" it's been doing for a long time. Rather than our stomach just passing the majority of it's "fake food" content to
the large intestine (colon), it is dealing with new nutrients and enzymes that it's getting from the food for the first time in a long time. Our
bodies have become accustomed (forced) into producing the vast majority of our enzymes (hence our pancreas being twice the size, per ratio, as any
other animal on the planet) and therefore overworking ourselves, making our bodies run certain organs and glands into permanent overtime and taking a
toll on us over the years.
Depending on how bad, (fake foodwise) we ate before, this detox process usually factors in accordingly. Some people may not experience much that way.
I want to make it clear, (as if it wasn't already) that I completely disagree with the diet
Zosynspiracy posted in this thread. It's some
type of early hunter/paleolithic diet full of raw animal protein. The fact remains that
there are animal proteins and animal rendered fats which
we cannot digest, cooked or raw. Since this is the case, it means we have to hope to "pass" whatever our bodies can't use. Inconveniently
enough as it is for us, animal proteins can get stuck, remain snagged for some time to putrefy and rot, on it's exit journey. A feat impossible for
raw vegetables.
Here's a recap of what I disagree with:
- Zosynspiracy
Anyone can lose weight eating like that. In fact that diet is not very healthy and over time will not build health and vitality. I'm a raw foodist
ala Ajanous Vonderplanitz protocol i.e. mostly raw meat, raw fats, and raw dairy. V-8 is highly processed and pasteurized. There is nothing healthy
about it. Peanut butter as well, although organic is a highly processed food. The key to eating raw is actually eating raw, enzymatic rich and
bacteria rich food i.e. fermented dairy products and things like kombucha and kefir. Raw eggs and raw milk are two of the most potent and health
building raw foods you can put into your body. If you are interested in truly eating raw and healthy drop me an U2U and I can give you some advice.
Vegetarian raw food eating is i.e. veggies etc. is not truly health and vitality building way to eat "raw".
The only thing that I wouldn't argue with is the benefits of Kombucha and kefir (kefir being one of the "better" yogurts out there). Yogurt prices
can climb sky high by the way as they advertise their "billions of live cultures". Raw food diets don't consist of yogurt. Since the body will be
running optimally, the friendly flora in our stomach and digestive tracts is all we require, bacteria-wise. We use our own in otherwords.
Cow's milk, raw and especially pasteurized, is one of the most mucus forming foods available. It causes a defense response from the immune system
creating mucus in our bodies. The reason is because cow's milk is not digested properly or completely under ANY circumstances. Our body creates it's
own casein (milk has a high content of this protein) from the foods we eat. The casein in cow's milk is 300% more concentrated then a human's milk.
Yet we are told (by the agricultural industry and their agents) to drink up, "It does a body good!" It doesn't. Raw cow's milk included.
The average American diet includes 100 - 130 grams of protein which is absolutely through the roof of what a healthy body requires. Most of that
protein is animal protein. In no way shape or form are there nutrients we require that can only be found in certain animal meats and fats. This is a
very important fact.
For the record, 15 - 30 grams of legume/nut protein, is more than enough for a body working properly. (That fact alone I would have never believed a
couple years ago).
Flax oil and other oils derived from nuts are literally the most healthy fats available and provide EVERYTHING we require in that department.
In no way shape or form are there nutrients we require that can only be found in certain animal meats and fats. This is a very important fact.
There's an extremely wide range of food choices that exist for raw food eaters and vegetarians. All nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. can
be obtained through raw, non-animal based foods and when this is done the body can operate optimally with minimal effort and minimal caloric intake
(the opposite of what we are made to believe).
We're taught calories mean food energy. Calories are energy alright, but it they're empty then for the most part they're useless. Welcome to the
average North American kitchen.
The last quick thing I wanted to say was about the importance of enzymes. Some people say enzymes in raw foods are of minimal consequence because A)
our bodies produce enzymes on demand already and B) most of the raw food enzymes are destroyed by the acid medium of the stomach. These are both very
wrong opinions and really undermine how the body works efficiently. Enzymes are what make use of the vitamins, minerals and hormones, etc in our body.
So without them, all of these would be useless to us. Raw food allows us to reduce the burden of enzyme creation to the level our bodies want to
function at.
Applesandoranges posted a great suggestion from Victoria Boutenko (a raw food expert/chef) the green smoothie. Being able to use a blender
(common in many homes) to make something like this is nice. Another option, which is more pricey but worth it, is a good vegetable juicer. Time and
time again, "Champion" brand juicers comes back as being the best bang for your buck and is actually one of the higher end juicers available. When
we can start reducing 6 carrots, 1 beet, and 1 cucumber into a quart of juice and have our body start digesting it within 10 mins, then we really
start to feel live, food energy.