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Disturbing News about Swine Flu

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 10:57 AM
The coming deaths this fall and winter are just a slice of the NWO pie...They are making sure all aspects are in harmony...And in my opinion it's going very well for them...and EXTREMELY alarming for the regular folks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bank Holiday Coming? Prepare?

>From Harry Schultz:
Dear Bob:
Bob Chapman’s Int’l Forecaster newsletter revealed (5/20) this startling intelligence (from within US State Dept & embassies):

”Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of US cash to purchase currencies from those govts, quietly. But not £’s. Inside the State Dept there is a sense of sadness & foreboding that ‘something’ is about to happen, unknown re a date—just that within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days.”

Bob quotes another source that “Panasonic has told their people to be back in Japan by Sept 09.”

Harry Schultz, dean of newsletter writers, has quoted the Chapman letter of May 30 regarding US embassies being sent large amounts of cash with which to buy local *currencies, to last them a year. Here is Harry’s remarkable take on the situation:

“My HSL suspicion is that the elite plan another FDR style “bank holiday” of indefinite length, perhaps very soon, to let the insiders sort-out the bank mess which is getting more out of their control every day.*Insiders want/need to impose new bank rules. Widespread nationalization could result, already under way. It could also lead to a formal US$ devaluation, as FDR did by revaluing gold (& then confiscating it). But devalue against what? The euro? Doubtful. Gold? Maybe. Or vs. the IMF basket of currencies (which seems more likely)—& much in the news recently. Any kind of bank holiday will push the US$ lower, which may be a bonus benefit to their ongoing scenario of letting the $ fall. Such a fall would get the devaluation they want without having to declare it. In sum, the insiders want more bank & system control, fewer banks & a lower US$. A bank holiday would suit all their needs.

Obviously, U can’t open safeboxes if the banks are closed, so plan accordingly. All this is speculation, but we have to go with what we’ve got, scraps of info that point to certain possibilities. In any case such a closure will, IMO, come sooner or later, as the worst of the embedded derivatives are still to be faced. We are years away from solving them because the controllers don’t want to; their fingerprints are all over them. ***

PS: during the FDR bank holiday, thousands of banks never reopened; it was a face-saving way of shutting them down. I would guess the same would occur today; thousands have little or no net value, loaded with debt, bad mortgages.

••• *PPS: A Bob Chapman subscriber reported overhearing 2 FEMA jacketed men talking to a police chief in Calif. They wanted to federalize the police across the US. They (govt) would be closing banks in late Aug, early Sept & that it will get ugly.” Prepare for worst case, as any good Boy or Girl Scout would do. J”

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17

Firstly my dad works for the Worcestershire City Council in England, he is the park keeper at Cripplegate.

More Rubbish,he's a Park Keeper not a Grave Digger!
I can not believe your even wrote this about your Dads mates having a laugh at him at work.

Now I laugh at you.


posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 11:58 AM
I said this when i first heard of the outbreak.... that this could so easily have been some terrorist act.... not so hard for someone to mess about with pigs and inject some virus into them so that it mutates into something worse or maybe those fools who were messing about with the plague have made up some form of flu which would go undetected as a form of the plague.... produced in Mexico and then all the guys got onto planes and travelled to different parts of the World with it and it's now spreading.... I've just heard on the news that Worldwide at present stands at 50,000 infected and another 51 have died.... so it looks like it is going to continue for a while yet....

Just had another thought though maybe this vaccine will be the new way to inject this 'chip' into all of us....

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:45 PM
It's amazing what people take at face value, with exactly 0% proof.

It sounds plausible because burning bodies is a way to get rid of disease? Gee, the OP couldn't have possibly already KNOWN this, eh?

I doubt this mostly because unless you are a complete idiot, you wouldn't tell your workers months in advance that they may have to burn bodies. Well, unless you don't mind losing your job shortly after. And I doubt even if this were true, that HE would have told about it this far in advance.

Without further proofs, I can't see how anyone could seriously entertain that this is factual data.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by fleabit

fleabit, have a look at the following link

Click at will and have a look at Emergency Preparedness Section, The Civil Contingencies Act and emergency planning, training and exercises.

I think you will find this is what you were asking for and I am sure everyone involved kept their jobs

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Zelong

I didnt realise gravediggers cremated people, the cremators are part of the council, and if the cremators get ill they need to replace them, what hell kinda proof do you want!!?

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by fleabit

What data are you talking about?

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:46 PM
I find it completely unacceptable that a few people in this thread have to resort to name calling and immaturity when they don't agree with the OP.

I believe in the T&C of ATS we are supposed to adhere to some kind of civility and decorum regardless of whether we agree or disagree with the topic at hand no?

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

It makes my blood boil seeing people i dont know call me a lier, i wish i had evidence but i dont.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Well Hayden, you have to expect that when posting here without any concrete evidence but you also have to take it with a grain of salt. People have the right to agree or disagree with your post and bring a logical argument to your statement. Thats what ATS is all about. Discussing mainstream and offbeat topics and debating both sides of the coin to come to some sort of truth.

Some people though, instead of having an intelligent debate, choose to post immature and unrational arguments which does nothing for the debate at hand.

Get used to it and don't sweat the small stuff.

You know in your heart and mind that it is true and thats all that matters. If no one wants to believe your post then so be it.... oh well. Not much you can do about that.

As for evidence, if there was any official memo/letter sent to your dad regarding the matter, you could always scan it and post it here..... BUT only if it is not going to get you or your dad in any sort of trouble. You should be very careful of what personal information you give out on ANY internet forum. You would be surprised at what some people can do with the little personal info you have already supplied.

[edit on 22-6-2009 by QBSneak000]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:17 PM
No i dont think so, if there was i would of posted it in the OP. All you have is my word, and im on ats for the long run and i wouldnt want a bad reputation early on.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I wouldn't worry about getting a "bad" reputation for posting something you believe to be true even though you don't have much in the way of proof. It happens all the time here at ATS. The ones who get a bad reputation are the ones who resort to name calling and immaturity or constantly post things against the T&C of ATS.

Keep up the good work and keep posting. Its obvious from the amount of stars and flags you received from this post that you are doing something right.

Information and knowledge are great things to share. People will either believe you or they wont..... no big deal. As long as you do your best, thats all that matters. What people decide to do with the information you share is up to them.

For what its worth, I believe you because it makes logical sense.

[edit on 22-6-2009 by QBSneak000]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

Thanks, i now know what to expect in the world of ATS

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

The young man's statement would be admissable in a court of law in the US as witness testimony even in a criminal trial.

It would fall under an exception to the hearsay rules, being that his father's statements would be considered an "excited utterance". So the young man's statements are proof.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Thats the beauty of this site. Being able to present a topic and debating it to come to some sort of truth. If you look at a lot of the UFO/alien threads, there really hasn't been one shred of tangible, undeniable proof but people still believe and when debated in a logical, mature, scientific way, we ALL win and come out with a little more knowledge than we had to begin with.

ATS is a great site full of intelligent people.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by total newbie

I agree. Its too bad that some people just cant argue their points against the topic in a civilized, mature and respectable way.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:52 PM
Funny, I was listening to War Pigs by Faith No More just I was reading your post, its kinda of an apt song - I hope not?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, there has been lots of generalised info on swine flu from our government bodies, I fear it's going to be as effective as the 'what to do in the event of a nuclear attack' guides from the 80's.

I read the governments guide on how to combat the flu with both eybrows raised. "If you sneeze, chuck your tissue in the bin" mmm thanks for the advice I feel much safer now!

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
No i dont think so, if there was i would of posted it in the OP. All you have is my word, and im on ats for the long run and i wouldnt want a bad reputation early on.

Had you posted the OP and then disappeared, I would doubt your fact, I would have dismissed you altogether. You didn't do that but rather hung in there and took the criticism. That says a lot to me.

So while I'm still skeptical about what your Dad told you, I believe you are accurately relaying it. So, perhaps whoever told your Dad was overreacting or misunderstood what was told him. Or maybe what he was told was 100% accurate and we are all screwed come fall.

I appreciate that you posted the info...

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
I seriously doubt that this will be a killer plague but burning bodies of people who die from contagious infections is normal protocol to keep viruses from infecting soil and the water supply. Appointing backups for emergency situations also is standard protocol, more than anything the whole world is just finding excuses to delve into hysteria and melodrama. This has been the case at work over the past two weeks, I'd almost guess people seem to feel they are living out some kind of reality show without a camera. There has been a lot of that in this state with emergency services in the past four or five years and it never pans out. This time next year the same people will be on this site predicting the flu is going to off 3/4 of humanity, how many years has this gone on? It's been a dud so far as lethality goes. If anyone really wanted to off humanity a big dose of ebola or rabies would be quicker and probably cheaper.

>> I think this is the IMPORTANT point in this thread.

It is not really time to panic, that people in government are planning for a contingency. They have to be prepared for the WORST that can go wrong.

Swine Flu seems to be many orders of magnitude LESS dangerous than the common Flu (I think about 30,000 die from that each year in the US alone). And that was true about the Avian Flu.

The main problem may be in How the Swine flu works, and anything that crosses species is dangerous. The whole story isn't written yet. I think the real fear of scientists, is that this flu can pick up more dangerous properties, and "borrow" from other diseases in pigs and humans.

I don't have a lot of discipline, but I quit eating pork a few years ago for three reasons.
1) Anything as smart or smarter than a dog is off my menu. Includes Octopus. It's just pretty dang cruel, the pigs know what is going on when we raise them on farms that pack them next to each other. The "Factory" farms swelter at about 140 degrees and the scent is unbearable. Hogs are more fastidious in the wild than humans and have more sensitive noses. It's a life of pure torture for them.
2) Humans and pigs have very close immune systems. The religious ban on Pork and shellfish, came about from practical consideration for their ability to transmit diseases. We now have refrigeration and ways to test for cleanliness -- so a lot of the original reasons have changed. However, with the proximity of humans to pigs and the new farming methods -- it's bringing back the original problems. And the toxic runoff in coastal waters is making shellfish a concentrated source of mercury.
3) Genetic experimentation and organ transplants. One of these days, something is going to get out of a lab -- it's only a question of when. Pigs are getting human genes, or at leas immune markers injected in them, so that we can harvest their organs for transplant. It would be dangerous if these were monkeys -- but it's even worse because pigs are a food animal. Ethically, one day a baby piggy could potentially start saying; "Mamma!"

A lot of animals are probably as ethically/emotionally developed as humans.

>> This virus may not be the big break-down in the separation between swine diseases and humans. But if making money on cheapest cost farming and making money on throwing human genes in another animal in the least ethical way possible -- it is only a matter of time.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
reply to post by Haydn_17

Thats the beauty of this site. Being able to present a topic and debating it to come to some sort of truth. If you look at a lot of the UFO/alien threads, there really hasn't been one shred of tangible, undeniable proof but people still believe and when debated in a logical, mature, scientific way, we ALL win and come out with a little more knowledge than we had to begin with.

ATS is a great site full of intelligent people.

OK, I was with you up until the last sentence. Positive people might say that the intelligence Glass is "Half Full." If were totally full, then the extra intelligence probably spilled out of the glass. When we've ruined our metaphorical table cloth -- then we've got the truth.

I think the "beauty" is that there are no requirements for technical know-how and proof. It's pure speculation. I love science fiction, and I enjoy debating what sort of society a super advanced life form might have.

The premise is: Assume that the OP is correct, and what do we think -- which is a lot different on most other sites.

I've enjoyed a few "The Antarians/Reptilians/Grays are coming" mythology discussions on the site. Do I think they are impossible? No. I suspect that the Universe is very full of intelligent life -- and since it is intelligent, it is having nothing to do with us, which explains why we can't find any. If the Universe had a lot of dummies, they'd have said "Hello" a long time ago and our military would enjoy huge amounts of taxpayer money while creating a defensive strategy and scaring our pants off.

Aliens might have contacted humans, but they would make sure that nobody could prove it -- much like, we hide behind camouflaged blinds when we film animals in the field. Any government, that made contact, would of course lie about it, if there were any actual advantage whatsoever. The religions are already making a mint on telling us what the Universe/God thinks so there are no revelations to be had in that corner.

So what we know and are told, is exactly what we would get if there were aliens and if there weren't aliens. However, there is probably ZERO percent chance, that anyone posting here knows anything that I don't -- unless of course, they were to fall out of a 4-story parking garage a week later. THAT is substantive proof, in my book, that someone knows something important -- if they commit suicide and own a sports car.

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